Chapter 78 - A Wild Night R 18


---The same night---

In a private room in the headquarters,

At this moment, Lev and Major Amamiya could be seen in a room in which the wall was made of glass. The scenery outside was so great as they could see many lights sparkling like stars in the night.

Inside the room, Lev and Major Amamiya were eating dinner and drinking some wine while talking to each other as this was the favor that Major Amamiya asked in return for Iroha visiting her brother.

Lev thought about what favor she wanted to ask but knowing that it was just a simple dinner made him accept directly, however, he also thought that it might not just be a simple one seeing that they were only together in the room.

"Now that I have a closer look, you are really having quite a face. In this world, it's hard to find someone as handsome as you." Major Amamiya said as she couldn't help but look at Lev's face. Being aware of what the world had become, Lev's appearance was quite a rare sight no matter how she looked at it.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Hearing Major Amamiya, Lev replied with a smile seeing how serious she was while staring at him but such a thing wouldn't faze him anymore as he was already used to it.

Following that, the two then just talked about things like superficial information like what Lev did when the Aragamis appeared and how he survived until now. Major Amamiya also asked about his companions especially Iroha after knowing that the new type was her brother.

Their conversation took some time as they already finished quite a few bottles of wine, however, despite that, Lev was still fine as ever, unlike Major Amamiya who had almost reached her limit after she started spouting nonsense about their conversation.

"I don't know what you're planning for tonight but your plan on making me drunk won't succeed Major Amamiya." Lev said as he smiled while looking at the drunk Tsubaki in front of him. With True God's Immunity, getting drunk is impossible unless he deactivates it himself.

Upon hearing this, Tsubaki then just looked at Lev while biting her lips.


In the cafeteria,

At this moment, Sakuya, Sia, Shio, and Iroha could be found eating together in the cafeteria. The four had gotten along since Sakuya was the only woman they were close with inside the base.

"Sia, do you know where Lev was?" Sakuya suddenly asked after she saw Lev earlier together with Major Amamiya heading somewhere in the headquarters. Though she wasn't a person who liked to pry, it really made her curious.

"Hmmm. He said that he won't be back tonight as he had something to do." Sia replied while eating. Lev already told her and Shio that something came up on his side that he needed to attend to telling her to sleep with Shio tonight.

Hearing Sia, Sakuya looked at them while hesitating to say that he was actually just in the headquarters but she decided to keep it a secret and just ask Lev about it tomorrow. Right after that, they then just enjoy eating while talking from time to time.


Back in the private room,

This time, Lev could now be found sitting on the chair while Tsubaki was sitting on his lap kissing each other. The two got into this situation after Tsubaki couldn't hold on anymore and directly pounced on Lev.

Meanwhile, Lev didn't know if it is because she was drunk, but he doesn't care at all as he was also enjoying the moment after his lust also start kicking in after feeling how excited Tsubaki was seeing how she skillfully tangling her tongue against his while moving her ass on his lap.

Lev, on the other hand, was not idle either as his hands were already holding her round ass while squeezing it with force. He hadn't touched any woman other than Sia for how a year and suddenly being embraced by this busty woman made him lose it.

"I now doubt. I think this is your true purpose for inviting me in the first place, Tsubaki." Lev said as he broke the kiss and teased her with his hands still on her round ass wanting to feel more of it.

Hearing Lev, Tsubaki then just looked at him before looking at his lips. Though this situation wasn't in her plan, after seeing his appearance added of being drunk, she couldn't help but want to do this thing with him.

Seeing Tsubaki, Lev then just squeezed her ass again while staring at each other before Tsubaki's face got closer, and kissed him once more.

Following that, lewd sounds of kissing then filled the room and the two did not stop until the moment Tsubaki took off her shirt and showed her big and round breasts to Lev.

Lev couldn't help but admire how beautiful and big her breasts were before grabbing them both with his hands and started fondling one of them while he starts sucking the other.

"aahh." Tsubaki could only bite her finger and moan while looking at how Lev played with her breasts. The loneliness that she has over the years has started fading every time Lev gives her an unimaginable pleasure.

Lev continued sucking her breasts before he felt Tsubaki's body suddenly quiver on his lap with her hands already grabbing his hair tightly.

"Tsubaki, to think that you have an orgasm just by sucking your breasts. Are you that lonely?" Lev teased while looking at Tsubaki's seductive face. Thinking that all she did over the years was work, he could not imagine how pent-up she must be that she could get an orgasm that early without doing the real thing.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, didn't reply as she suddenly stood up, removed the rest of her clothes, and presented her curvaceous and mature body to Lev. She was already lost in lust after climaxing and she didn't want to stop and wanted more of it.

Lev looked at Tsubaki and couldn't help but gulp seeing the charm of the mature body she had. Following that, Lev then saw her kneeling down and grabbed his belt before unbuckling it and saw his cock angrily pointing at her. He could tell how excited his cock was right now as it looked like a monster seeing the veins popping out of it.

Tsubaki looked at Lev's monstrous cock and could not wait to suck it whole. She looked at it for a while before holding it with her two hands and started licking the tip of it while taking glances at Lev at the same time.

"hhugh." Lev felt electrified after feeling such a different sensation. He already got a blowjob from his lover many times but Tsubaki's way of doing it was completely new and he is liking it.

Seeing Lev enjoying, Tsubaki continue licking before sucking it, however, no matter what she did, her mouth could not take it whole and could only take 3/4 of its length inside.

Lev, on the other hand, was already satisfied with this while closing his eyes and caressing Tsubaki's head as she started moving her head up and down on his cock while feeling an otherworldly blowjob as she skillfully twirling her tongue inside every time his cock entered her mouth.

After doing this for a while, Tsubaki could feel that her blowjob doesn't much have an effect on Lev and it started to numb, that was when she thought of another idea. She then grabbed her breasts and placed Lev's cock between them before making it wet with her saliva. She looked at Lev first before starting to move her breasts while still licking the top of his cock.

This time, Lev suddenly opened his eyes and saw how his cock was being squeezed by Tsubaki's big breasts. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't resist and grabbed her head with both hands and started moving her head with the same rhythm as the way she moved her breasts.

Tsubaki could only widen her eyes and let Lev do whatever he wanted as she was also loving it. It took several minutes before Lev moved Tsubaki's head down and took his cock wholly before ejaculating inside her mouth down to her throat.

Tsubaki's eyes widened after feeling that her mouth was being flooded with Lev's semen and she then started drinking them all not wanting to spill any drops, however, she couldn't help but spill some as Lev loaded a large amount of it.

Not before long, Lev then let go of her head and saw her coughing, but she still started licking his cock again wanting to scrape the spilled semen sticking on his cock.

Right after that, Tsubaki looked at Lev seductively before she stood up and moved towards the glass wall. She placed both her hands on the wall while bending a little to let her ass show in a good position.

"Lev, you can mess my other holes too." Tsubaki seductively said as she turned her head to look at Lev with her eyes drowning in lust. Drinking Lev's semen even aroused her more and she couldn't stop herself anymore.

Seeing this, Lev could no longer stop himself and stood up immediately. Right after that, he then took off his clothes and moved directly towards Tsubaki's back before positioning his cock towards her pussy. No matter how he told himself that he must form a relationship with others first before doing this kind of thing, however, Tsubaki right now is just too sexy and seductive to let the chance slip.

Lev moved his head closer to Tsubaki and whispered, "Tsubaki, let's make this night unforgettable."

After saying that, Lev then thrust his cock and entered her pussy with difficulty as he never thought that she was still a virgin despite her being old already. He pushed it slowly before his cock fully penetrated inside.

"Tsubaki, your virgin yet mature pussy felt very good." Lev said as he started moving his hips and letting her get used to it.

"aahh...aahh." Tsubaki just moaned and did not even scream after Lev took her virginity and just listened to him as she already sticking out her tongue while looking at the town outside through the glass wall.

After a while, Lev then started moving his hips faster while grabbing her breast with one hand and her waist in the other. This is the first pussy he had tasted in over a year aside from Sia and it seems a high-class one.

"L-Lev... aahh.....aahh... Lev." Tsubaki started moaning and calling Lev's name as she could no longer properly upon feeling how good Lev's cock was while supporting herself not to fall down.

Lev, after constant thrusting, felt that Tsubaki's feet were getting weak. He looked at her in the glass window and saw how she was enjoying herself from which he could not help but pinned her on the wall which her breasts pressed on it before grabbing her waist with both hands and accelerating his thrusting.

"aahh..... aahh... aahh.....aahh." Tsubaki moaned as her body was being pressed on the wall while Lev was penetrating her hard from behind.

On the other hand, Lev held her waist and carried her a little bit as her feet were now not touching the floor. After that, Lev then thrust his cock faster and faster after feeling that he was already on his limit before he pushed his cock for the last time and ejaculated inside her womb.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, was starting to get unconscious after feeling such pleasure. She could not believe that she would lose her virginity to a person she just met a few times without even resisting and even wanting him to dominate her instead.

After a whole ten seconds, Lev then let go of his hand so her feet touch the floor while supporting her not to fall down. He looked at her satisfied expression on the reflection of the wall and couldn't help but wrap his arms around her waist while also looking outside.

"Tsubaki, did it feel great?" Lev smiled as he asked while holding her.

"Y-Yes." Tsubaki replied while still catching her breath and smiling. After getting fucked and drank his semen for the first time, she could not help but want more and decided that he will be the only man that would dominate her.

[Interested: 100 %]

Moments later, Lev then turned her body around to face her. The two stared at each other before Tsubaki moved first and pushed Lev to the chair behind him.

Lev didn't resist and sat on the chair and saw Tsubaki walking seductively towards him while his semen was still flowing out of her pussy.

After getting closer, Tsubaki then sat on Lev's lap facing each other before she suddenly moves her body up and grabbed Lev's cock and placed it to her pussy entrance before moving down.

"aaahhh." Tsubaki moaned after feeling Lev's cock entering her pussy again. She adjusted for a while before starting to move on her own wanting to do the work this time.

"Ugh." Lev also groaned after feeling the tightness of her pussy has become and could only move his hand on her waist which helped her move her body up and down faster.

Following that, the two then fucked on the chair and it lasted for several minutes before climaxing together. They rested for a while before continuing again and again and again.


In some place in the city,

Meanwhile, in the quiet city inside Fenrir, Sakuya could be found lying on the bed in her room while moving from time to time showing that she's having difficulty sleeping.

Sakuya, after acting weird, opened her eyes while remembering the words that Lev said back in their mission and couldn't help but blush a little as it was really her first time hearing it directly but the main reason that she could not sleep was seeing Lev and Major Amamiya together heading somewhere. Though she thought that it was normal since Lev started working on the headquarters, her instinct as a woman was telling her that something was amiss.

"Sigh. Why am I even acting like this in the first place anyway?" Sakuya suddenly said to herself as she thought that it wasn't even her business to know the situation Lev was in before she closed her eyes again wanting to sleep.

However, it only lasted for a couple of seconds before Sakuya got out of bed and headed toward the living room she had and got some beer. She then walked to the window and looked at the town outside wanting to calm herself while drinking alcohol.