Chapter 9

Ryder's POV

It has been a few hours since I left Lisa asleep on my bed and I'm just wondering how she is or if she is awake.It hasn't even been that long but I miss her already.I miss her scent,I miss having her in my arms,I miss her soft strawberries lips,I miss how she feels in my arms.

Fuck,I miss her a lot.But I wonder what father wants to talk about that's so important that he needed see me and tell me in person.It is really strange because he never really does that.I don't even remember the last time I saw him and I am not looking forward to seeing him.

Let's just say he wasn't the ideal father figure in my life.He tortured me alot when while growing up and mother didn't do anything about it.She just looked at him doing all the fucking terrible things that he did.It is to prepare you he said,I am making you strong he said.

The fuck,all he did was just make my childhood terrible,he fucking made me heartless.I don't even know how to love or how loves feels.But I'm going to do everything in my power to not close myself to Lisa.She is everything to me I dont know what I would without her in my life right now.I don't even know how I was able to live this long without her or paying attention to her.

I could not ask for a better mate than the one I have right now.I wonder what I should get her for her birthday.Maybe I will find something interesting or that reminds me of her in hell.

Speaking of hell,I just arrived at my father's house,the house I grew up in,the house that has so many terrible memories that I would love to forget forever.When I get to the door a maid opened the door for me and gave me a very seductive look.Normally she would have turned me on but at the moment she just looked constipated.

Oh I remember this girl.Her name is Jane or Janice,I don't even remember well.I once had a one night stand with her but she was terrible and she started being on my neck and telling all the other maids that we are in a relationship even when I told her that it was just a one time thing.

What can I say,I was quite a fuck boy before I met Lisa.I wouldn't even spare a woman a second glance after getting what I wanted from her.It was just useless to me.Why would I want something that has already been used and besides I was only sleeping around to loosen up a bit and forget about what was happening at the house.

Now I barely glance at girl or woman.And no woman will ever be able to turn me on like Lisa can.So it will just be a waste of time and energy.I don't mind waiting for Lisa,I will wait however she wants then I'll make long sweet love to her at every single corner of my mansion.

I found my father in the living having a glass of whiskey neat with his legs crossed,staring at nothing,so I decided to announce myself.

"Father,I'm here like you asked of me."he snaps out of whatever trance he was in and looks at me."Oh son,sit down so I can tell you why I have told you to come here",he says with his usual cold and emotionless expression.I sat down and looked at him expectingly.

"You should listen to what I say attentively because I won't repeat it again and I know I should have told you this sooner but I thought we would have found her by now."I just looked at him confused wondering what he is talking about but nodded for him to continue.

"Twenty years ago,my best friend,Connor found his mate after a very long search for her.But the only problem was that Connor was a vampire and his mate,Nevaeh, was half witch half werewolf and hybrids were not really accepted,they still aren't.

So when Connor told me this,I was really surprised and didn't know what to do because I didn't want to lose my best friend but I chose to protect my kingdom and took a decision to kill her without letting Connor know.But someone from inside the castle or kingdom heard this and went to tell Connor about my plans so he decided to run away with his mate.

At that moment I told all the other species about this and we all agreed that killing them will be the best option but they disappeared for two years but we kept searching for them because we were terrified of what will happen if they had a child.

That child would be very powerful and would be a mix of three very powerful species.We found them when one of our guards said that he saw Nevaeh in the middle of the forest picking some fruit and he followed her to see where they were staying and he came to tell us immediately after seeing where they lived.

Unfortunately when we got they had already left,it seemed like they were in a rush because they forgot a picture of Nevaeh with a baby girl in her arms smiling looking at the camera.

And at that moment we knew that we had to find them fast before the child grew and became powerful so we were planning how to kill them and found them after six weeks but when we found them they had already hid the baby so we killed them and continued looking for that girl but we never found her.

So fast forward to eighteen years later we still haven't found her but we know that next week she will be turning 18 and she will be able to use her powers and find out what she is and also find her mate or mates since she is a hybrid

So you need to find her soon before she can be or does any harm."

I just stare at him with shock visible on my face,not believing what he just told me.I can't believe he betrayed his best friend like that just because his mate was a hybrid.

How can a person be so cruel,they even wanted to kill an innocent baby.And now they want me to be a part of their messed up plan.

I just stared at him not knowing what to reply him with since I know he will force me even if I refuse.