Reality hits like a Truck

Gareth was jogging outside of the midwives chamber with an anxious expression on his face as he heard his wife's scream of pain. After some time from inside came the crying of an infant. As soon as he heard he ran towards the door to the chamber, when he reached the door it suddenly opened in front, and out came two maids of the mansion carrying some clothes in a bucket.

When the maids saw him running towards them they became bewildered for a moment but they were well trained so they regained her composure fast and bowed towards him. "Good evening Sir" they greeted politely. "How is the situation inside?" he stopped them and asked about the situation with anxiety written all over his face.

Seeing their lord, who is brave and composed in every situation handling every aspect of the land with grace and matriculation, acting like this made him look more human to the maid and a tiny bit cute too. But being professional they did not let the smile come out and thoroughly explained the situation to him.

According to them, his wife had given birth to a baby boy and both the mother and the baby are doing very well. He could go and see them after some time. Hearing this he felt a huge border had been lifted off his chest then came to the joy of being a father which made him almost go in then and there but he restrained himself from doing that and waited for the midwives to complete their work.

After some time the door opened again and he was let in by the maids. As soon as he came inside the chamber he looked for his wife, who was lying in the king-sized bed covered by new and clean sheets. While she looked exhausted from all the work she had to do previously, as she saw him she gave a radiant smile toward him.

Seeing this he couldn't stop himself and hugged his wife as tight and gently as he could. "What are you doing dear? everyone's watching" Mary weekly protested while being a bit shy. one of the midwives handed the baby boy to the mother to hold.

"Look, look dear he has the same face as you" Mary excitedly exclaimed to Gareth who is looking at the baby and trying to hold back his tears. "He has your eyes," Gareth said as Mary gave the baby to him to hold. "He looks like both of us," Mary said as she touched the baby's small but cute cheeks.

"Did you think about a name dear?" Mary asked, "Yes, I had prepared beforehand but seeing him and seeing this cute little frowning face of his I think we will name him Liam, Liam Rutherford" Gareth solemnly said standing by the big glass window looking over their land.


On the other side, Liam felt like the train had hit him again. He had his doubts about the situation but he still kept hope that he is in a coma and this is some kind of lucid dream he was in, but the reality is out of his wildest imagination, it seems the religious preaching of his grandparents which he ignored as he grew up came true. It seems he had reincarnated after his death, this first made him feel sad as his hopes of getting out of a coma and seeing his family and friends again got shattered. As time passed and he got the clarity of his thoughts he started to inspect his surroundings.

This made him feel more dumb and frustrated, first, he seems to be a newly born so his scope of movement is practically zero. His eyes also could not focus correctly. He could hear the others talk but could not comprehend what they were saying.

Despite all this handicap, he still took in all that he could, it seems he is in quite a big room with a big window, you are asking how he can see all this, because of this idiot who now seems to be his new father, kept holding him by the big ass window with all the Sunrays going in his new and delicate eyes which you wouldn't believe heart like hell.

The thing which made him most confused is the weird situation of the weird masked people chanting something and with a glow all those weird particles he could feel coming out from them and making things vanish in thin air like some kind of magic trick.