Chapter 5

Later that evening Kei took a cab over to the address Liam had given him and arrived early at a large company named 'Zhao Entertainment.' But despite being early, Kei Yun entered into a wide and spacious studio that was constantly being filled with a large number of people.

Surprisingly, Liam was true to his words. Just for the first days shooting schedule alone, there were so many people lined up and waiting.

While he was only supposed to be having a photo shoot for a second-tier magazine as a test to become a main model. Looking around from his personal experience, the studio was set up as a first-tier photo shoot instead. As there were long rows of dressing rooms, some with doors and others wide opened containing four to five models each. In addition, there were seven photograph booths already set up in the studio at the same time. He estimated swiftly that there were at least over 50 to 80 models present in the studio.

All tall, handsome, and charming models.

Just how big was this star named Nathaniel Zhao?

Making a mental note to research him later, Kei Yun joined the line and stood waiting for nearly an hour before it was his turn. Confidently, he walked forward into a large room that was located in the back of the studio. Kei Yun was quickly welcomed to three people sitting behind a table in the middle of the room. Closely they sized up Kei Yun's appearance, looking for flaws and gains. "Have you ever been a model?"

"Yes. I've modeled a couple of times before. " Kei answered vaguely. "But till now I've yet to model for a prime magazine."

Which was true yet not true. He had modeled for top magazines in his lifetime on multiple occasions. But Haru had not, only venturing into tiny commercial shoots here in there to gain fast money.

"We're not giving just anyone a chance here. We need a person with keen experience and a perfect temperament to match." The women behind the table stated coldly. "Do you know this?"

Kei Yun nodded. "Eh."

"Good." Her cold tone softened a bit. "Turn around so we may examine your physique."

Following her orders he steadily turned around in a 360 degree angle, showing all of his portions. Standing at 6'0 feet with a pair of slender legs, Kei Yun had a beautiful figure. He just leaned more towards the thin side making it a bit hard to distribute his portions perfectly. And to add, he was still wearing his University uniform that loosely hung over his body.

The three fashion critics soon began discussing a few words while writing down on their clip boards one after the other. When the whispering suddenly stopped abruptly, as a shadow suddenly stood up from the corner of the room and walked straight towards Kei Yun. Revealing a tall man with jet-black curly hair that stretched till the end of his ears. With eyes that were a dark sapphire blue. Pairing well with an aura that was elegant yet cold and distance at the same time.

It was no one other than Nathaniel Zhao, the man in charge of this modeling recruitment.

And at this moment Nathaniel had a cigarette hanging between his lips, reservedly smoking it. Causing Kei Yun who disliked cigarettes' to cough as the smoke entered his lungs uninvited.

But even then he was still a bit shocked at the man standing right in front of him.

"I need to measure your ratios." The tall man commanded as he casually pinched out his cigarette.

Quickly gaining back his composure, Kei Yun had spread his arms out airplane style. While Nathaniel started measuring Kei's shoulders with a tape ruler designed for body measurements.

The tall man smelled of tobacco and chocolate mints along with a faint smell of vanilla. A weird combination yet went well together as each smell blended nicely. Unknowingly giving Kei Yun an even better impression of him.

The tape measure lowered to his waist and wrapped around firmly. "I see your well." Nathaniel whispered softly, as he focused meticulously on taking the precise measurements.

"Uh.. yes. I'm well." This was exactly the man who saved him and ironically it was also the same man whose poster he took down yesterday. How small did the world have to be for them to cross paths twice within the same week. And despite the others busy life he still remembered him. "Thank you for the other day."

"Mmm." The man hummed not wanting to say much more about their encounter as he was now done measuring.

"Step to the side. I have to take your weight."

Kei nodded as he stepped on the scale that took both your height and weight. Once the score was taken he stepped off and stood back in his original spot.

Setting the tape down, Nathaniel took a bacterial wipe out from the box on the table, and thoroughly wiped his hands clean. Before once again reaching for his Newport and lighting another cigarette. While calmly calling out the measurements towards the three sitting down. He then glanced towards Kei Yun.

"Any questions?" he offered up thoughtfully.


"No? Your first primary shoot and your not curious in the least."

"I have no questions that I'm sure won't be answered during the shoot."

"Okay." Nathaniel responded, sounding satisfied with Kei Yun's answer. He casually turned his gaze away onto a paper full of names. "Haru Suzuki is your name, yes?"


"That's all." He flipped over a page on one of the clip boards on the table appearing to search for something. "Did you give us your contact information when you were signed up?"

"No." Signed up? It must have been Liam's doing.

"Then leave your contact information after the shoot before you go. We'd like to be able to contact you if you are picked amongst the lucky few."

Kei Yun nodded and stated a thank you before quickly leaving the room.

Seeing this the woman continued on. "Next!"

"No need." Looking in the direction the youth left in, Nathaniel said dismissively. "We have enough."

She looked toward her boss with some confusion. "No need?"

"That's what I said, no?" He raised an eyebrow at her. His expression not at all offended by her questioning, as he knew she meant well.

The assistant nodded. "Yes that's what you said Mr. Zhao. But what about Ms. Wong. It's been several weeks and we still have yet to find the one. At the rate we're going it'll be a very long time before we find them. It's already been 5 months since our search began. And Ms. Wong will be even more pissed to know that the extra duration she gave us isn't working and we'll soon need another one on top of it "

"Worried?" Nathaniel laughed.


"Don't be. I'll worry about Ms. Wong. You just focus on doing your job."

Li Jing nodded stiffly, clearly still visibly worried for the other. Fearfully dreading the day that they'd have to once again negotiate with mad women.