Chapter 3

Turning on his brand new phone Kei sat down at a near by café and began to search up his death. As weirdly as that sounds he really wanted to know what exactly happened after he fell off Beijing bridge. Yet the longer he searched the more his expression turned solemn.

"What, the fuck." Kei grumbled in shock. Once again reading over the article for the 3rd time.

He didn't die just three days ago, he died three months ago and his death was labeled as an robbery gone wrong.

He was disgusted as he watched an interview of no one other but Ming Yuan announcing his death as a tragic, unfortunate event. He witnessed as Ming put on a performance of crying appearing to be in utter distress. Claiming that he told him not to go out so late at night. That it was dangerous but he didn't listen and still chose to go out.

He Cheng, who sat next to the other looked haggard and distraught. Bags hanging under his eyes, appearing to have completely aged over night. They both looked depressed because of his passing but Kei Yun was the only one who knew which reaction was true and which was false.

Ming Yuan as he planned had got exactly what he wanted. And this angered Kei to the extreme. His death was fucking fabricated and he knew that Ming wasn't powerful enough to cover up his death, which meant that there was a third party involved.

'Just whose bed did he sleep in to make that happen?'

Kei couldn't narrow it down as there were too many people in showbiz with powerful backings. There were even some that dabbled in the underground world. So the answer to his question at present, would only lead to dead ends. As he was no longer Kei Yun the big time celebrity with connections, but Haru Suzuki, the poor college student.

'Just great...' Kei Yun groaned in slight annoyance. And here he thought he would have at least gotten some type of justice for his murder. But that wasn't the case as his killer was still walking around merrily excepting awards and sustaining his career.

This alone stimmed his hatred even more. It was just unforgivable. He needed Ming Yuan to fall into despair like never before. Such thing was only fair. But he'd take his time in doing so as his current circumstances didn't allow him to be hasty.

Laying down 1000 Yuan on the table he got up and left the small café and headed towards a mall to buy new clothes before heading back home to his apartment. Today was Sunday and he'd soon be going back to X University tomorrow. He needed to have something nice to wear for the first time at college.


Entering his apartment with huge bags of clothing and food, Kei went straight to his room and locked the door. Putting his clothes away he began to eat the fast food he bought, opening a box of spicy fried chicken and fries. Casually scrolling online he steadily ate his food leaving not even a crumb behind as he was very hungry. The food they served him in the hospital nothing but bowls of porridge and so he wanted real food. The greasy chicken and fries weren't healthy but they were good.

Finishing up, he ate a bowl of fruit drunk two bottles of water to wash it down, and then went to go take a 30 minute shower before going to bed and falling asleep for the rest of the afternoon.

When Kei Yun woke up the next day he was introduced to his drunkard of a father who lied passed out across the living room floor. Smelling of garbage and heavy liquor.

The sight was a bit embarrassing but what could he do. He had no plan in helping the other get his shit together, as he better things to do.

Stepping over the unconscious body he went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for classes. Once ready he grabbed his bag with his ID and left. Getting on the bus he took it all the way to the University and got off in time before the first class started. Diligently he sat in his seat and started working once the professor walked into the room.

And so for hours upon end he walked from class to class on an empty stomach till it was 12:45 pm in the afternoon. Hungry and now on a break from class he turned towards the schools café and bought a couple of meat buns to satisfy his hunger till dinner time. Quietly he sat in the back of the café and slowly ate his food, wanting to savor every bit before he had to go back for his last class.

But surprisingly he couldn't eat his food as peaceful as he wanted to, when he was soon approached by two unexpected guess. A large man with hair dyed red and a lanky man who walked stiffly.

Kei Yun stared blankly at the other. 'Who was this?'

He had inherited memories of Haru but it was only the basics. He had no idea who these people were that stood in front of him. Nor why they looked at him with eyes that could kill, especially the red headed one. 'Was this some kind of extortion?'

"Can I help you with something?" Kei asked skeptically looking at the two men who surrounded him. But who knew that instead of responding to his question he was attacked.

The red headed male had yanked him off the chair by his hair and pulled his gaze upward to meet a pair of venomous eyes. "You sneaky little bitch. You think you could escape paying me by running away for a couple of days. Are you that fucking stupid?!"

'You can't be serious right now.' He rolled his eyes in disbelieve. He said it as a joke but in the end he was actually being extorted. Just what the hell was this?! And why did they have to resort to violence out of a sudden, did they not want their limps intact?

Frowning, Kei Yun wrapped his left arm around and under the arm that gripped his hair, skillfully creating a lock. He then folded his right arm an brong his elbow forward. Smashing it head on into the mans face. Once the hold on his hair had been broken he tightened his arm lock and once again swung his elbow forward. Causing blood to splatter on his elbow as the second impact broke the mans nose.

Did they really think he was easy to bully? Fine. Today he'd teach these so called gangster's a lesson.

Casually leaning his head back he dodged an attack from his right. Letting the man within his arm go he swiftly grabbed the second dude by his head and slammed his face into the table, knocking him completely unconscious.

The fight ended in seconds. What extortion? These people were a joke. "Pay you money." Kei snickered coldly. "Are you delusional?"

No wonder the past owner of this body had committed suicide.

Completely disregarded at home, bullied in college, and working two jobs everyday that paid below minimum wage while also being left in debt that wasn't even his. Who could blame the kid. He was practically forced into death as a way out.

And luckily for Kei Yun in his past life he had taken up combat lessons at a young age. Being an orphan since birth he couldn't depend on anyone to protect him but himself. So he made a hobby out of fighting which came in handy during his wild middle school and high school days. Since then he was capable of always defending himself.

"Haru?!" A voice full of surprise called from behind as they approached. "Since when did you learn how to fight? Don't tell me these past days I spent searching for you. You were somewhere training it up in a gym?"

Kei Yun turned around in displeasure. 'Who is it now...'