Chapter 51 - Unwanted Visitor


God Realm,

After Gu Yuena resurfaces upon the Douluo Continent, the five God Kings living in the God Realm immediately perceive her presence. Such an event caused them to gather once more and discuss how to deal with this matter as it was of great importance.

"Asura, how should we deal with this situation? The Silver Dragon King was now in the continent." A person who appeared to be in his thirties suddenly said. He had short, dark red hair, which was standing up like steel needles. His appearance was extremely dazzling. He just looked a little paler. The red light in his eyes flickered.

"Tsk, there is no need to discuss such a thing. We all wanted the same thing. Let's head down and kill her immediately." Another person butted in. As they were searching everywhere for where the Silver Dragon King was hiding, they never thought that she was on Douluo Continent all along.

Meanwhile, Asura God King just looked at them. He was also concerned about what was happening in the continent especially now that the Silver Dragon King had finally resurfaced. He said, "Let's make some preparations as we were not just dealing with the Silver Dragon King."

"That's right. There's that Lev, too. This is just a hunch but what if the Silver Dragon King and that human would team up? What should we do then?" Another God King suddenly asked since such a thing was really possible and just the thought that the Silver Dragon King had risk to show herself was maybe because of that.

Hearing this, the other God Kings then contemplated and thought that it might be possible since they had long known that he had a woman that is a soul beast, but they could not find any reason why that strange human would side with the Silver Dragon King and even if he will, why would he risk making enemy to them.

"Hmmmm. First that Lev human and now the Silver Dragon King. The era of the continent this time is pretty weird." One of the God Kings said while thinking about what was happening to the continent right now. They have witnessed many eras that happened on the continent, but this time was completely different from the rest.

As they were pondering upon the situation, they then looked towards Asura God King and waited for his order as he had the highest authority among them and so his decision was important.

"Send some of the people on the continent who were now on the test of other's God's Position first and see what was really happening especially on that human. Depending on his decision, we will act immediately even if we lose a promising talent by doing so." Asura God King decided. He doesn't want to conclude that Lev would be connected to the Silver Dragon King, and he really hopes that he doesn't as he has already long wanted him to inherit his God's Position long ago.


---Six month later---

True God's Palace,

Another six months passed and nothing much had changed but progress and development. True God's Continent had been developing like it had never been before under Lev's reign and also to the people who were on his side to achieve such great things.

Meanwhile, in some areas inside True God Palace, Lev could be seen having a sparring battle against Bibi Dong, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Xiao Wu together. For the past six months, they did nothing but train and train every day and solely focused on becoming stronger under Lev's guidance.

Seeing them sweating hard, Lev finally put the training exercise to a halt and told them to rest. He then turned around and headed towards Gu Yuena and Sia who were watching them in the corner.

Sia, upon seeing Lev, immediately stood up and gave him some water to drink.

Lev smiled at Sia sweetly and immediately drank the water.

After drinking what was inside, Lev suddenly paused as he felt something coming towards the palace from different directions, and judging from their strength, he could feel that they were all Extreme Douluos, a strength that would be considered a myth to some. He thought, 'Looks like they finally started to move.'

"Lev." Gu Yuena suddenly called while looking at Lev as she also felt their presence. After six months, she knew for sure that it was God's follower who had come because, unlike Lev, she could feel who was the God that the people who were coming served and followed.

Hearing Gu Yuena, Lev looked at her and nodded.

"Everyone, visitors are coming. How about heading up first and wash yourselves." Lev then turned around and suggested while looking at Bibi Dong and the others. As it was not that serious, there was no need to tell them the truth and so wanted to feel like it was nothing.

Zhuqing and the others nodded as they also felt very sweaty and sticky at the moment. It was only Bibi Dong who felt something must be going on as she stayed behind while looking at Lev and Gu Yuena.

Seeing Zhuqing and the rest leaving, Lev then looked at Bibi Dong and decided to make her part of it. He then also told Sia to follow the rest before they headed towards the palace hall and waited for the guests to arrive.


True God's Palace Hall,

Sitting on their thrones, Lev, Gu Yuena, and Bibi Dong could now be found looking towards the three people who just arrived and entered the place. He had already guessed who they were as one of them was even someone that he knew too well, Qian Renxue's grandfather, Qian Daoliu.

On the other hand, one of the three people inside is an incredibly beautiful woman. She wears a white and red gown with long sleeves, adorned with wrought silver. Her golden crown is shaped like a halo around her head, matching her golden scepter. Her ocean-blue hair falls like water down her back and to the ground. Her clear blue eyes seem deeper than the oceans, and their depths seem to encompass the experiences of the ancients.

And the last person is a tall, well-built man. He has spiked black hair reaching his shoulders, pale skin, and a domineering, fearless grin. He seems to exude confidence and effortless power.

"Did you know that no one except for us and the people I chose had ever set foot in this place ever since it was built? You three are exceptional indeed seeing that you are all Extreme Douluo, however, you better say something that made sense or else I would be forced to do something. Speak. What's your purpose?" Lev seriously asked while observing the three of them. It's not that he was clueless about what was happening, but he just wanted to hear it clearly from them.

Meanwhile, the three people who just arrived were also shocked and surprised, not because of what Lev just said but because of seeing each other. They had never thought that they would meet in this way after such a long time since the three of them had a history together.

"I am Bo Saixi and I came here with the order of God Poseidon." Bo Saixi introduced herself first. Though she wanted to talk to others, Poseidon's orders were a top priority.

"Tang Chen. Asura God." Tang Chen also introduced himself briefly. He came because Asura God King suddenly communicated with him and probably had the same goal as the others.

"Your Majesty, I'm also here with the order of Angel God." Qian Daoliu politely said. As much as he didn't want to meet Lev, he could not do anything about it because it was Angel God's order.

"Then, what did your Gods order you to do?" Lev then asked.

Meanwhile, Tang Chen who has already reached his limit felt annoyed and a little angry by Lev's attitude. It might be because he stayed in a place that is lawless which makes his attitude and manner somehow change into something.

"Kid, I don't know who you are, and I don't care even if you're an Emperor, but you better not act arrogantly in front of me." Tang Chen coldly said while giving off his death-like aura. He was used to being praised as the Lord of the Slaughter City and suddenly seeing someone acting arrogant completely annoyed him.

Hearing Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu looked at him while shaking his head. He understands Tang Chen's behavior, but he knows Lev more than he does, and thinking about the consequence of what he just said delighted him a bit.

Bo Saixi, on the other hand, was shocked by how much Tang Chen had changed but she was also curious about how the Emperor will respond. Though Seagod Island was far from here, she could still hear news regarding the situation of the continent even though it wasn't that accurate.

"A mere Extreme Douluo wanted to intimidate me with this pitiful aura. Interesting." Lev said as he looked at Tang Chen before he emitted a strong pressure and ran them down towards him wanting to teach him a lesson.

Meanwhile, Qian Daoliu wasn't that surprised by this pressure as he already guessed that much. He then just prays that Tang Chen would not provoke him more and behave like he was so he could avoid more suffering.

On the other hand, Bo Saixi was very shocked to see that such pressure was actually coming from a kid. It was then did she realized that this mission was very important as three Extreme Douluos were dispatched just to talk to a person.

With that, Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu were okay because Lev's pressure wasn't directed at them, but they could still feel the heaviness of it by looking at Tang Chen who was now already on his knees with his hands supporting himself not to fall on the floor fighting back the pressure seeing the veins popping out of his body.

Tang Chen who felt annoyed and angry before was now replaced with shock and sudden fear. It was his first time experiencing such humiliation and what's more devastating is that it was a person several younger than him that made him feel like that.

Lev then just smiled while looking at Tang Chen before he looked toward Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu without retracting his Spirit Haki pressure on Tang Chen. Knowing that these two were in their right mind, it was a good choice to have a conversation with them.

"Speak." Lev then said.

Hearing Lev, Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu looked at each other before deciding which came first.

"God Poseidon wanted to know if you had any connection with the Spirit Beasts, especially the Silver Dragon King." Bo Saixi decided to say first and relay the message Poseidon had given her. It was a direct message and no other words mixed with them.

"It was also the same for me, Your Majesty." Qian Daoliu followed as it was also the order the Angel God had given him even though he already knew that Lev had a 100,000-spirit beast lover.

"So that's what it was. Well, are the three of you blind? How come you didn't see and feel that the Silver Dragon King was already in front of you?" Lev then asked with a smile while looking at their blank expression and questioning look upon hearing what he said.

Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu didn't understand what he was saying but that was when they suddenly felt the presence of a Spirit Beast and a powerful one at that. Their instinct immediately told them to leave but they couldn't do so as their body froze up. They could only turn their head toward the person next to Lev with their eyes wide open.

"The Silver Dragon King you were talking about is now in front of you. Is this enough to answer your questions?" Lev then said while waiting on what they would do upon knowing this fact. Knowing those Gods, they probably ordered and gave them another mission upon knowing his side and so he was curious about it.

Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu widened their eyes upon hearing Lev. They never thought that the Silver Dragon King was actually looking and listening to them all this time and they did not even know about it.

Not before long, Bo Saixi immediately poses a fighting stance as Poseidon God said that a fight might probably happen after meeting with the Emperor. She had long prepared herself as she even brought out all her gear.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu was also ordered by the Angel God, but he had long decided not to fight Lev even if it would put him at risk. He then just remained silent not having the will to put up a fight.

"I'm not in the mood to fight. You can leave here alive and tell the Gods you were serving that the Silver Dragon King is my woman. If they want to kill her, they have to deal with me first." Lev then seriously said as he already decided that it was now time to declare war against them.

This time, Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu were shocked after hearing that the Silver Dragon King actually became Lev's woman. Their mind was processing the information and came up with different questions like 'How or when did that happen?' but the most shocking was knowing that Lev was ready to wage war against the Gods for her.

"A-Are you insane? You're talking about Gods here!" Bo Saixi shouted at Lev as a way of reprimanding him as she knew how terrible and strong the Gods were. No matter if Silver Dragon King was in her prime, she would still end up in miserable death by the Gods not much if it was Lev, a completely human emperor.

"Then let them come and we'll see." Lev replied nonchalantly before retracting his Spirit Haki pressure on Tang Chen. He also knew about it, but he wasn't afraid though, because even if they would come all down here, he could still annihilate them easily knowing that he could still take advantage of the restriction bound to them.

Immediately after that, Tang Chen then breathed heavily and stabilized himself. He looked at Lev with fury, but he didn't make a move as he knew that he would only give his life away if he did so.

"You can go now. Tell your Gods that I will be waiting." Lev then followed.

Bo Saixi looked at Lev and she could tell that he was serious about it. She breathed deeply before calming down as she helped Tang Chen get up wanting to leave this dangerous place once and for all.

"Your Majesty, can you really deal with them?" Qian Daoliu suddenly and curiously asked. He admired Lev and could say that he truly was the only person who could be described as a genius but hearing that he will fight the Gods for a woman doesn't make any sense to him.

However, contrary to Qian Daoliu's expectation, Lev just smiled at him and did not answer. Qian Daoliu then could only sigh and then also help Tang Chen before they disappeared into the palace hall.

"Lev, why didn't you just kill them?" Gu Yuena suddenly asked. She had been holding herself back from killing them as she could feel the presence of the Gods that she hated the most.

"Killing them will not give me anything good and also I am not a person who would casually kill others." Lev answered.

Hearing Lev, Gu Yuena then just looked at him before her head shifted as the door of the other side of the hall suddenly opened seeing Sia and the others coming in wearing smiles that would shake all the men in the continent.

"Master, where are the guests?" Sia curiously asked after seeing that only Lev and her two sisters were in the hall. They actually wash themselves with haste as they also wanted to see the people who visited the place knowing that only particular people could enter the palace.

"Well, they immediately left after only saying a word." Lev answered.

Seeing that they don't have something to do for the day, Lev then decides to take them out to relax in the Star Dou Great Forest to which they all agree especially Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu.


God Realm,

Meanwhile, the five great God Kings had gathered again after they heard the report of the people they sent to the continent to deal with Lev. In fact, they are already in one place and just waiting for the report to come in.

"To think that human would actually take the Silver Dragon King's side. What a pity." Asura God King sighed after hearing that Lev goes to the other side. He could not help but think about how the Silver Dragon King brainwashed Lev to let him defy the Gods for her.

"It can't be helped. Let's prepare and call all the capable Gods and send them to the continent as early as possible." Asura God King decided. They knew that Lev was powerful and their descending in the continent would restrict some of their powers. So, they needed the cooperation of some lower Gods and sent them first to see the extent of Lev's power, however, this plan was actually long-term as they still needed to do something in order for them to go down.

The other God Kings then also nodded before parting their ways. Asura God King, who was left behind, then murmured, "A pity indeed."


Seagod Island,

Waiting for news, Bo Saixi widened her eyes after hearing the message of God Poseidon. She then could only sigh after knowing that the continent would turn into chaos, and it was because of Lev once again.


Slaughter City,

Meanwhile, Tang Chen clenched his fist after hearing the message. He still remembered how helpless he was after meeting Lev and hearing that the Gods would descend on the continent to deal with him, he was hoping to join them and kill him himself.


Elder's Palace,

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu just looked calm after hearing the message, but he was not worried because he felt that Lev would not declare something like that if he was not serious. The continent was at stake here and so he must have a plan.

"Is there anything wrong?" Golden Crocodile Douluo suddenly asked while looking at the silent Qian Daoliu.

"Hmmm. The continent will once again fall unto chaos." Qian Douluo answered while looking outside the Elder's Palace knowing that it would be soon.


Star Dou Great Forest,

Not long after leaving True God's Palace, Lev and the others were now at the core of the Star Dou Great Forest, and it was the first time that the others to seen the place. Aside from Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu, the rest of them were completely shocked after seeing that such a place actually exists on the continent.

Entering the place, just like Lev and Xiao Wu, they immediately felt that they were being stared at by several Spirit Beasts, beasts that were far stronger than them but after seeing them greeting Lev politely, they then settled and calmed down.

With that, they did not linger around the area as they headed towards the house Lev had renovated and decided to stay there till night as it was a good day to relax while the upcoming storm was still far.


Outside the house,

After settling in the place, they then had a picnic near the pond while relaxing. Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan were busy taking their Pokemons while Gamabunta and his group decided to stay in the core area of the forest looking for a fight.

"So envious. Lev, could we also have some Pokemons?" Xiao Wu suddenly asked out of curiosity after getting slightly jealous upon seeing Sia and the others playing with Umbreon, Leafeon, and Sylveon.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena also looked at Lev with anticipation. Even though they were already old and didn't care about such kind of thing, they still wanted to raise though they had completely different reasons for raising one.

Hearing Xiao Wu, Lev looked at the three Pokemons before checking the number of his Random Summoning Cards that he had in his inventory. He couldn't help but have a faint smile before he replied, "I could try but do not expect much."