Chapter 52 - Lucky

'System, show my status.' Lev ordered the system.



[Name: Lev Hendrix

Age: 20 (33)

Spirit Power: 96 (Progress: 34 %)

Race: Error

Bloodline: Ancient Incubus

Title: True God's Successor

HP: Immortal

MP: ∞


True God's Blood: The blessing granted by the one and only True God which gives your body the blood of True God. You are immortal, you are a power yourself.

True God's Body: A body granted by the one and only True God that can bear any power in the universe.

True God's Eye: An eye given by the one and only True God that can see through the status of any entity.

True God's Talent: A talent granted by the one and only True God that allows the host to learn any skills and make them into his own.

True God's Cheat: A trait granted by the one and only True God that allows the host to level his skills very quickly through looking, observing, and practicing.

Freeze Time: A temporary trait given by the one and only True God that will put every other world to a stop when the host starts his conquest.


* Lifestyle Skill/s: Cooking (Tier 4: Level 48), etc.

* Combat Skill/s: Boxing (Tier 3: Level 28), Swordsmanship (Tier 3: Level 29), Bowmanship (Tier 3: Level 24), etc.

* Spirit Skill/s: Lone Wolf Body Enhancement, Blue Silver Grass, Sickle, Axe, Agility, Web Prison, Wrath, Confuse, Nature's Heal, Hardening, Super-strength, Night Vision, Poison Mist, Dash, Blue Tyrant Dragon Body Enhancement, Black Tortoise Body Enhancement, etc.

* Pokemon Skill/s: Charm, Copycat, Double-Edge, Tail Whip, Take Down, etc.

* Jutsu/s: Combination Transformation, Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet, Toad Oil Bullet, Toad Sword Beheading, Water Release: Gunshot, Exploding Sasumata Attack.

* Supernatural Skill/s: Conqueror's Haki (One Piece), Sonic Minimum (Hamatora), Instant Transmission (Dragon Ball), Skill Share.

* Bloodline Skill/s:

1. Ancient Incubus: Incubus' Gaze, Incubus' Tongue, Incubus' Hands, Incubus' Body, Incubus' Cock, Incubus' Semen.

* Spirit Rings

1st Spirit Ring: Nadare

Description: As a dragon, it has thick eyebrows and a long distinctive mustache, and has soulless blue eyes

Skill: Shapes the flames into numerous fireballs that can be shot out at once. The fireballs can be controlled, and the size can be manipulated.

2nd Spirit Ring: Saiha

Description: As a dragon, he had eight eyes and a horn.

Skill: Shapes the flame into a blade shape. With the power to control the temperature of the flame, the blade can become unbreakable and can cut anything.

3rd Spirit Ring: Homura

Description: As a dragon, he had a long four-jawed mouth with fangs.

Skill: Shapes the flame into the form of a whip. It is not just for offense, but it is also used to enhance strength.

4th Spirit Ring: Setsuna

Description: He has four facial markings and a normally closed eye.

Skill: Shapes the flame into the form of an instantaneous flare. At the moment it opens its eye in the middle of its face all those who stare into it will be burnt. The temperature of the flames can be controlled to control the amount of damage it gives. As a blind flame dragon, it has the ability to sense heat and thus can ignore illusions.

5th Spirit Ring: Madoka

Description: The flame dragon with a third eye.

Skill: Shapes the flame into impenetrable barriers. The nature of the flame is planar because to create a barrier it needs to connect between multiple fireballs. Four fireballs produce a square barrier, three fireballs create a triangular barrier. Even though the surface is invincible the fireballs are still vulnerable. By eliminating a fireball from the barrier, the space of the barrier is reduced.

6th Spirit Ring: Rui

Description: As a dragon, it has blue eyes and rather wild 'hair' and the color of her form is orange.

Skill: It has the ability of the flame of illusion which is a formless flame. It can shape the flame into anything. It can make the opponent relive his or her nightmares or make him live his worst fears. Once the illusionary forms are released the flame, they were made out of can be directed at the enemy.

7th spirit ring: Koku

Description: The flame dragon with only had one big eye with some pointed hair.

Skill: Shapes the form of the flames into that of a beam of fire. It would first concentrate the flames into a fireball to gather the power needed and then from that fireball, the flames are released in the form of a beam. To sum it up, it had the power that could completely vaporize the target.

8th spirit ring: Resshin

Description: The flame dragon with spiky hair and fringes which are red.

Skill: It has the ability to engulf the opponent's and either turn their soul as part of his flame or completely disintegrate the soul.

9th spirit ring: Recca

Description: A full-grown dragon.

Skill: Using the ability, the host could summon out Recca which had the capability of fighting independently by having all the skills of the other flame dragons.

* Soul Bone/s:

Skull Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Torso Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Right Arm Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Left Arm Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Right Leg Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Left Leg Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

External Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

Inventory: Infinity, Random Summoning Card x 52, World Ticket x 24, Universe Identity Token, Random Car Card x 41, 600,000,000 Dollars, 7,290,120,500 Gold Coins, Random Equity Share Card x 6, Health Potions x 58, Mana Potions x 54, etc.

Special Function: Auxiliary Sign-In System

Harem Members: Lilith Hendrix, Sia Yvisia, Kim Hindell, Mia Ember, Alexa Celin, Sera Celin, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Xiao Wu.

Summons/s: Sia Yvisia, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, Gamaken, Leafeon, Umbreon, Sylveon, Goblins x 5


Conquered Worlds: None

True God Coins: 4,112,083,164]

Lev was satisfied after seeing his status. His spirit abilities were numerous and starting to get messy, but he just let them be for now and deal with it later. Also, he still did not forget to sign in every week but his luck in obtaining supernatural skills was still very bad, and could only get money, properties, etc.

Right after that, Lev focused on how many Random Summoning Cards he had and thought that it was more than enough and probably could summon some special ones for Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena.

"Watch me." With that, Lev then just smiled as he stood up while hoping that he would be lucky enough to summon something or someone useful and powerful.

'Should I use them all or should I use them by batch.' Lev suddenly thought while thinking about what was more effective. He spent seconds before he decided to use them by batch as it gave more excitement.

'System, use five Random Summoning Cards.' Lev then ordered with great expectation.

[Five Random Summoning Cards have been used.]

With that, a sudden white light engulfed the place and after a while, they all saw five creatures which shocked Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena as it was their first time witnessing such a thing unfold right in front of their eyes.

Lev, on the other hand, looked quite disappointed after seeing the five summoned beings.

"Wahhhhh, it's a slime, master!" However, Sia immediately heads toward the slime creatures that have been summoned. It was the first she saw other slime and seeing them greatly excites her.

That was when Lev realized that Sia was actually a slime princess and thought that it must be her first time seeing one other than her. Though they were an inferior type of slime as they could only take the form of a ball, a slime was still a slime.

"Master, can I raise them?" Sia excitedly asked while holding the excited slimes in her hands.

"Well, they will be in your care from now on then." Lev answered with a smile. He then looked towards the others and told them what creature he just summoned.

'Use another five Random Summoning Cards.' Following that, Lev then ordered again but his hopes had already decreased a bit thinking that he must have bad luck this time around upon seeing his first summoned beings.

Upon activation, a white light engulfed the place again and another five creatures appeared before their eyes. This time, Lev frowned again after seeing them as it was actually a different kind of strange creature. A stupid-looking crocodile, a big-eyed rat, a skinny boar, and a fucking big mosquito.

When Lev, however, looked at them once again, his eyes could not help but widen upon seeing the last creature. It appeared to be an adorable adult-sized feline but with the body proportions of a kitten. It has light yellow fur, black eyes with red sclera, black pointed ears, a diamond-shaped marking on her forehead, black paws with a stripe, and two fluffy tails with two stripes on each one.

Seeing the creature, Lev immediately recognized it as it came from the world 'Inuyasha', the faithful companion of Sango, Kirara. Thinking about it, he could not help but smile a little seeing that he summoned a useful one this time.

"Lev, what's with these weird and ugly creatures?" Zhu Zhuqing could not help but speak out after looking at the creatures Lev had summoned this time. Though she has already had a fair share of looking at the goblin, the four creatures this time was completely in a different league.

Bibi Dong and the others also looked at him but after seeing Lev's expression they all thought something was wrong. They then looked at them again before focusing their attention on the strange fox-like creature.

"Lev, what is this creature? It's so cute." Xiao Wu said while already holding the creature Lev was surprised about.

"Looks like my luck is starting to kick in. Haha." Lev then holds his head while laughing.

"Xiao Wu. Though it's not a Pokemon, it is still a special creature, so take care of her from now on, okay?" Lev then said while looking at the excited Xiao Wu who was already caressing Kirara's fur.

Upon hearing, Xiao Wu then held Kirara excitedly before asking, "Lev, does this fox have a name?"

"Well, her name is Kirara, and so that everyone knows, she came from the world 'Inuyasha'." Lev replied before he could not help but sigh upon seeing her and the other's reactions.

With that, Lev then told them a brief description of the world she came from seeing them waiting for him to tell them due to curiosity. Bibi Dong, Xiao Wu, and Gu Yuena already knew about his story and so weren't new to this. They then listened to what he was saying since they were very curious about what other worlds looked like.

"Now, it leaves just the two of you. I hope something good will be summoned this time." After a while, Lev looked at Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena. He was hoping that he would get something special and strong since the two were the strongest among his harem.

Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena were also surprised and were melted by Kirara's cuteness but what they wanted was something powerful and intimidating kind of creature. They then just looked at Lev with anticipation hoping to get a compatible companion.

'System, use ten Random Summoning Cards this time.' Lev then ordered. He was going all out and since his luck had started to show signs of rising.

[Ten Random Summoning Cards have been used.]

The light this time was very bright as Lev summoned ten creatures. After the white light disappeared, they then looked toward the summoned creatures this time and all they could see was a pack of wolves.

Lev looked at the pack of wolves and observed them one by one before noticing two distinct and unique wolves among them. He then smiled after scanning the two wolves seeing that his wish to summon strong creatures had been granted upon seeing them. He muttered, "I think my luck is kicking in."

On the other hand, Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena looked at the wolves and they also found them different from the rest of the pact. Meanwhile, Zhuqing and the others also noticed their peculiarity, but they just waited for Lev to introduce them.

"Dong'er. Yu'er. These two wolves were just right. Though they just appeared and looked like normal and cute wolves now, they were actually the best and one of a kind among the wolves in the whole universe." Lev said while calling the two wolves closer to him. It could be seen that the other wolves were actually lowering their heads and avoiding looking at the two of them as if they were in the presence of a king.

Seeing Lev calling them, the two wolves then head towards him with excitement. One of them had brilliant white fur, two blue markings beneath its eyes which were black with pink pupils, and a proud mane that gave it a regal appearance befitting its title of the "Legendary King".

The other one, on the other hand, had a hairy black fur and his eyes were glowing with an inner fire. Also, a form of fire was forming every time he moved which shows his arrogance as a being feared by the Gods.

Lev couldn't help but smile and pet them before he looked at Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena who were waiting for him to explain what was special among them and what world they had come from.