Chapter 6

Yesterday was amazing.Ryder and I watched more movies.Different genres but not horror.We just watched comedy,romance,rom-com,sci-fi yeah I guess you get what I'm talking about.

We eventually got bored of watching movies so we started playing hide-and-seek.It was so fun cause I was able to hide in places Ryder can't fit in because of how small I am.

It was so hard for Ryder to find me cause of where I was able to hide myself.It was so funny watching Ryder fuss over where I was.

He would sometimes pass me without even noticing me.But it was so easy for me to find because of how huge he is.Our hide and seek game ended when Ryder found me and decided that it was better making out than continuing playing our game.

But honestly.. I preferred kissing him am day than doing anything at all.His lips were so wonderful and they tasted so sweet.

But I wouldn't tell him that.Anyway we ate pizza later and just cuddled on the couch till Ryder got a phone call saying he should get home quick.I really wanted him to spend the night at my place but I can't.

We are moving so fast already.I mean we are already dating even though we started talking to each other on Thursday.Normal people don't do that right?

Anyway I'm getting off topic.What was I saying again?...ohh yeah,so I couldn't ask Ryder to spend the night so I just walked him to the porch and gave him a goodnight kiss.

I wasn't sleepy so I just continued to watch Netflix.I was watching Vampire Diaries and oh my God I just have to say Damon Salvatore is hot.I mean Ryder is hotter than him in my opinion.

But it just doesn't change the fact that he is hot.While watching I suddenly craved nutella.And let me tell you guys,I go crazy if someone eats my Nutella without asking.

I mean who would do that.Thats just mean.I remember this one time when I was at Bella's having a sleep over cause her parents weren't around and I started craving my Nutella and I just can't tell you how furious I was when I found out that Bella ate my Nutella.

After so many times of telling her that no matter what happens,DON'T EAT MY NUTELLA,but no..Bella just had to be Bella and eat my Nutella.I nearly killed her.And from that day on.She stopped eating my Nutella.

Ohh where was I again before I went for a stroll down the memory lane...ohhh..I went to take my Nutella and started eating it while watching Vampire Diaries.

I got sleepy at around 1am in the morning so I just left the living room just as it is,taking note of cleaning it tomorrow morning because my oh so lovely parents(note the sarcasm)told the maids to leave and they will come back when my parents come back which means I have to clean this house alone.

But I didn't stress myself about it cause I'm already used to it.They started doing this when I was ten years old as punishment for when I forgot to wash the dishes because I was busy with my homeworks.

As I went to bed,I started wondering why they even adopted me if they didn't want me.I know that if they didn't adopt me then I wouldn't have met Bella,Luca and Ryder.

But if they had left me at the orphanage I'm sure I wouldn't have been abused.I wouldn't be insecure and suicidal.I most certainly wouldn't have these hideous scars all over my body.I wouldn't be so disgusted with myself.

I would've had loving parents who would do anything to make me happy,who shower me with love,kiss my booboo when I was hurt,who would love me no matter what.

But I guess that's just not the life I deserve.I should be cursed or something to have so much bad luck in my life.

I should've done something that made everyone hate me so much.

I thought as I entered my room and showered and wore my PJs.I got in bed and I was lights out.

Suddenly I was having a nightmare

I was around nine years old when I was first abused.I was taking a glass so I could pour myself some water to drink cause I was thirsty when it suddenly slipped from my hands and it fell with a chatter.

I had broken a glass so I didnt think that it will make my parents so angry.I got so scared when I suddenly heard my mom shout at me then slap me so hard across the face I fell down and hit the kitchen table with my back and I let out an ear piercing scream

"Shut up you ungrateful child!Why did you break that glass?!do you know how much it cost and you just broke it!"I crawled away from my mom crying,"I'm s-sorry m-mom.I-I didn't m-mean to b-break it.I-it just s-slipped from my hand,"I said sobbing and hiccuping.

"You are going to be punished for what you did.We will beat you so hard then you will go to the basement and sleep there alone!I won't let any maids give you it will do you some good and you will finally lose weight you fat child!"

That night mom and dad beat me so hard I passed out and woke up 3 days later in the basement.Still in the clothes I was in the night they beat me up.And they were filled with so much dried blood.

I tried standing up and going to the door but it was so painful,I just gave up trying after several times of trying.That night dad came to the basement.I thought he came to tell me he is sorry and he is taking me to the hospital but it turned out I thought wrong.

"Come here baby.Take off your clothes so I can see where it hurts.I promise i won't tell mommy And it will be our little secret.She is not home right now."He told me so soft and sweetly and I did what he said cause he is my dad.

When I finished taking them off,he came to me and started touching me all over and it was really uncomfortable.He started being rough with me and trying to touch my little "kitty" down there and he wouldn't stop when I told him to.

"STOP!DAD PLEASE STOP!"as I said that I noticed he was starting to get angry then he slapped me across the face and I fell down."Stay down like that.I want to make you feel good",he said while forcing my legs apart.As I was about to tell him to stop again.

We heard the front door open and my mom shout,"Honey,I'm back!"my dad got scared of be in caught and he ran to mom."

End of nightmare


I woke up gasping for air to breath.I felt something wet run down my cheek then I noticed I was crying.That was when all the abuse started and all the happy family act stopped.

And luckily,that was the first and only time my father tried raping me.Nobody knows about that.Not even Bella.I knew if I told her then she would freak out and want me to pack my things and leave.But I can't.

Even if they do all those bad things to me.They are still the only thing close to a family I have.

I got out of bed and went to take a bath and brushed my teeth.I stayed in the bath till the water ran cold.I took a towel and wrapped it around myself and went in my walk in closet to find something to wear for the day.

After finding a comfortable outfit,I checked the time and realized that it was 11am,I went to connect my phone to the speakers and started playing some music.

I started cleaning the house while listening to music,singing and dancing.I was so caught up in all that,that I didn't realize that Ryder was leaning against the wall looking at me with a loving smile.

I screamed so loud and he just laughed at me then walked to me wrapping his big strong arms around my small waist and I wrapped mine around his neck in reflex."hey,so what are you doing here so early?"he frowned and asked"what do you mean early?haven't you seen the time?"i looked at him confused then let go of him to check the time and i saw it was nearly 3pm.

"Ohh,I didn't notice that it had been that long"I shrugged"so what brings you here?"I was genuinely curious."I missed you.Why else would I come?"I just shrugged again and didn't answer.

We went to the living room and I stopped the music and just talked and cuddled.He was telling me his childhood stories.


"Oh my god,you lying"I said while laughing.Ryder was telling me how he used to wear his mothers' dresses and make up."hey,don't laugh.I was 7 okay.its not even funny"he said pouting and can I just say,he looked so cute.

"Okay,I'm sorry.Its just that I'm trying to picture you wearing a dress and make up.oh my must have looked so cute."he turned his head scratching his neck awkwardly,looking anywhere but me.

I thought that I said something wrong,till I noticed his reddish cheeks.I was so shocked"oh my god.Ryder are you blushing?"he just shakes his head.

And I giggle a little bit."You know,I like how you act around me".I told him.He looked at me confused."What do you mean?"I smiled before answering,"You are yourself when I'm around.You actually show me your emotions."

"Yeah.And that's only because I like you and you make it easy for me to be myself."And I blushed while smiling and didn't answer him cause I didn't know how to answer him so I just went closer to his chest and cuddled with him.

I wish he doesn't leave me when he finally sees how ugly I am.What will I do when he finally realizes that he doesn't need me or he finally sees that he can do better than me.

But I won't spoil my mood thinking about such things so I just sat still and enjoyed the warmth coming from Ryder.

"Hey babe.Can I take you somewhere?"Ryder said all of a sudden."Uhm,okay"I put on my black airforce and we left.


Ryder has been driving for I don't know how long when he finally stopped in front of the forest.He got out of the car and came to open the door for me.I took his hand and looked around then back at him confused.Where are we actually going?

As if reading my mind,Ryder finally spoke"Don't worry.We are almost there,don't worry"I just nodded.After some time,Ryder let go of my hand to open some gate.

"Come on."I just followed him.When I finally looked forward.I saw the most beautiful view."oh my god Ryder This is so beautiful"

"I know.I found this place when I was mad at my dad a couple of years ago and decided to take a walk.I stumbled into this place.It was so quiet and peaceful.I just made it my peaceful spot.And now I can share it with you."

Not knowing what to say.I just hugged him and we just stood there looking at the sunset enjoying each other's presence.