Chapter 1

Brrr brrr brrr brrr"

"Oh my god,will somebody turn off whatever that is ringing",covering myself even more with the blankets."Wake up you ungrateful whore!"says or more like yells my mom while pouring me with cold water."Yes mom I'm up",getting out of my now wet bed.She rolls her eyes saying"Whatever.You should be grateful we are not beating your ugly ass up.Now hurry up and take a shower before you get late for school."Closing the door.

I get out of bed rolling my eyes.Yay first day of senior I'm so happy(note the sarcasm)I hate school.I'm being bullied and beaten by the school's queen b for absolutely no reason and to think I used to be her friend.Anyway let me introduce myself while taking a shower.My name is Lisa Daniels,I'm 17 years old turning 18 in three weeks.I'm being abused by my oh so lovely adoptive parents.I get out of my shower and choose an outfit for the day.

I go to the kitchen to grab an apple then take my car keys and go to school.I may be abused but they buy things just for a cover up because they don't want to ruin their reputation.I park my car at my parking spot and get in school.As I was in the hallway my friend Bella yells out,"LISA YOU BITCH.WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LATE?YOU COULD'VE TEXTED ME TO TELL ME YOU WILL BE LATE!"

"I'm sorry Bella.I woke up late and didnt think of anything else other than getting in school on time.You know I would text you if something happened and I couldn't come to school right."I tell her."I know Li,I'm sorry I just freaked out.Did they do anything to you today?".Bella is the only person who knows about my situation at home."No Bee,today it was another lucky day"

We go to my locker and I grab my first period books then we are off to class since we share the first period."So how did you spend your Fall break?"I ask her."it was great.I was with my grandparents in Miami and there were so many hot guys there..."and she starts rambling about her fall break till we get to class and go to our sits.Some time after the teacher gets in class and starts teaching.Twenty minutes later the door is yanked open and the bad boy of the school and his friend gets in and they go to their sits at the back of the class.

The teacher just keeps teaching because all the teachers are used to their sort of behavior and just let's them do whatever they want.During class I feel someone's eyes on me and when I look to see who they belong,I get the biggest surprise of my life.It was Ryder who was looking or more like starring at me.

When he notices I noticed he is starring at me he doesn't look away but keeps starring at my face.I feel my face heat up and I look to the front.I wait till the period ends and hurry to leave class while grabbing Bella's hand."Why was the bad boy of the school starring at you in class?"I look at her before answering her,"I don't know Bee,he just was"

We part our ways and go to our second classes.And that is how it goes till lunch break.I meet Bella at her locker then we make our way to the cafeteria to buy our lunch and go to our table.While eating"He is still starring at you Li"I look at her confused."Who is still starring at me?"she nods her head to the side and I look at where she nodded only to find the bad boy.

"I have already gotten used to that ey.He has been doing that since first period.And I don't know why but I really like it"Bella stares at me like I just killed her dog."WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING?"making people in the cafeteria to look at us.

"Bella calm down.I was just saying okay.Nothing else."she just hums and the bell rings signaling us to go back to class.We leave the cafeteria and I tell Bella she can go to class I wanna go to the toilet.I finish in the toilet then make my way to class.

When turning I bump into someone.When I look at who it is I bumped.It was Ryder and he was looking at me intensely."oh my god sorry for bumping into you"looking at his crystal dull emotionless eyes."Its fine beautiful,are you okay?".I blush and tell him I'm fine looking at the ground.

"My name is Ryder,what's yours?"I stare at him curiously."My name is Lisa".He gives me a breathtaking smile."Nice name gorgeous.See you around"and he leaves.I just sigh dreamingly and literally skip to class.

I end up late in class and I apologize to the teacher and go sit.For the rest of the period I just daydream about Ryder.And that is how the rest of school goes till its after school.

After school I just go home and head to my room.I write my homeworks and watch Netflix while eating snacks till its late.I go take a shower and wear my PJs and head to bed.And its lights out just like that.I dreamt very naughty things about Ryder that night.