Chapter 8

Ryder's POV

So today is the day that I go to see my father and lemme just tell you,I ain't looking forward to that.I just found my mate and I'm in the process of getting to know her but my father just can't seem to underatand that i want to spend time with her.

I really don't want to leave today.I want to spend Some more time with Lisa making out in her living room watching some movies and making out some more.

Right now I'm at mansion alone and I'm thinking about inviting Lisa here because she hasn't seen where I live and I'm sure she is curious about why I always come to her house but she can't come to mine.

So I called her and she picked up after the third ring and I asked if she wanted to come here and she said yes,so I told her that I would be there in ten.

I went out the house to Lisa's house to fetch her and I listened to some radio while driving and when I arrived I texted her to come out.And I waited for her to come out.

And when she did,she was beautiful.She was just wearing comfortable clothes but fuck,she was hot.I was waiting for her outside my car and I gave her a hug and a peck on the lips when she was in front of me.

"Hey babe,I swear you look beautiful in every single thing you wear.I just can't get over how beautiful you are." I tell her without removing my hands on her waist.

And she starts to blush."You look cute when you blush." I tease her and she blushes more and puts her head on my chest to hide her blush causing me to chuckle."Stop teasing me." I hear her mumble because of our current position causing me to chuckle even more.

I open the car door for her to get in and I also get in the car and drive to my house.My mansion isn't that huge compared to where I grew up.But when my father said I will be living here,I just knew that I won't be able to make him think otherwise.

Lisa's POV

When we arrived at Ryder's house,more like mansion,its freaking huge.I was at awe.The house is amazing.I wonder how it is on the inside.

Ryder opened the door for me to get out the car and held his hand out,I happily took it.He closed the door and guided me to the entrance of the house.And lemme tell you,if I thought that the outside was amazing,then the inside was out of the world.

How rich is this guy?I knew that the guy is rich okay,but I didn't think he was this rich.

The interior design for the house was breathtaking with grey furniture and white walls.Everything was clean.

Ryder's living room 👆🏼👆🏼

"Omg Ryder.Your house is amazing,why haven't you brought me here before?"I asked him curiously."I just preferred being alone with you at your house cause Luca is always here with your friend Belle."

I nod understanding what he is saying."So we are alone today?"and he nods wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning in so our faces were just an inch apart,"Yeah.And I want to kiss you so bad."I stare right into his eyes and say,

"So what's stopping you?"

And thats all it took for him to smash his lips on mine and kissing me roughly.I have to admit that I really like it when he kisses me like that.It turns me on.

He pulls me closer to his and moves his hand to my neck and tilts it then runs his tongue on my bottom lip,I granted him access immediately and our tongues move together in sync.

"Fuck princess,you don't know how bad I want to take you right now."his voice husky from the make out we just had.

I look at him innocently and say,"can we watch Netflix now?"he looks at me and lets out a deep chuckle that sent shivers to my spine."of course baby,we can watch whatever you want to watch.What's mine is yours."then sends me a wink.

And since I'm me,and still love Disney movies,I told him that I want to watch Tangled and he agreed.While we were watching the movie,I felt his intense star so I looked at him and asked"why are you staring at me like that?"

"Why wouldn't I stare at you?You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.I actually can't believe you agreed to be mine.The thought of you leaving me for someone else better than me makes my heart break into millions of pieces that I don't think anyone could be able to put back together.I don't think that I could ever live without you.You ruined me for anyone else baby.I just hate the fact that I won't be seeing for a whole fucking week because of my father."he tells me staring right into my eyes.

Ryder's POV

"Why wouldn't I stare at you?You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.I actually can't believe that you agreed to be mine.The thought of you leaving me for someone better than me makes my  heart break into millions of pieces that don't think anyone will be able to put back together.I don't think I could ever live without you.You ruined me for anyone else baby.I just hate the fact that I won't be seeing you for a full fucking week because of my father."I tell her staring right into her eyes.

"Ryder,no one will take me away from you.I'm all yours and nothing and nobody will change that.I know that I won't find someone better than you cause I don't think there is anyone better than you.You are perfect in my eyes.I would be stupid to leave someone like you.So don't worry about me leaving you cause that will never happen.But I'm also sad that I won't be seeing you for week so we should make today count since you will be leaving tomorrow morning.And I'm sure your dad called you to come for something important."she answers me without shifting her eyes from mine.

I just grab her by her neck and slam my lips on hers and kiss her deeply,putting all my emotions on one kiss.I pull away after sensing that she needs some air to breath and look at her,"You are so perfect."And give her peck on the lips

I pat her thigh and turn to look at the movie and realize that it already ended."Well since we didnt watch that,how about you choose another movie for us to watch?"

"Oh okay,but now we are watching Beauty And the Beast.Just because I love it and Beast reminds me of you.You are cold and closed off at other but you are a big softie with me."

I look at her with admiration.

How can someone be so perfect?

She is so innocent she doesn't even realize things around her

And her cute pout.

I just hope that she will accept me once I tell her what I really am.

I thought to myself.And we carried on watching the movie till later at night she I realized that my beautiful mate has fallen asleep so I carry her to my room and take of my shirt then climb on top of the bed and wrap my arm around her waist and she snuggles into my chest.I fall asleep with my mate in my arms and her magical scent.

In the morning

I wake up before Lisa and I decided to take a shower then make her some breakfast and put it beside the bed and write a little letter and put it next to the breakfast so that she can see it.I look at her and smile fondly,and kiss her forehead whispering"Goodbye my little mate,I will see you once I come back."