Chapter 50 - Unification


---The next morning---

On the bed,

On a large bed, Lev woke up from his slumber while feeling bliss. He still remembered what had happened last night and he could not help but wear a smile. Following that, he then looked at Xiao Wu lying next to him with Gu Yuena holding onto his shirt while sleeping. He smiled seeing how considerate and understanding Gu Yeuna was upon he talked about his situation which brought him to caress her and Xiao Wu's heads, but his mere action caused the two to wake up.

With that, Xiao Wu at Gu Yuena got up as they fixed themselves before staring at each other. Not long before that, they looked at Lev having different expressions on their faces as they remembered what happened.

Gu Yuena was looking at Lev with delight after experiencing something last night that was more exhilarating than kissing. On the other hand, Xiao Wu was looking at Lev with a questioning look on her face as she really couldn't believe that the Silver Dragon King was sleeping with them.

"S-She will be your sister in the future." Lev pinched Xiao Wu's cheeks while smiling. He then looked at Gu Yuena thinking that he could no longer reverse what happened as it would only do no good. Though they have only known each other for just a month and the feeling they had for each other might not be that deep, he believes that only time can tell.

Xiao Wu looked at Lev with surprise before looking at Gu Yuena who was staring at her seriously. She then stutteringly said, "Lor-. S-S-Sister, I never would have thought that you would also fall for Lev."

Gu Yuena, however, just looked at Xiao Wu without any reaction as she didn't care about her existence. Though she felt a little angry and jealous seeing them doing something last night, it also allowed her to see a completely new world and so she was completely curious as to her existence and nothing more.

Seeing Gu Yuena's reaction, Xiao Wu had a bitter smile upon not hearing any reply. She then just looked at Lev helplessly not knowing what to do while the latter was looking at her with an awkward smile.

"Well, let's wash up as we still have a long way to go." Lev could only escape from the current situation to ease the heavy and awkward atmosphere.

Xiao Wu then could only follow seeing her getting out of bed and heading outside directly to the pond.

Seeing Xiao Wu leaving, Lev then looked at Gu Yuena and said, "How about joining us?"

Gu Yuena opened her eyes and looked at Lev for a while before nodding.


In the pond,

Having a relaxing and nice time in the morning, Lev and Xiao Wu were already naked in the pond with Gu Yuena having some piece of cloth covering her private parts in front of them. With Xiao Wu around, she would not let anyone see her body that easily except for Lev.

As Xiao Wu was relaxing on the pond, she really could not help but look at Gu Yuena with surprise and adoration. It had been only a month did she knew about her existence and yet here they were now having a nice bath together.

"S-Sister, you're really beautiful. Lev must be so happy to have you." Xiao Wu said while staring at Gu Yuena's body. This was her first time seeing their Lord with such thin pieces of clothes, no, this is actually her second time seeing her if she considers what happened last night.

Hearing Xiao Wu, Gu Yuena looked at her with curiosity as she didn't bother about things like this but considering that her description of beautiful was completely different from human, she then just looked at Lev to see his reaction.

Meanwhile, Lev looked at them with a smile before finally focusing on Gu Yuena. Just like Xiao Wu said, he could only say that her body was very flawless and sexy at the same time especially now that he could see through her nipples despite it covered with thin clothes.

Lev kept on looking at it before he got hard in which Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena suddenly looked below the water and they could see his cock standing proudly and pointing toward them through the water.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao Wu became shy all of a sudden while Gu Yuena was curious about what happened. Not before long, Xiao Wu then slowly headed toward Lev while the latter gulped after seeing her walking closer to him.

As they were now close to each other, Xiao Wu looked at Gu Yuena first before she reached out something below. She moved her face closer to Lev and started licking his neck. Gu Yuena, on the other hand, was surprised and curious by her sudden actions as Lev started feeling very pleasant.

Lev did not know what Xiao Wu's reason was behind doing such a thing, but he did not stop her as it was feeling really good. He then just looked at Gu Yuena and saw her looking at them with great curiosity. He smiles before he moves towards the corner of the pond together with Xiao Wu.

Xiao, understanding what was Lev implying, immediately kneeled down and faced his raging cock. She looked at Lev first before kissing the tip of his cock before swallowing it whole afterward.

Gu Yuena started feeling hot about what they were doing as she had already witnessed it last night but she was still curious about what was happening so it drove her to move closer to them wanting to look at it closely.

Seeing Gu Yuena heading toward their direction, Lev smirked before reaching his hand out and grabbing her toward him. He then just moved his face closer and gave her a small peck on the lips before saying, "It is called a Blowjob."

With that, Gu Yuena, then pinned the word 'Blowjob' in her mind as she looked at Xiao Wu before leaning closer to Lev and starting to kiss him back which Lev received lustfully.

While Lev and Gu Yuena were immersed in kissing each other, Xiao Wu was also doing her best to satisfy Lev with her small mouth seeing her sucking Lev's cock like a lollipop while playing with his balls at the same time.

After a whole five minutes, Gu Yuena suddenly broke the kiss as she looked at Xiao Wu with her eyes glaring with seriousness. She then said or more like an order, "Let me try."

On the other hand, Xiao Wu looked at Gu Yuena in fear before she reluctantly left her position seeing her standing, and gave way for her to do what she wanted. It was still printed on her bones as a spirit beast that she should not defy her words as she was still her Lord.

Seeing this, Lev could not help but shake his head with a sigh, but it was only for a second. He then looked at Xiao Wu shaking before saying, "Xiao'er come here."

Hearing Lev, Xiao Wu then calmed down and moved closer to him. She couldn't help but feel relief that Lev was there as Gu Yuena's presence really scared her.

Meanwhile, Gu Yuena was now kneeling while looking at Lev's cock with curiosity. She keeps staring at it for a while before recalling Xiao Wu's actions last night and today.

Gu Yuena first held it with her hand from which she felt her body twitch from the heat coming from it. Following that, she then looked at Lev first and Xiao Wu before her mouth suddenly opened and swallowed up Lev's cock.

Lev could not help but open his mouth as he groaned before looking at Gu Yuena giving him a blowjob. Though it was the same blowjob he was getting from her, the sensation was very different. If Xiao Wu was an expert in doing it then Gu Yuena was very amateur but it does not mean that it was not good, in fact, it was the opposite because, unlike Xiao Wu, Gu Yuena kept his cock inside her mouth as her tongue was doing the work feeling it like a snake coiling around his cock.

"Yue'er." Lev muttered before his hand subconsciously reached out to Gu Yuena's head. He caressed it first before he started moving his hips as he started feeling really good about what was happening.

"L-Lev." Xiao Wu could not help calling out as it was her first time seeing Lev reacting like that and even when she or the others did it, he did not have such a reaction. She then looked at Gu Yuena and saw her looking at her. She kind of felt provoked so she doesn't want to be left behind seeing her holding up Lev's face and kissing him.

Meanwhile, Lev was feeling that he was on cloud nine this time. Gu Yuena's godly sucking and Xiao Wu's kissing make him feel like there is nothing else that would make him happy in the world.

With that, Lev, Xiao Wu, and Gu Yuena keep on doing something in the pond before they finally calm down and head back to the house for a breather and to prepare for what they were planning.



Outside the forest,

After eating lunch, Lev and Xiao Wu were now already on their way back to the empire but somehow Gu Yuena wanted to take them just outside the forest to see them off. It was not really a good move, but Lev still allowed it after being persuaded that nothing would happen.

Upon arriving at the outskirts of the forest, the group stopped for a while as it was now time to say goodbye. Lev had a wry smile on his face seeing Gu Yuena embracing him tightly.

"Yu'er. You can head back now. I promised to visit you often." Lev said while caressing her head while controlling the desires that could be seen in his eyes. Though bringing her to the palace wasn't an issue, it was still not time for her to face the world and her presence would only cause trouble.

Hearing Lev, Gu Yuena could only look at him. She knew her situation very well and her following them was not a plausible move at the moment from which she could only hold back now.

"Visit me or I'll visit you myself." Gu Yuena said with a small hint of anger before she let go of Lev and looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu, on the other hand, stiffened upon seeing Gu Yuena's gaze. She could not help but look at Lev wanting to ask for help.

Contrary to what Xiao Wu expected, Gu Yuena just scoffed before she disappeared from the place.

Seeing this, Lev just smiled before looking at the forest. Following that, he then looked at Xiao Wu before saying, "Let's go."


---One hour later---

Inside a village,

Following their journey, Lev and Xiao Wu stopped in a small village and decided to stop for a while to rest and eat something. They could actually immediately head back through one of Lev's skills, but he refrains from doing so as to enjoy this moment.

"Lev, why don't s-sister Gu Yuena follow us?" Xiao Wu curiously asked and wanted to know why. She did not find any reason why she could not follow them since it was already obvious that she wanted Lev and vice versa.

"Her following us would only make the Gods in the God Realm rush down here in the continent and this would completely ruin our plan. So, she could not go out casually before it was time." Lev then truthfully said. He also wanted Gu Yuena to follow them but it would put her at some risk and he won't allow it

Hearing Lev's explanation, Xiao Wu looked at him with seriousness before she continued eating without giving any follow-up questions. The same goes for Lev seeing him enjoying the food that the restaurant served them. Right after that, Lev and Xiao Wu then left the place and rushed towards the palace before night.


---Six months later---

Following their arrival, Lev then immediately put his focus and attention back to continental matters and completed all the unfinished business regarding the empire and the continent as a whole.

After six months of great work and effort, Lev then finally was hailed as the first-ever Emperor to unite the continent. During the past six months, Lev visited all Spirit Academies and all Clans whether hidden or not. Even the proud Clear Sky Clan could only bow their heads down after Lev suppressed them with his power.


True God's Palace,

On the other hand, Lev built another palace after uniting the mainland and it was built and located in the middle of the Douluo Continent. This palace could be said to be the most sacred palace ever built as only those people who were approved by Lev could come to this place.

This palace was also the final residence of Lev together with his lovers in the continent. It is a palace designed by Lev himself, building a combination of a modern and ancient style palace that awed every craftsman on the continent.


Living room,

After the unification, Lev had nothing much to do as all matters of the empire had been professionally assigned to competent people. As there were many things to work on, he had left everything to his people aside from outlining the future plans and direction the empire would take.

Right now, Lev and the others could be seen playing chess in the living room. Zhu Zhuqing and the others were interested in such a game as it only required intelligence to win. They have free time for today and so wanted to relax and have fun.

"Arrrghhh, I lost again." Sia complained as she lost again against Lev.

Meanwhile, Lev just laughed at her and then looked towards his other lovers and saw them seriously looking at the board. With that, he stood up and did not disturb them as he decided to head to the kitchen as it was already time for lunch. Sia, upon losing, also stood up and wanted to help.


Dining room,

After an hour, Lev had already called the others after he was done cooking seeing them now in the dining room eating the dishes he made.

Enjoying the food, Bibi Dong suddenly asked, "Lev, do you really need to face the Gods?"

Bibi Dong and the rest already knew the history of Lev and they didn't even question it as they loved him very much. She was very much familiar with the Gods as she was once a follower of one and the thought of Lev fighting them worried her very much.

"Well, it can't be helped. I could not go back to my world if I didn't complete the mission given to me. Don't fret, you already know how strong I am. Those Gods were nothing in front of the True God." Lev answered confidently. He knew that they were worried about him and he was thankful for that.

"Hmmm, just tell us if you need help." Bibi Dong seriously said. Although her strength decreased a little after Lev told her to stop following the test of the Rakshasa God, she was still confident in her strength in helping him deal with the Gods after being trained by him for the past six months and the fact that he had given her an external soul bone with great compatibility with her.

Lev couldn't help but smile and then assured them that there was no need to worry and told them to enjoy the food and then take the rest day to relax as they don't have any work to do and worry at the moment.



Lev's bedroom,

Nothing much happened during the day as they were now resting comfortably in his room. Unlike the others, Lev was still wide awake and was thinking about the next step he needed to take.

Lev could not help but think about the Gods above. He already guessed that they might move soon and planned to communicate with him, but he was already prepared about it. Though his strength becomes stagnant as he needs to kill a powerful being in order to improve, however, it is still enough. He knew that they could come here on the continent but it posed some restrictions and it required time.

Thinking about it, Lev could only sigh before getting serious knowing that it was already time to deal with them. No matter what happened, he was sure that he would come out victorious.


---The next morning---

As the sun rose, Sia and the others woke up one by one and saw Lev was missing. They looked at each other before they moved out of bed and headed towards the living room just to see him together with a beautiful woman.

Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan were completely surprised after seeing the woman. All of them could only say that she was very beautiful and admitted that she was way more beautiful than their sister, Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, was also surprised after seeing someone more beautiful than her but after seeing her together with Lev, she already guessed that there must be something going on with them.

Xiao Wu, meanwhile, was also surprised but she was surprised for another reason. She was surprised to see her in their home as this could only mean one thing.

Lev, upon feeling their presence, then looked at them with a smile and introduced the woman beside him.

"This is Gu Yuena, the Silver Dragon King, the overlord of Star Dou Great Forest, and also one of your sisters." Lev then introduced. For the past six months, he never forgot to visit Gu Yuena from time to time and it took him that much time to finally grasp her heart. It was difficult at first as Gu Yuena just wanted his body but with a little bit of effort, he finally got her.

Upon hearing this, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan immediately head toward Gu Yuena while complimenting her on how beautiful she is. Trying to ask questions has become a norm as they want to know more about her.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, just looked at her while nodding. She thought that Lev should only be the person who could have such a beautiful woman. She wasn't even fazed knowing that she was the Silver Dragon King as Lev had already told them about it.

"Lev, is this?" Xiao Wu, meanwhile, looked at Lev while thinking about it.

Hearing Xiao Wu, Lev looked at her with a smile as he knew what was going on inside her mind from which he then gathered them up and started telling them the whole story.

"Shouldn't we prepare something?" After a while, Bibi Dong was the first one to react. She knew it already beforehand so she wasn't fazed by the incoming danger.

"Don't bother. After knowing that the Silver Dragon King was still alive, the Gods would probably send someone to deal with her. Even God Kings themselves would probably come here but it would still take time." Lev replied while looking at their reactions.

"What should we do then?" Bibi Dong asked once more as she could not help it.

Lev looked at Bibi Dong before turning his head towards Gu Yuena.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. You can just stay here in the palace and leave the rest to me and Gu Yuena." Lev answered truthfully. With their strength, dealing with the Gods would be suicide. He was not belittling them but it was the truth and even if they could, he won't allow them as it hurts him to see them getting hurt.

"Is there anything that we could help with?" Bibi Dong asked again. She knew the fact that their pitiful strength would be useless but even still, she wanted to help.

"Truth be told, only I and Gu Yuena could actually fight with the Gods." Lev replied while shaking his head. Though he was grateful that they wanted to help, it would only put them at risk and hold them off.

Hearing Lev, Bibi Dong and the others became silent and could only blame themselves for being weak.

Seeing their reactions, Lev then stood up and headed towards them. He patted their heads one by one before saying, "We still have time. I will train you harder from now on. Increasing your spirit power during this period will be your goal."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing and the rest looked at each other before their faces then immitted with fighting spirit as their willingness to help Lev made their mind clear and determined. Now, their only enemy is time.

Following that, Lev's special training started while Gu Yuena also started preparing her spirit beasts army as she roamed all over the continent to seek them and round them up to prepare for the upcoming war.
