Chapter 59 - God's Fall


---Three months later---

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, Lev finally completed all the necessary matters that he needed to do in the continent and was now ready to go to the God Realm to finish his world quest once and for all.

Three months ago, Qian Renxue was finally introduced to the family. She thought her life would run smoothly after living in the palace but it's not the case. She could not properly adjust to the place at first as she could not properly rest after being tormented by loud moans every night. Filled with frustration, she could only pleasure herself in return in her room while Lev and the others were having sex.

On the other hand. Sia and the others especially her mother, Bibi Dong, wanted Qian Renxue to join, but she was too shy to do so thinking that she was still not ready for it. Lev then just scolded them about it as he didn't want Renxue to do something because she was being forced to.

With that, for the past three months, the relationship between Qian Renxue and Lev was already made public which caused an uproar in the academy but after knowing that it was the Emperor, they all then approved and supported their relationship as they knew better that Lev, their Emperor, was the only man who was deserving to have their Goddess.


True God's Palace,

Right at this, Lev and his lovers could be found in the living room while relaxing seeing everyone doing something while laughing at the same time from the conversations that they had from time to time.

"Lev, do you really have to go?" Bibi Dong suddenly asked worriedly which caused the atmosphere to turn heavy because Lev had already told them that he would go and face Gods there alone this time.

It wasn't just Bibi Dong that was worried, Sia and the others were also feeling the same way as they stopped what they were doing and looked at Lev waiting for his reply.

"Mmm, I need to do it. No, I must do it." Lev replied after deciding that it was now time to finish his quest.

"Then, when are you planning on leaving?" Gu Yuena asked this time. She actually wanted to come with him, but Lev didn't want to. She tried doing everything for the past three months to change his mind, but he wasn't swayed by it and could only stay behind.

"Probably next week." Lev thinks for a while before deciding to leave next week. He didn't know how many days, months, or probably years he would take to take down the God Realm. He thought that the sooner he left the sooner he would come back. He didn't even bother thinking if he could survive since there was no use thinking about it. If he dies, then it's fate as there really is nothing that can make him any stronger here on the continent.

Upon hearing Lev, Bibi Dong, Gu Yuena, and the others then looked at each other before coming to a conclusion and seeing them standing together. Lev, on the other hand, looked at them while having a bad but excited feeling before seeing Bibi Dong making the first move and pouncing at him which made him fall onto the sofa.

"Sorry that we could not give much help, but we could do something other than that. So, let's enjoy this week to our heart's content." Bibi Dong said before ripping off Lev's shirt and starting an orgy leaving Qian Renxue and Yoruichi pleasuring themselves while looking at them fucking like an animal.

Following that, the whole palace then celebrated a week of lust and depravity. Thinking about how long Lev would be gone, Sia and the others wanted to suck him dry as they had sex for the whole week without stopping.


---One week later---

Outside the Palace,

Lev already decided to leave this time. He already held the meeting in advance and told them that he was about to leave to do something and the time he would come back is unknown. The Clan Heads were shocked knowing about it at first and protested against Lev but no matter how they persuaded him, they could not do anything about it as it was an order. With that, Lev then just left them a task to do while he was away.

Right now, it was only Lev, Qian Renxue, Yoruichi, and Gu Yuena who would send him off since the rest were still resting on the bed after being exhausted to the limit. Lev looked at the three of them for the last time and saw them looking at him with different kinds of emotions.

"L-Lev." Qian Renxue could not stop her emotions and hugged Lev with tears flowing down from her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be back." Lev said while caressing her head as he felt a bit guilty leaving her after being together for just three months. He promises that once he comes, he's going to pay her back a hundredfold.

Not before long, Lev then bid his farewell while telling Yoruichi and Gu Yuena to protect their sister while he was away.

"I'll be going then." Lev said with a smile before flying to the sky.

"Be careful!" Gu Yuena, Qian Renxue, and Yoruichi shouted. Even the Pokemons and his other summons bade their farewell to their master showing their regards and worries.

Following that, they still stayed in place until they could not fully see Lev before heading back to the palace and working towards the task Lev told them to do so but first, they needed to wake the others up and tell them that Lev had already left.


In the sky,

Lev looked at the whole continent as a whole and appreciated how beautiful it was before looking above as if his gaze pierced through several dimensions.

"It's been two years already. I think those Gods already prepared enough. I just hope nothing will go wrong." Lev mockingly said before retracting the ability of one of the items and so started emitting some of his power which suddenly made a small crack into the sky.

"See you again, my Empire." Lev said before entering the crack and disappearing together with it as if nothing had happened.


God Realm,

As the home of the Gods, the place was built with nothing but perfectness. Especially now upon seeing several Gods gathering in one place as if something big was happening however, one could tell that it wasn't a normal gathering seeing almost everyone had a weapon and was wearing gears while looking at a certain location.

Lev, on the other hand, was completely clueless about how much time had passed before he suddenly came out in a very bright and grand place. The air was so fresh to breathe that he thought that it was his first time breathing such kind of air in his life. He breathed hard before scanning the surroundings just to see that he was already surrounded by a large number of Gods upon his arrival.

"Human Emperor Lev, you came here at last." Asura God King, who was clad in armor, said. Together with his Godly Aura, he kind of looks more domineering than before while looking at Lev with rage.

Lev smiled as he was amused by seeing how many Gods were present in the place making him think how the Gods feared his very existence that he thought Asura God King must have called every Gods in the God Realm to erase him.

"I was surprised to see that you really going all out with this many Gods here. I don't know how you did it to gather them in one place, but it saves me trouble for coming after all of you." Lev said. He knew that there were many rules in the God Realm but seeing them here in one place meant that they prepared this much.

"Hmmp. As much as I hate to admit, your existence is an abnormality of this world. We can't let you live freely in this world while having such power." Asura God King said before unsheathing his sword. Lev was right, he had gathered every Gods in the God Realm for this mission since they can't afford to make a single mistake while facing him.

"Hahaha, you're just spouting nonsense. There is no use hiding it. I know you're afraid. Just admit it, you coward. " Lev laughed after hearing such an excuse. He then also took out Infinity from his inventory ready to engage.

"Levvvvvvvvvv, I will kill you this time for sure. Fellow Gods, don't hold back and attackkkk!!!!!!" Asura God King shouted furiously after hearing what Lev just said. Lev's words were right as he was really afraid of him and wanted to get rid of him first with this number. Away from restriction, he was confident to bring him down this time as they could show their full power in this realm.

Seeing them moving, Lev immediately released all his Spirit Rings before using his God Spirt Ability Flame Dragon of Destruction together by summoning all his Soul Bones. Just like them, he could not afford to make a single mistake since making so would mean his death.

"Domain of the Flame Dragon." Lev used another one of its skills which created a ring of fire surrounding the place. It was his first time using it and he could immediately tell that he was a God within this domain feeling how his strength upgraded while being inside.

"Let's get this over withhhh!!! " Lev shouted as he swung his sword and unleashed an attack.

With that, a battle beyond recognition then happened in the God Realm.


---A half a year after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

It took half a year before Lev's absence spread across the continent. Such an event ignited the ambition of some people and started lurking in the dark.

During these six months, a shocking thing happened that shook the continent. Davis, the son of the former Emperor of the Star Lou Empire, rebelled against the order. Something like this could easily be dealt with however, the sudden appearance of Evil Spirit Masters backing him makes things chaotic.

With that, the Former Star Lou Empire was in chaos after the Evil Spirit Masters invaded the place which gave Ning Fengzhi, the acting chief in the public, and Dugu Bo, the acting chief lurking in the shadows, a headache on how to deal with this matter.

Just like that, a sudden war and annihilation broke out however, it was solved easily when Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong ordered Fenrir, White Fang, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken to deal with it.


---A year after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

After the problem against the Evil Spirit Masters was solved, rebuilding the damage was the first priority. Several people then became ecstatic after many jobs had been offered to them, especially those people who were good at construction.

Such opportunity allowed the people to get work and have some income after the officials announced that they needed to build several buildings on the place. It also made Ning Fengzhi slowly start to enact Lev's orders.


---A year and a half after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

With great effort, the workers had been working hard to see the buildings starting to rise but it still needed time to complete.

On the other hand, the demand for bicycles and other things started to rise which caused another problem that Lev's subordinates needed to solve as demand greatly exceeded the supply.

To solve such a matter, Ning Fengzhi and the others decided to hire more workers and plan to construct several buildings with the purpose of building workshops for creating such things.


---Two years after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

The buildings of the workshop were the first to be done and were all operating at full capacity seeing how it had occupied several lots of land for such a purpose.

Later on, a motorbike was then introduced to the public as the people in charge of it were already done researching, however, the construction of such still needs to be checked with the higher-ups before selling it to the market.


---Two years and a half after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

True God's Elite Academy held a small tournament as per Bibi Dong's arrangement as the headmaster to check the progress of the students.

Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Xiao Wu, for over two years, have been acting as the teachers of the direct students of Lev. The students protested at it at first as they felt that they were the same age but after they each showed their battle prowess and depth of their knowledge, they could only feel astonishment and admiration while thinking if they really were of the same generation.


---Three years after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

This time, several buildings were now constructed in the former Star Lou Empire. There were also a number of buildings whose purpose of constructing them was unknown as Lev did not tell them what the infrastructure was all about.

One thing that also happened is that the demand for bicycles gradually fell after knowing about the motorcycle that was in production, but it was still in demand especially for normal people as it was a very convenient and cheap mode of transportation.


---Three years and a half after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

This time around, the continent finally returns to normal as the Former Star Lou Empire is now in operation again and business gradually increases in the place however, the thought that the Evil Spirit Masters was done was actually still not finished after Zhuqing's father had come to know his very own daughter Zhu Zhuyun was connected to them.

Such a thing was very hard to believe since Zhuqing's father was known to be one of the pillars of the continent and yet her daughter had left astray. The punishment of Zhu Zhuyun was being conducted by the law, however, since her father was in service, Ning Fengzhi and the other heads had given her the chance to redeem herself by telling them where their base was located.


---Four years after Lev left---

True God's Continent,

Another war broke out after the hideout of Evil Spirit Masters was located after Zhu Zhuyun was interrogated. This time, however, Lev's direct students joined in the operation of annihilating them as Bibi Dong ordered them to do so.

At the end of the war, Lev's students finally made a name for themselves and took the first step towards being the Royal Guard of the continent.

During this time, Zhu Zhuqing's father took the initiative to leave his position thinking that he had let down the Emperor. He had left with the reason of dealing with his family matters and would no longer take any continental matter and decision as he felt guilty about what her daughter had done.


God Realm,

After four years, the God Realm which was very magnificent before was now on the verge of collapse looking at how ruined and chaotic the place had become. It was safe to say that the place was no longer a place appropriate to live in.

And yet, a youth with tattered clothes while having several cuts and blood on his body could be seen sitting on a pile of dead bodies that could be seen on this place. It was more appropriate to say that the surrounding area was like a battlefield seeing dead people lying everywhere.

The youth could be seen breathing heavily while holding a sword in his hand tightly like his life depended on it. This youth was none other than Lev who had fought the Gods four years ago and lasted until now. He looked at the sky with his emotionless eyes as if it had already lost life and spirit within it.

"It's over." Lev muttered after seeing how quiet the place had become. The war was still fresh on his mind like it just happened a while ago. He was thinking if it was all just a dream thinking about the hardship he had faced while battling them alone. Running, hiding, growing, and killing, these was all he did in four years over and over again. He had even forgotten how many Gods he had killed during the years that had passed. No ordinary person could have done this and remained a sane person, however, Lev endured it all as he kept on hoping to see the people that he had loved back on the continent.

"W-Why did you spare me?" A female voice sounded. A woman with great beauty could be seen sitting on the ground in shock while shaking as she looked at Lev like a monster. She had witnessed it all, she had seen how the battle begins up to how it ends, and she could not believe her very own eyes that Lev had won the war.

Hearing the voice, Lev then looked at the Goddess of Life before standing up making the latter start shaking after seeing how Lev looked at her with his listless eyes.

"I need someone to manage this place for me as I don't have time to do it myself and your God position and power fits it perfectly." Lev answered truthfully before starting to head down toward her. Yes, he had spared the Goddess of Life, but he had also done so for another reason.

"D-Do you think I will forgive you after killing all the Gods here?" The Goddess of Life furiously said. Though she was grateful after Lev spared her life, she was still sad and furious after seeing all the Gods die in the battle except for her.

[Hate: 100%]

Lev could see through using Harem Sense the emotion within the Goddess of Life, but he didn't care about it. It was completely normal to feel that way since who in their right mind would feel nothing towards a person who killed all his/her friends and acquaintances.

"I know you won't, and I don't care. As the Goddess of Life, you must have any second thoughts about this war and yet it still happened. It only shows that you could not stop Asura God King from doing it. However, I wonder if you really voice it out or if you just shut your mouth regarding this. If you chose the former out then I had nothing to do on this matter however, if it's the latter, then you are partly responsible for what happened." Lev replied while looking at her closely.

Goddess of Life lowered her head down upon hearing Lev's word. She remembered how she tried, no, she didn't even in the first place and let things happen. So, Lev was right, she was partly responsible for it especially since she governs the power of Life itself.

"E-Even s--" Goddess of Life wanted to say something but Lev had pinned her down on the ground and blocked her lips which shocked her. She struggled with the remaining strength of her body and could only push Lev away a little before she started crawling back with great hatred wanting to create some distance between them as Lev's presence was really too tyrannical right now.

Lev, on the other hand, only looked into the sky before laughing at himself after realizing what he just done. He thought he might have become crazy now upon forcing himself on other people despite promising not to do it anymore, however, he could not blame himself for doing it since he had done nothing for the past four years but fight and see blood everywhere. He thought that he must not be in his right mind right now from all that killing, and his instinct might have overtaken his body to do such a thing.

"I'm sorry as I'm kind of feeling not myself today." Lev said while covering his eyes with his arm while fighting the accumulated desire within him. He had never thought that after having the time to rest up, his long-lost desires ignited immediately after seeing the Goddess of Life and he seems to have difficulty controlling it.

Meanwhile, the Goddess of Life seems to notice that something is going on with Lev. She stares at him for a while before she is forced to move her tired body to stand up and walk closer to him just to see him shaking. Seeing his situation, she could not help but grip the weapon in her hand tightly while thinking about doing something, however, as a hint of killing intent gushed out from her, Lev opened his eyes and pinned her on the ground before tearing off all the clothes afterward.

"I told you, didn't I? I said I did not feel myself today. You should have backed off." Lev said before he started ravishing the Goddess of Life like a beast seeing how he broke her off even after how she begged and moaned in pain. Her struggling was futile with her pitiful strength and could only lie down while being eaten by him like a wolf eating a harmless sheep.