Chapter 4

His gaze met a pair of pale green eyes belonging to an astonishingly handsome young man, with hair the color hazelnut. Standing at a height of almost 194 cm. He appeared to be of mixed blood or full foreign. Kei Yun couldn't fully tell as the other seemed to speak perfect chinese as if he was a native.

"Where've you been all this time?"

"I just got out of the hospital not too long ago. The doctor ordered me to rest for at most 24 hours once I returned home." Kei responded lightly, appearing to brush off the matter of his absence. "Did you need something?"

"Don't tell me you forgot." The young man narrowed his eyes, the corner of his mouth flicking up into a small smile.

Kei shook his head. It appeared he had some business with this man that he wasn't aware of.

"Me and you made a deal. I help you land a modeling gig and you repay me however I see fit."

'What type of fucking deal was this?' His frown deepened. "Why did I agree to such a ridiculous thing?"

Amused by the younger's expression of 'total disgust' the young man lifted his head up and laughed out loud. As he couldn't help asking Kei Yun, "What exactly did you go to the hospital for?"

"Drowning. And a concussion." Kei Yun answered.


"Yes. I've suffered a bit of memory lost because of it. So I don't remember much of anything." For the time being because of his lack of memory inheritance, he could only result to blaming everything on amnesia.

"Memory lost you say." Liam extended his gaze and gave the beautiful man standing in front of him a full once over, his gaze intense and full of probing. "I haven't seen you since last month, yet here you stand carrying not an ounce of familiarity with you. You seem like an whole entire different person."

"That's what happens when you lose your memory."

"Since when did amnesia give a person the ability to fight over night?" Liam chuckled in half amusement and half disbelief. "I'd surely like the name of the gym you've been working at."

"Who said I couldn't fight."

The man smiled mischievously. "You did."

Surprisingly, this person was keenly perceptive. His smile was easy on the face and his voice was steadily playful. But his eyes were sharp and gazed straight into the soul. It was obviously clear that he doubted what Kei Yun was telling him. Yet for some reason he played along with it.

'But what of it?' Kei couldn't care less if his lies were found out or not. Because in the end the last thing a person would think of would be a reincarnation. Unless just like him, the other also read a bit of fantasy books with those type of genre's within his spare time.

"You don't believe in miracles? Some people who experienced a hit to their head were able to speak a language never studied before. Others developed a talent out of the blue." Kei Yun shrugged his shoulders with an uncaring attitude. "Such is the way of life. Unpredictable."

He had experience countless trials and tribulations in his past life. Especially when he lived in the life of showbiz. He had years in honing the skill of keeping his composure when facing any unexpected situation. So the doubt Liam had in him didn't faze Kei Yun in the least.

Attempting to pry information out of him wouldn't be at all easy.

Curling up the corners of his lips, Liam folded his arms and observed Kei Yun's graceful features that soften under the sun light through the window. "Agreed. Unpredictable indeed. No matter how I put my finger on it you've completely changed."

"You miss the old me?" Kei questioned half heartedly.

"A pretty face with a timid personality. Easily manipulated with not an ounce of courage in his bones. And highly desperate." He smiled warmly. "No. Not at all. But it doesn't matter as present you is a bit more interesting."

"So let's cancel our deal then." He didn't want to be tied down so early with anyone.

"Can't. Not when our little agreement was already sealed with a kiss. Even if you have amnesia I simply have no intention in voiding our deal."

Kei Yun was just reborn and no where near close to getting his revenge yet. But was already tied into a contract. 'How annoying.'

"But... since I like you. I'll make it more beneficial for you by changing the artist of our deal. From a B list celeb to a world wide one."

"!" Kei was a bit surprised.

"But getting the part is something you'll have to accomplish with your own capabilities." In the end Liam couldn't really care less if Kei Yun passed the audition or not. Because do to the deal they had, it was a win win situation for him. Succeed, and Kei Yun was his. Fail, and Kei Yun would still be his. His only job was to land an audition for the other and that was it.

It wasn't a deal equally benefiting both parties and he knew that well. But so did Haru when he agreed to it.

Kei Yun on the other hand for the moment didn't see any problem with this. As this was a chance to bring himself closer to his goal. Before spending the last 5 years as an Manager he was once a model. But he gave all that up to support Ming Yuan. Which, now that he thought about, was such a dumb decision to make. But in this life he'd take advantage of his talents and use them more for himself.

"Whose the artist?" Kei Yun didn't question how Liam was easily able to mingle with B and A list celebrities, as he had a vague idea from their short discussion that the man's background wasn't so simple.

"Nathaniel Zhao."

'Nathaniel Zhao?' He's heard this name before but he couldn't recall from where exactly. The name was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time to him.

"Right... Amnesia." Liam nodded to himself. "Simply put, he's a big time photographer and clothes designer, the son of two renowned stars. And lately these past few months he's been looking for a source of inspiration. A muse. And with your pretty face." He gently traced Kei's features. "I have no doubt you'll get picked."

Pushing Liam's hand away Kei Yun inwardly sneered. "With your features I also have no doubt in you getting picked."

Liam's smile slightly faltered. "Is this your cute little way of complimenting me?"

"It would be. If only you were just that good looking."

15 years in the entertainment showbiz, Kei Yun knew the industry didn't lack beautiful faces and that his good looks were one amongst many. And so in the end he could only depend on talent. But in Liam's remark he basically insinuated that Kei Yun was a talentless good for nothing who was at the bottom of the food chain. A porcelain doll who in order to survive had no other choice but to rely on his face to get through. Implying that the only way he could succeed and land the gig was if he sold his body.

This so called friend of Haru's was clearly just an acquaintance. If you could even call him that!

In Kei Yun's eye's he was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. Pretending to be gentle and friendly to let your guard down and once you did, it was over. He would have already had his teeth and claws embedded in you before swallowing you whole and spitting the bones out. Not once looking back at the life he destroyed, men like that were complete garbage.

But surprisingly Liam wasn't at all offended by Kei Yun's comment. The man's emerald eyes narrowed and his smile broaden. Further enhancing his foreign features. "You caught onto that?" He was now fully intrigued. "Not only are you braver then usual but your even wiser. I'm 'really' looking forward to the other half of our deal."