Chapter 4

He took me to the car and opened the door me for and I thanked him."So where are we going?"looking at him.He looked at me"Sorry but I ain't telling you anything.You will just have to wait and see."I rolled my eyes pouting and crossed my arms in front of my chest and he chuckled."Please tell me."he just shakes his head with a small amused smile.

"You know if I didn't like you so much I would be mad at you right now."but I covered my mouth as I realized what I said.He brakes the car roughly and turns to face me,"What did you just say?"oh my god what have I done."Lisa please repeat what you just said I wanna make sure I wasn't hearing things."he pleads."Well I just said if I didn't like you I would be so mad at you right now."I repeated looking at my now interesting fingers."You not playing with me right now,right?"and I shake my head."Oh mY god you don't know how bad I wanted to hear you say that.I like you too,but I would prefer if we went on this date first,get to know each other more before talking about all this okay?"."Yeah,I guess its fine."

Ryder's POV

I don't want to lie but I have never been this nervous my entire life.I mean who wouldn't be.I am taking my mate on our first date.I am now in front of her door and I ring the bell.After waiting a few seconds,my beautiful mate opens the door.

And fuck was she hot,I could already feel myself getting hard and my demon trying to get control.But I keep my cool and keep checking out and realise she is doing the same and we haven't said anything to each other so I decided to talk first."Fuck,you hot as fuck babe."I said licking my lips and looking her up and down."Thanks,you don't look bad yourself"."Well let's go ey"

I open her the door and let her get in my car and I do the same as well.I hope I don't fuck this date up.After a couple of minutes she asks"Where are we going?"but I just look at her and tell her"Sorry,but I ain't telling you anything."and she rolled her eyes pouting then crossing her arms in front of her chest.She is adorable."Please tell me."and I shake my head and smile an amused smile.

"You know if I didn't like you so much I would be mad at you right now."she covers her mouth after realizing what she just said.I then brake so roughly and turn to face her,"What did you just say?"she looks nervous and doesn't respond me."Lisa please repeat what you just said.I wanna make sure I wasn't hearing things."I plead,something I never do.I thought"Damn.This girl is changing me and she doesn't even realize it."

"Well I said if I didn't like you so much I would be mad at you right now."she says playing with her fingers as if they were the most interesting things on Earth.I have never been so happy in my entire life."You not playing with me right now,right?"I ask her.And she shakes her head.

"Oh my god you don't know how bad I wanted to hear you say that.I like you too,but I would prefer if we went on this date first,get to know each other before talking about all this,okay?"I say."Yeah its fine I guess."I carry on driving and the entire car drive is filled with comfortable silence.

After about 30 minutes,we park on the side road and go open her door."What are we doing here Ryder?"I grab her hand and walk into the forest."This is where the date will be."She looks at me like I'm going crazy."Are you sure your not trying to kill me because if you are then please don't.I haven't had my first kiss yet,I haven't even had my first boyfriend.I'm still a virgin.I would like to finish school and go to varsity then get married and have five children.I haven't even been to California.I have so much to live for.I would haunt you for the rest of your life."she said in one breath and I stared at her amazed and also asking myself how she could talk like that without needing to breath.

She realizes I'm staring and she looked at the ground"I'm so sorry.I didn't realize I was rambling again.I tend to do that when I get nervous or scared and it gets super weird and I end up saying stupid things and-,oh my god I did it again.I will just keep quiet now."

I just laugh and carry on walking and her to my secret and favorite spot.I had already lay down a towel and a picnic basket with different kinds out of food and snacks.I organized this before going to pick her up."Wow,this is so beautiful."But not as beautiful as you.I thought.

"So do you like it?"I ask scratching the back of my neck."No,"and my heart broke just like that."I love it."I have never smiled so hard in my life."Really?"."Yes Ryder.Its so Perfect."

"Okay so let's sit down and eat."after eating we played 21 questions,got to know each other,talk about our childhood memories and laughing like there is no tomorrow.

When it was close to midnight,she looked at me very seriously."So can we talk about earlier now?"I clear my throat and sit up."Yeah.Lisa I brought you on this date to tell you that I like you so much and I would love for you to be my girlfriend.I know we are moving fast cause we only started talking yesterday.But I have always had a crush on you since middle school and I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore.So, Lisa Daniels,would you please be my girlfriend?"

She stares at me for a long time and I feel my heart break as each second passes then she did the most unexpected thing ever.She kisses me so hard that it takes my breath away and I wrap my arms around get waist as she wraps her arms around my neck and deepen the kiss.We pull apart,"I would live to be your girlfriend Ryder Knight.You don't know how long I wanted this to happen."she says smiling.And I knew that from this moment on,I would do everything in my power to protect her from my enemies and love her for the rest of my life.