When I came to I was laying on the ground in the middle of a city. The architecture looked similar to something from medieval England with most of the buildings being being mostly made up of brick and wood. I looked up at the sky to see dark clouds circling around overhead with the sound of thunder in the distance.
"What the hell is this?"
I said out loud not understanding what had just happened. A few moments ago I was standing in the public library but now I'm outside I'm the middle of the road of some city I've never seen.
"This must be one of those cases of being summoned to another world"
I thought to myself. I had seen similar things in video games and books I've read but now it had actually happened to me.
"Alright. I better go to the guild and get my adventure rank."
I stood up walking down the dirt road looking for any building resembling a guild. Usually in these types of stories there would be a large 2-3 story building around the middle of the city where people would go to register as an adventurer find quests and get all of their important adventuring materials from but as I was walking I noticed something-
"Where's everyone at?"
I had been walking a good 5 minutes in the middle of this city and I hadn't seen the first person, no I hadn't even heard anyone. There was no sound at all except the sound of the wind blowing and the thunder in the distance.
I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and quickly swung my head around to see what was going on and then-
"Oh shit!"
A girl was in the middle of swinging a dagger right towards the back of my neck. I quickly took a step to the side just narrowly dodging the attack.
"Oh damn you dodged? Wait your not one of them are you? Haha I'm soooo sorry man"
She said while twirling her dagger and then putting it back into its sheath on her hip. She couldn't have been more than 15 years old, She had short roughly neck length brown hair and brown eyes. Her cloths and face were smeared in dirt and her shirt and pants was ripped revealing her stomach and thighs respectively.
"What the hell is wrong with you? I seriously thought I was about to die just then! Also what's up with your outfit? Don't you think that's a bit revealing for a little girl like you?"
"Not that it's any of your business but I turned 15 last month so I'm technically an adult and also have you seen what's been going on!? I haven't exactly had time to go pick out some fancy cloths so I can look nice."
So the age of majority here is 15? That's really sad I thought. I couldn't imagine turning 15 and then being sent off to work and having to pay taxes and all that but I had just turned 18 last week so I'm probably not one to talk. anyways something else she said had caught my Interest.
"Have I seen what's going on? What do you mean?"
"You seriously don't know? How the hell don't you know!? You live here don't you man??"
"Umm no actually, I just arrived here a few minutes ago and you see I'm not exactly sure where I'm at so could you help me out? I'm looking for the guild."
I decide not to tell her I'm from another world as that could possibly complicate things. I've read books where people would reveal they weren't from that world and their friends wouldn't believe them or they would be killed on the spot so I thought it best if I didn't risk it for now.
"The guild? You seriously don't want to go there dude."
"Why don't I want to go there?"
"Do you seriously not know?"
"No I seriously don't know so can you please explain what's going on?"
"Ugh, alright fine I guess I will."
She said while bringing her hand up to her face looking just slightly annoyed and confused. However nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to hear.