
It was a Monday night just like any other week, except the heat and humidity had been unusually high for the past few weeks, making it almost unbearable for anyone who was brave enough or forced to go out. In the midst of the traffic jam, the last bus on the route was as overloaded as ever with tired, corporate slaves trying to make their way home. The unlucky ones were standing in rows, shoulder to shoulder, while the fortunate ones had secured a seat, listening to music through their headphones, enjoying the late-night breeze.

One particular passenger stood out, a tall, stocky man who was sweating profusely in the stifling heat. He was trying to check his phone, his face etched with panic as he saw the time was already 8:30 PM. He had to catch the next train at 9:00 PM, and if he missed it, he would have to wait 45 minutes for the next one. To make matters worse, it would take him at least 25 minutes to get to the railway station from the bus stop if the traffic was clear.

At 9:02 PM, the bus finally reached the stop near the station, and the passengers rushed out, including the panicked man. He started running as fast as he could, along with other commuters, towards the station. In the distance, he could hear the announcement of the train arriving at platform no. 2. The full moon illuminated the path ahead, and the dense trees on one side of the railway tracks added an eerie atmosphere to the surroundings. If he had more time, he might have appreciated the scenery, but he had a train to catch, and time was running out.

As he approached the station, he could see the train already at the platform, people disembarking, and a sea of commuters waiting to board. Chaos ensued as everyone tried to get on the train at once, pushing and shoving each other. In some compartments, fights broke out as the passengers jostled for space. The man could feel his heart racing as he ran up the stairs towards the platform. He heard the train sound its horn, signaling its departure.

Most of the commuters had given up, realizing they wouldn't make it in time. But the man was determined to catch the train, and he ran even faster. As he reached the platform, he saw the train start to move. He grabbed onto the railing of the open door, trying to pull himself up onto the lowest pedestal. He managed to pull one leg up, but as he went to pull up the other, his hand slipped.

Time seemed to stand still as he fell, his legs now below the platform. The crushing blow of the train hitting him was unbearable, and his vision blurred. He could hear disturbing sounds and feel the weight of the train crushing his body. Panic and fear overtook him, and he tried to hold onto anything and anyone he could reach, but it was too late. His conscience started to fade, and he realized he was going to die.

The dread was overwhelming as he thought about never seeing his family again. He wouldn't be able to go back in time today, or ever. Regrets flooded his mind as he thought about the things he had left undone, the people he had hurt, and the opportunities he had missed. It was all going to end like this, his life snuffed out in a split second.

The man's body was eventually pulled from under the train, but it was too late. He had died on impact. The commuters who had witnessed the tragedy were in shock, and the platform was cleared for investigation. The police arrived, and an investigation was launched into the cause of the accident.