Chapter 77 - Favor


---The next morning---

In the Cafeteria,

After a good night's rest, Lev, Sia, Shio, and Iroha were already in the cafeteria early in the morning while eating awkwardly as all the people in the place were looking at them with curiosity. Lev could only sigh and continue eating as he thought that it must be due to yesterday's incident.

Suddenly, a white-skinned man with black hair that hung over his left eye appeared and stopped at their table. Holding his food on a tray, he said, "Yoh, can I eat here too?"

"Yeah, you can sit wherever you want." Lev replied while looking at the probably most powerful and experienced person here in Fenrir. 

"By the way, I'm Lindow Amamiya, Captain of the 1st Unit." Lindow introduced himself while placing his food on the table and started eating. 

"Lev Hendrix. So, what is it? What does the captain of the 1st unit need to do here? I pretty much read all over your face that you've come with a purpose." Lev introduced himself back before directly asking him as he ate. He does not believe him coming particularly to their table just to eat with them unless he has a purpose in mind.

"Kahhh, you can even tell that? Well, Major Amamiya ordered me to." Lindow replied wryly as he really was ordered by his sister to get to know more about him.

"And thank you for helping us yesterday by the way." Lindow followed as he did not even have the time to thank him last night. 

"Major Amamiya told me about you being temporarily assigned to Unit 1. I'm looking forward to working together." Lindow said as this was also the other purpose of him talking to him.

Hearing Lindow, Lev was quite surprised as he never thought that they didn't even get his confirmation upon this matter but despite that, it was still his plan all along as he needed to get out to kill Aragami for his personal mission and being in the 1st unit would be the best arrangement.

"Seeing that you're not surprised, how about you join us with our mission later and know about the rest of the unit." Lindow said after seeing Lev did not have any reaction and thought that he might have been already informed about this matter.

"Hmmm, might as well kill some Aragami to pass time." Lev said before patting Shio while looking at Iroha who was quietly eating at the table. Following that, they then just talked while enjoying the food before leaving the base. 


In the wasteland,

As Lindow said back in the cafeteria, Lev and the others were already in some abandoned city killing some Aragami in groups.

Lindow grouped himself with two other people. One of them is a punk-looking male with pale white skin, spiky red hair, and red eyes. He wears sunglasses, a cherry vest with arm warmers, black nickers with two red pockets, and brown laced boots. The other was a young man with smooth platinum blond hair, blue eyes, and brown skin. He wears a dark blue hoodie, and underneath it, he wears a half-tucked yellow shirt with a black tie. He wears blue boots and black cargo pants with some type of chain attached to them.

These two were Eric der Vogelweid and Soma Schicksal, unlike the original story, the former did not die but was just injured and was now with them on a mission which Lev doubted if he really was severely injured last night.

Lev, on the other hand, was grouped into their last member. A beautiful woman in her twenties with black hair that is styled in a bob and red eyes. She wears a black backless top with a neck strap also tied around her waist, a green ribbon strip tied around her right bicep, a black beach skirt over a pair of shorts, and a pair of heeled shoes.

Her name was Sakuya Tachibana and the four of them together with Sia and Shio were in another area of the city.

"I have seen what you did last night and I swear I never heard about a human who could kill an Aragami with their bare first. I am actually hoping to see it again this time but seeing you now swinging an ordinary sword makes me think 'just what are you really?" Sakuya commented while looking at Lev swinging his sword like he was dancing while killing an Aragami at the same time.

Sia and Shio, on the other hand, were also there just looking at them without doing anything as Lev told them to do so. 

"Well, I am just a lucky human." Lev replied while looking at her body and could only say that she was really very hot for a woman. He might be acting like a horny dog right now, but seeing Sakuya in the flesh really was quite something.

Seeing Lev staring at her, Sakuya could not help but blush as Lev was just too different from the others and his handsomeness was really off the charts. She then just looked at the other two with them who looked very harmless before getting her composure back.

"Let's wrap this up as it was already turning dark." Sakuya then just changed the mood by saying that they needed to finish their mission soon. She was actually being ordered by Lindow to talk to Lev to gauge more information about him and yet she was getting distracted instead.

Following that, Lev and Sakuya then started hunting all the remaining Aragami before meeting up with the others. 

Having met their quota, Lindow then told the group to head back to the base and deliver the cores that they collected. Lev didn't even bother and just let them see how he summoned the cores out of nowhere to let them get used to it as they will see it more often from now on. 


Lev's room,

After heading back, Lev first took a bath and was already finished seeing him only wearing a towel to cover his lower body. He was alone in the room this time as Sia and Shio wanted to see the whole base after being invited by Sakuya after they came back.

Lev was about to wear some clothes when suddenly the door opened and there he saw Sia entering. He then said, "I thought you would like to see the place. Are you two done already? How is it then?"

Sia, however, didn't answer as she closed the door and walked closer to Lev. She looked at his body first before kneeling down and grabbing the towel that covered his cock. Just like Lev said, she actually wanted to see the place before she ditched Shio and Sakuya for this reason.

Lev could only feel surprised before he then felt blissed for the next hour and finally ended it as they headed to Iroha's room to check her out and to tell her about the good news since she must have felt pretty uneasy upon this place.


Iroha's room,

Not long after that, Lev and Iroha could now be found talking to each other while Sia was looking at them. They have been talking about a particular person who was important and special to Iroha.

"Lev. I already looked around the place, but I couldn't see my brother. Did he really go in here?" Iroha said and asked after being worried that something might have happened to his brother and didn't make it to this place.

"It's completely normal for you not to see him since I was told that he was being detained for not following orders." Lev answered truthfully since it was something that happened in the story too and it would not be that completely different this time.

"D-Detained?" Iroha looked up at Lev after hearing what he said. 

"Mmmm. Don't worry. I could ask about it to Major Amamiya tomorrow so you can visit him." Lev then said. It was the only thing that he could do for the both of them and right after that, they would be on their own.

Hearing this, Iroha couldn't help but become happy as she looked at Lev with great appreciation. She was very grateful from the very start until now that she was completely confused as to why he would go as far as that.


---The next morning---

On the vehicle, 

On this day, Lev and the others went out for another mission again but this time, their target was to hunt for medium-type Aragami that could be found quite far from the base. 

Lev had already ordered Shio to stay with Iroha this time so the latter would not get bored in the base which she accepted without question. 

"Dude, can you do that again?" Eric suddenly asked. Though he hadn't seen it since he was pretty injured at that time, there were videos captured and so he watched how he plummeted an Aragami with his fist.

"Hmmm. I only got lucky that time." Lev replied with a smile as he looked at Eric with interest.

"Just how did you do it? I want to try it too. Haha." Eric wasn't disappointed upon hearing Lev since he understood that he might not share it and so respected his privacy, but he really was pretty curious about it and couldn't but ask.

Lev then just smiled without answering since he also did not know how to explain it to them so he might as well avoid discussing such a thing and remain silent as he thought that his actions might be normal knowing that they were still not that close.

After driving for a while, it was already time for lunch when they arrived at their destination. They did not immediately work as they each took some of their rations to eat before grouping again to hunt some Aragamis.


In some area of the place, 

After eating their fill, Lev could now be seen fighting several medium and small types while Sakuya supported him in the back with her gun-type God Arc. Using its sword form, Lev's mastery of his passive skill 'Weapon Sage' continued to increase.

Moments later, Lev and Sakuya could not have the time to rest upon seeing how many Aragami they just killed. 

"I think you can do more alone without my help." Sakuya said as she could feel Lev holding himself back while fighting the Aragamis. Thinking about it objectively, Lev was more suited to act alone to achieve better results, however, she could not do so since it was an order from Lindow and Major Amamiya. 

"Hmm, but I think it's more effective and safer to have someone watching my back." Lev replied truthfully. Though he was already confident in his strength right now, having companions to watch his back was also great and safer.

Hearing Lev's words, Sakuya was moved and could not help but smile faintly from which silence then occupied the place. Not before long, she then asked with great curiosity, "By the way, if it's not rude to ask, are Sia, Shio, and Iroha your relatives?"

"Hahaha. Sia and Shio were my lovers while Iroha was someone I saved back then and coincidentally had someone she knew inside." Lev replied while looking at Sakuya. Though Shio was still young, he already declared that she was his after all they had shared together.

"W-What?!" Sakuya wanted to say something but could not utter the right words. She couldn't think how could the three of them had such a relationship, especially Shio who was still young, however, thinking about it deeply, they might have traveled together for a long time and started sharing such feelings with each other without getting jealous of one another.

"Well, I also have a question to ask if you don't mind." Lev said as he also wanted to know something, especially about her.

"Go ahead." Sakuya said after hearing him.

"Hmmm, is there something going on with you and Lindow?" Lev directly asked as he wanted to know whether they already had a relationship this time around.

"T-That. No!" Sakuya denied it after hearing him, though there were times that she really admired Lindow, especially during missions, however, that was that and nothing else.

"That's good then. Seeing you yesterday makes me want you for myself. You having a relationship with him would be problematic, fortunately, you don't." Lev answered while smiling as he thought that it would be a waste if she didn't become his woman given what she was right now.

"S-Shameless!!" Sakuya flushed a little after hearing his words. She could not even imagine how he could say such things to a person, but his boldness was something enough to be praised by her admiration. 

"Well, I am just telling you how I feel. So better prepare for it." Lev smiled. He also didn't know how he could say such bold things upfront, but it was really something that he felt at the moment and he kind of wanted to embrace it.

"L-Let's head back. I think they were also done with their quota." Sakuya said before she immediately left the place without waiting for Lev. Though his boldness quite surprised her, thinking about him having two lovers at the same time, she could not put herself into such a tricky situation.

Lev then just smiled while looking at the way she walked before following her from behind.

After heading to their rendezvous point, they rested for a bit before heading back however, while they were on their way to the base, Eric couldn't help but ask Sakuya seeing her bothered face that was very new to them.



Far East Branch Base, 

It was already night when Lev and the others returned. Lindow and his group had already dispersed after completing their mission while Lev stayed behind as he wanted to talk something to Major Amamiya. 

"I hope you're getting familiar with the base." Major Amamiya said while looking at the monitor. 

"Well, Lindow and the others were always there if I have something to ask." Lev replied while also looking around to see how many monitors were in the place while the people inside were quite busy seeing them seriously looking at their monitors while talking to their communication devices.

"Well, then. Do you have something to ask perhaps?" Major Amamiya directly asked as she knew that Lev had something in mind upon seeing him staying behind.

"You see, one of my companions had a brother who was being detained. I would like to ask permission to let her visit him." Lev then told his purpose since he had promised Iroha that he would get into it.

"Hmmm, there were a lot of people who were being detained, which one?" Major Amamiya asked while surprised at what she just heard.

"The New-Type." Lev replied with certainty. 

Hearing this, Major Amamiya's eyes lit up with surprise at what she just heard, and couldn't help but smile at such a coincidence. Her mind then started running upon thinking that she could take advantage of this to know him well.

"Visiting that person needed the director's permission. I could let the director know about it, however, I would like a favor to ask in return." Major Amamiya replied while looking at Lev with a smile. 

[Curiosity: 100 %]

"It's good." Lev said while looking at the blue notification above her. He wasn't even surprised about it as he already perceived the sudden unnoticeable change in her voice after hearing about what he just said.

With that, Major Amamiya then just smiled before she moved towards a table and talked to someone leaving Lev the time to look around the place.