Chapter 2

So as usual I woke up late again and it is my first day of senior year.I just turned 18 last month and I haven't found my mate.Not that I want a mate.I go to my bathroom and take a shower.

I finished my shower after 15 minutes and I chose an outfit for the day.

I am not in a hurry to school so I just take my time going to the kitchen and I find my best friend Luca making breakfast since we live together and neither of us has found a mate.

"And the majesty decides to grace us with his presence"I just roll my eyes as he says that."Fuck off Luca,I'm seriously not in the mood".He just rolls his eyes in response and gives me my breakfast."And hurry up would you.We are late for school"

I nod while eating.After I finish eating we go to our cars and drive off to school.We are twenty minutes late for our first period.I get in class and I get the most intoxicating scent I've ever smelt.

My demon screams"MATE!!!"and I am shocked as fuck but don't show it.I just go take my sit and scan the class for who the scent belongs to only to find out it belongs to Lisa,my classmate.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her and when she looked at me,I saw the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.She was so beautiful with her emerald eyes shinning with curiosity of why I was looking at her.Her long wavey hair.Her beautiful smooth skin.I got a hard on my just looking at her.She then looked at the front with a blush on her cheeks.She was just adorable.

I stared at her till the class ended and watched her leave with her friend."Dude why have you been starring at Lisa like that?".I just respond so low that I didnt think he would hear me"I just found my fucking mate"."Now why the fuck didnt you go after her?and I also found my mate.Its her friend Bella".

We decide we will ask them out on a date tomorrow.And I spent the rest of my classes thinking about my mate till it was lunch.I saw her sitting on her usual table and I just couldn't stop myself from starring at her till lunch ends.

On my way to class,I bump into someone and just as I was about to yell,I smell that breathtaking scent and I look down to see Lisa standing in front of me.I just give her the best smile I didn't even know I had and introduce myself even if I know that everyone in this school knows me.I just wanted to talk to her or just hear her voice.

And oh my god her voice,her voice was the most angelic thing I've ever heard.I just tell her that I'll see her around and go to class.And I think of her for the rest of school.After school I watch her go to her car and drive away.

I get a call,as I check who it is.It is my father,Lucifer.And he tells me that I should find my mate soon so that I can be the Demon King."Dad I already found my mate.But she is not 18 yet so we will have to wait till she is 18 and she is also a human.So that will complicate everything.And I have to tell her what I am and also show her.So just be patient okay.I will call you later"and hang up.

When I get home I go to the gym and work out for about an hour or two before going to take a shower.When I'm done taking a shower I go to the kitchen and cook something for dinner.Yes,I know its surprising that I can cook.My mother made sure I know how to cook before she passed away.

She told me that women love a man who can cook.So I made sure I learnt how to cook so I can just spoil my mate from time to time.When I'm finished cooking I go to the lounge and find Luca watching some horror movie so I decided to join him.

After about an hour the movie ended and we ate dinner then watched more movies When it was nearly midnight I went to bed.I lay on my bed thinking about how beautiful my mate is before going to sleep and dreaming about that gorgeous  mate.