Chapter 58 - Harem God


---The next morning---

Star Dou Great Forest,

After deciding the whole night, Lev and Gu Yuena finally concluded their vacation in the Star Dou Great Forest seeing them already preparing to leave since they couldn't be too far away for too long as they still had work to do back in the Empire.

Knowing that Lev and Gu Yuena would leave the place again, all of the Spirit Beasts then bade their farewell and congratulated their Lords in advance. The two, however, just smiled upon hearing them before they finally left the place.


---Two hours later---

True God's Palace,

It did not take long before Lev and Gu Yuena arrived in the palace in which Fenrir and the other summons greeted them first and then followed Bibi Dong and the others with smiles on their faces that couldn't be hidden.

"I thought you would take much more time. You know, since Gu Yuena is a dragon, I thought you would be occupied for a while." Suddenly, Bibi Dong teasingly said with a smile while looking at Lev and especially Gu Yuena.

"Well, I promised to hold an event before the end of the year. So, I need to get back." Lev answered before greeting them with a kiss as he hadn't seen them for a month and he kind of missed them all.

"Let's get inside and eat." Lev suggested since he was very hungry. Though he already achieved the point that food is no longer a problem for him, eating has already been a norm for him, and he just can't forget about it.

Following that, Lev, Gu Yuena, and the others then headed straight toward the dining hall for breakfast.


---Thirty minutes later---

Dining Hall,

In just thirty minutes, Lev cooked a light meal for everyone seeing them already eating while talking about things, especially about what happened back in Star Dou Great Forest. As it had been a month, everyone was curious as to why they took such a long time to come back.

"Sister Yuena, how many times did you do it with Master?" Sia suddenly asked out of curiosity. She could not imagine what they could do back in the forest if not for sex since there really is nothing exciting about that place aside from the natural beauty of the forest.

Hearing Sia, Zhu Zhuqing and the others also looked at Gu Yuena as they also wanted to know. Gu Yuena, on the other hand, looked embarrassed after hearing such a question. She could only look at Lev and wanted him to cover.

"Hahahaha, we didn't do anything but have sex for the whole month as Gu Yuena wanted to give birth to a baby dragon." Lev answered truthfully while smiling since there really was nothing to hide as everyone in the room was his lover and a part of his harem.

"B-Baby?" From all the words that Lev had said, Xiao Wu only remembered one thing and forgot the others. However, such a word causes her mind to get dumb after imagining herself having a baby with Lev.

This did not happen only to Xiao Wu as all the women around the table had the same thought as her. After three seconds, all of them then looked at Lev as if he was food from which the latter realized that he messed up this time after looking at his lovers like they were looking at him like prey.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong stood up from her seat and headed directly towards Lev and sat on his lap while facing each other. Without minding everyone, she kissed Lev first before seductively saying, "Lev, there's a matter that needs to be done in the branch hall. Should we check things out?"

Lev was surprised by the sudden turn of events, but he still kissed her back and it lasted for a while before they stopped. He looked around him and saw the others looking at him the same way as Bibi Dong.

"Then, we should all have some vacation sometime." Lev decided. Since there's only a small chance of them being pregnant, he already decided to deactivate the skill related to pregnancy and let luck do the work. The only reason why he keeps it active until now is that he is still not ready to become a father and thinking about all of them having one may cause his mind to overload, however, he thought that he would still face it soon and so he felt like there no need to avoid it now.

Following that, the girls then became happy after hearing Lev's confirmation and were excited imagining themselves carrying his child. Lev could not help but sigh seeing how happy they were before telling them the problem.

"Don't get too excited. Even when I and Gu Yuena did it for a whole month, we still did not get any results." Lev said.

Hearing Lev, the girls suddenly stopped and looked at him with a weird expression on their faces.

"D-Did you have any problem, Lev?" Bibi Dong worriedly asked.

"Well, yes." Lev answered truthfully but it caused more misunderstanding after seeing them start comforting him.

"Hahahah, it's not what you think it is." Lev laughed at their reactions.

"T-then, what is it?" Gu Yuena questioned this time since she also thought about the possibility of it being the reason.

"Well, it's because my body is on the path of becoming a True God thus making it hard to produce an offspring." Lev then explained and repeated what the system had told him back then.

Right after hearing that, the girls then sighed after knowing what the real reason was.

"So, luck is important for you to get pregnant." Lev then followed.

However, Bibi Dong who was sitting on his lap thought of another idea.

"In other words, we just need to have a lot of sex to maximize the chances." Bibi Dong said while licking her lips.

Hearing this, Sia and the others then widened their eyes after realizing that such a method was possible. Immediately after that, they looked toward Lev like hungry wolves before pouncing at him.

Lev could only smile wryly before he was carried by his lovers towards his bedroom.

Meanwhile, as they left the place, Yoruichi was left alone as she looked at the food on the table seeing that it only touched a little. She then looked in the direction they left before a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Fufufufu, I will let them have Master for now." Yoruichi seductively said with a smile on her face as she was also excited imagining having a baby with Lev.

Following that, the whole palace then was filled with different kinds of moans and cries, and it lasted for a whole week before Lev left them lying on the bed with satisfied smiles on their faces.


---Three months later---

In the academy arena,

As promised, the event that Lev announced back then had started. Lev can be seen looking at the students of the academy battling in front of him and could not help but smile a little seeing how excited and eager they were.

This time, he held a one-on-one tournament with every combatant while other criteria were implemented for support-type spirit masters to achieve fairness.

In the platform, Lev looked towards the promising students who excelled in the tournament. These students were actually the people who were supposed to join the Annual Continental Spirit Master in the original timeline if Lev did not intervene.

Xie Lingling, Hu Liena, etc. were among these people. Aside from Qian Renxue, Hu Liena was the second most promising of them all after all she was still Bibi Dong's disciple, and the latter still guided her from time to time even now.

Due to the large number of students, the tournament lasted for a whole month and the rankings were already released waiting only on who was going to be champion. Others were sad after losing while others were not and became more excited instead knowing that there were more powerful unknown students than them inside the academy.


On the stage,

Surrounded by many students and teachers of the academy, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena could be found staring at each other. They climbed up and lasted for a whole month and now they were facing each other. Bibi Dong's daughter and Bibi Dong's disciple, the battle of the two would be described as epic since they were all connected to Bibi Dong herself.

As the excitement reached its peak, the announcer then started the match. The two did not wait for too long and instantly stridden forward wanting to have the first strike.

The whole arena was full of shouts and cheers as they could not slip the opportunity to watch two goddesses fighting each other as such a scene was too exhilarating and exciting to miss.

As the fight goes on, Hu Liena gets cornered and cornered until she takes the initiative to surrender after reaching her very limit. Qian Renxue, on the other hand, was also breathing heavily after the fight before calming herself down after winning.

The shout was so loud after seeing the result. Qian Renxue felt very happy at the moment, but she did not show it outside and remained calm within from which she then looked at Lev with excitement wanting to see his reaction.

Lev looked at Qian Renxue after seeing her win. He smiled at her when suddenly he heard something whispering in his ear.

"My daughter is beautiful, isn't she?" Bibi Dong whispered. She already noticed that her daughter had feelings for Lev, and they even already talked about it however, she had done nothing to make them close as she wanted her to do it herself.

"Well, she's as beautiful as you." Lev replied before kissing her on the lips.

Qian Renxue, who was in the arena, felt bitter after seeing Lev kissing Bibi Dong. She bit her lip before looking at Hu Liena and giving her a respectful bow.

Following that, Lev then stood up and looked down at the arena. The students and the audience immediately stopped talking as they looked up while waiting for his words.

"You're all deserving to have the title of an elite. Though you have lost now, it doesn't mean that you will be going to lose again next time. Strive hard and get stronger." Lev said while looking at them.

Upon hearing the encouragement, the students could not help but cheer and even cry but it only made them more focused on their goal.

"I will announce that starting from rank 15 and above, you have the right to become my direct students and will undergo my training regime to take the title of the Royal Guard of the continent." Lev announced.

Hearing Lev, Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, and those students who ranked 15 and above smiled happily and proudly.

Lev, however, wasn't done as he also announced the arrangement of five support-type spirit masters who excelled in their field to join them where Ning Rongrong, Xue Lingling, and Oscar were the top students in this area.

After the tournament ended, Lev then dismissed everyone before ordering the twenty chosen Spirits Masters to follow him back to the palace. Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong, Xie Lingling, and sixteen more students followed Lev with proud expressions on their faces.


True God's Palace Hall,

Entering the most sacred palace on the continent, the twenty students could not help but be bewildered since they knew that no one would ever set foot in this place if not permitted by Lev himself, yet them being his students, they finally saw what it looked like on the inside.

"Congratulations again, and I hope you're ready to adhere to your responsibilities after this." Lev said while looking towards the future pillars of this continent.

"Yes, Your Majesty." All of them replied respectfully.

"Enough with Your Majesty, you call me teacher from now on." Lev waved his hand as he felt awkward being called like that by people of the same age or even older than him. He then just looked at them, especially to those who he was close with.

"Yes, teacher." All of them replied.

"Now, I will send my gift for you as a teacher." Lev said before ordering them to get closer to him one by one. As a teacher and Emperor of the continent, his gifts were the best among the best as he decided to transfer some skills compatible with them to his arsenal.

"Rongrong, you've become a great Spirit Master. I can't wait to see what your future is like." Lev smiled while looking at Ning Rongrong with a smile as the childish and spoiled girl back then was now gone and was replaced by a ladylike and mature one.

Hearing Lev, Ning Rongrong looked at him with a hint of redness on her cheeks. Like what her father had said, she could see Lev from time to time back then however, they haven't talked even once as she could only look at him in the distance seeing him working seriously together with her father.

Meanwhile, Qian Renxue looked at Ning Rongrong with a frown on her face since she was too familiar with that kind of expression. She knew that she and Lev had some history back then and thought that there must be going on between them spikes her curiosity since everything starts with it.

Right after that, Lev then gave an offensive and defensive type of skills to Ning Rongrong since support type of spirit masters are prone to harm. Giving her offensive and defensive skills would give her the chance to fight and protect herself at the same time.

After that, Lev then looked at Qian Renxue.

"Renxue, though you're powerful now, always keep in mind that there will always be stronger than you. So, don't let power get into you and focus on advancing." Lev said. There was nothing else he could say about her since she was really a genius who came once in a while so reprimanding her that there was a sky above the sky was enough to wake her up.

"Yes, teacher." Qian Renxue replied.

Lev then gave a skill suited and would greatly help Renxue in battle. With that, he then proceeds toward the others and gives them something that they need and lacks the most. It was only after two hours of them passing out from the information overload, did everyone felt shocked after what just happened and all thought about how their teacher, Lev did that, but most of all, they were filled with happiness inside.

On the other hand, Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong, unlike the rest, were staring at each other. After all that happened, they both seem to feel some kind of hostility against each other.

"Hmmp." With hostility, both show displeasure and mind their own business.

As they were all confused and surprised by what was happening, Lev decided to let them see the place as they talked about some things. It was only after an hour did he dismissed them all and let them have a two-day vacation before they formally started their training under him.



In the bedroom,

With that, Lev and the others could now be found in the bedroom after all that happened in the morning. The girls each occupied Lev's sides and were already sleeping while naked as they had just done their night routine.

'Now that I remembered, I feel like l have acquired something back in Star Dou Great Forest.' Lev, however, was still wide awake and was suddenly preoccupied with something as he immediately opened his status.

[Harem God (Beginner)

Type: Title

Description: A title given after having ten women a part of the host's harem.


* Harem Sense (Active): Allowing the host to see the love perimeter of any person of the opposite sex. Furthermore, it also has the ability to see the inner emotions of every living being and so will become the guide or standard to which a woman would become part of the harem.

* Harem Cultivation (Passive): Allowing the host to strengthen any of the opposite sex. Through having sex, the host would provide semen nutrients to them making their constitution gradually increase by a margin.

(Note: The system recommends the host to explore as this title still has room for evolution.)]

'A growth type, huh.' Lev thought before he looked at the women around him while he activated the first skill of the title. Not before long, a red screen appeared above their head from which a word or more like progress was written on them.

[Love: 100 %]

'So, that's how it works. Well, I'm more curious about this second ability. I don't know how much it would improve a person's constitution, but it will be enough to help Sia get started. Finally, I now have a way to help her body get stronger.' Lev couldn't help but smile while looking forward to it. Furthermore, this is only the beginner phase of the title, given that it evolves, he kind of feels excited about how much more surprise it would give him.

With that, Lev then continues to explore his status before finally giving in to his tiredness and sleeping like the rest.


---One month later---

In a forest,

In a not-that-far place from the palace, Lev could be found looking at his students' training and could only feel proud. Though they were already talented in the beginning, with his help, they just became stronger and stronger.

"That's enough for today. Head back and rest. We will continue tomorrow." Lev then dismissed them as they were already at it for the whole day.

Without any complaints, each one of the students then bid their farewell leaving behind Lev and Qian Renxue like she used to for the past month since she was the leader of the team but unbeknownst to everyone, her staying also had another reason.

"Te—" Qian Renxue wanted to say something when Lev immediately stopped her by kissing her directly. She looked at Lev's eyes before she closed hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Yes, the reason for her staying was to have a moment with Lev like this.

Lev and Qian Renxue kissed each other fiercely as if tomorrow was the end of the world.

"T-Teacher." Qian Renxue called as she broke the kiss with her face brimming with happiness.

"I have always told you to call my name when we're alone." Lev said before pinching her nose. Though there was still a matter of his lust getting out of control, he no longer cared about it since he could just immediately head back if it turned out very bad.

As if the world stopped, Lev and Qian Renxue looked at each other before they started kissing each other again but this time, fiercer than before seeing Lev pushing her toward a tree and started taking off her clothes.

"Renxue. I don't know why you still do not want to live with us. But I've had enough, I will bring you back this time whether you like it or not…Hmngg" Lev said before sucking Qian Renxue's perky breast.

"L-Lev…anhhh" Qian Renxue moans. She actually wanted to talk about this thing to him today but after hearing what he just said, then there's no need to talk about it anymore as she already knew about his special complexion.

With that, Lev and Qian Renxue then have a good time in the forest before they head back to the palace and celebrate a welcoming party for a new member of the family.