Chapter 89 - Conditions


---The next morning---

In the bathroom,

After having a comfortable and proper rest, Lev could be found together with Sakuya in the bathroom. With the skill 'Soundproofing', they could let out seductive moans and grunts to their hearts' content seeing them having sex early in the morning.

"Aahh.... Lev, it's too deep...aahh." Sakuya moaned loudly while being pinned down on the wall. Upon waking up, never would she thought that things would turn out like this however, it was not like she didn't like what was happening as she was clearly loving and enjoying it. 

Lev, on the other hand, was completely horny seeing how he thrust his cock inside Sakuya without holding back. Tasting her again completely made him excited and so he couldn't help but devour her right here right now.

With that, Lev and Sakuya keep on fucking each other before lasting an hour. They, however, haven't got out yet seeing them together in the bathtub embracing each other while kissing from time to time.

"Sakuya. Be part of my growing family." Lev suddenly said while caressing her back. Since she still hasn't officially part of his harem, he felt like he needed to push through such thoughts thinking that there might be something bugging her to accept such a relationship.

Hearing Lev, Sakuya suddenly got up and looked at Lev seriously. Recalling back, she really thought Lev was only joking about him wanting to have a relationship with her since she also said herself that she wouldn't enter such a mess and yet here she was, enjoying the feeling of his touches and embrace.

"I will. So, take good care of me." Sakuya then replied before moving her face closer and taking the initiative to kiss Lev. Following this, she then adjusted herself and find a good position. She looked at Lev first before guiding his cock back to her pussy and letting her body fall down.

[Love: 100 %]

[Do you want to add Sakuya Tachibana to Harem Members?]

'Yes.' Lev answered.

[Sakuya Tachibana has been added to Harem Members.]

Not before long, Lev and Sakuya then have another round again before finally getting out and announcing to Sia and Shio about their relationship. After that, they fixed themselves since they still had an important gathering to attend later. 



Inside a hall,

Inside a spacious hall, the place was filled with people however, the atmosphere inside was very heavy because they weren't in the area to celebrate something. All of the God Eaters attended this gathering to mourn for Tatsumi and the others who died during their mission.

Everyone in the hall knew that death was a risk that they were prepared for after being a God Eater and they must always be prepared for that, but who in the world would take such things like nothing? Of course, they were prepared but also feared it. That is why they were doing this kind of ceremony to commemorate the dead ones and also a reminder to be careful. 

"Can I sit with you?" Kanon suddenly said after arriving at the table at which Lev and the others were sitting. She had now nothing to head to since all her unit aside from her was annihilated. She even didn't know what would happen to her from now on and was waiting for another assignment.

On the other hand, Lev and the others stare at Kanon with sympathy as they feel sorry about her unit members. They then nodded at her knowing that she needs people to talk and lean to in this kind of thing.

"How are you?" Lev asked while looking at the Tsubaki talking in the center. Though Kanon was looking normally on the outside, he still could feel something as the sadness and grievance could not be hidden in her eyes.

"I-I'm fine." Kanon replied solemnly. She already let out everything last night so nothing would ever come out anymore since she knew that feeling down wouldn't help her in this forsaken world.

"Did Major Amamiya already give you instructions as to what will happen to the 2nd unit now?" Lev then asked and didn't dwell deeply into depressing stuff as he also never wanted her to feel down again.

"No." Kanon replied while also thinking about such a matter since she was the only God Eater left in her unit. However, she already thought that she might get transferred since a unit must consist of at least five or more God Eaters to start operating.

Following that, they then remained in the hall and accompanied everyone until the end. Just like nothing had happened, the people around them each parted ways, and Sia and Shio returned back to Lev's room. Kanon, on the other hand, also left somewhere inside the headquarters.


Operating Hall,

Meanwhile, while everyone started working back, Lev and the rest of the 1st unit gathered in the operating hall upon being ordered by Tsubaki to an important discussion.

"Everyone, I have something to announce. Due to the deaths of Tatsumi and the others leaving the 2nd unit with Kanon as its only member, Director Johannes instructed me to form a new unit." Tsubaki said upon seeing everyone already in place. She even didn't linger any longer and directly told them the reason behind this meeting.

"And how does this connect to us in the 1st unit?" Lindow as the captain of the 1st unit immediately asked. He knew that the former 2nd unit was a defensive unit unlike them who were heading out and risked their lives to take God Cores.

"Well, it does connect to the 1st unit as Director Johannes instructed that Lev will now leave the 1st unit and lead the new 2nd unit from now on." Tsubaki answered before looking at Lev wanting to see his reaction. She was also surprised about this order however since Lev was only a temporary member of the 1st unit, then it would not be that difficult.

Hearing Tsubaki, Lindow and the rest then were surprised before looking at Lev waiting for his reaction as they really can't decide, especially Lindow, about this matter as Lev really was not a member of the 1st unit.

"Do you have any objection about this, Lev?" Tsubaki asked but her face was telling Lev to say 'Accept' for the reason that they really need new personnel that could lead a team and he was very fit for the role.

Meanwhile, Lev was also surprised by this situation and couldn't help but sigh since he had considered this possibility. He could also really not decline since he was partly at fault for why this thing happened.

"None." Lev replied as there really is no harm in having a unit of his own. The only thing that was unfortunate with this was that he could not go with Sakuya in missions anymore since they would be with a different unit from now on.

"Good. N-." Tsubaki sighed in relief and wanted to end this matter however, she stopped midway upon hearing Lev say something.

"But I have a condition." Lev interrupted. He also knew everything about the 2nd unit, and he would not allow such a thing since it would hinder his growth. Thus, he wanted to propose a condition and he knew that they wouldn't reject such conditions.

"What is it?" Tsubaki immediately asked with surprise. Though she could not decide everything in the base, it was not bad knowing what he wanted and letting Director Johannes decide.

"First, I don't need anyone else aside from Kanon to join my unit. Second, the unit that will be formed won't be a defensive one just like the former as I want a unit whose purpose was to hunt Aragamis. Third, aside from Kanon, Sia and Shio would be now included as my unit members." Lev then immediately told Tsubaki his condition which surprised everyone in the hall.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, looked at Lev and saw him serious about his condition. She then just sighed and faintly smiled thinking Lev must have something in his sleeves to propose such a thing.

"I will relay your conditions back to Director Johannes later then." Tsubaki answered before looking at Lindow and the rest of the original 1st unit.

"Do you have any questions?" Tsubaki asked wanting to let this end once and for all since she still had something to do.

"What is it, Alisa?" Tsubaki said after seeing Alisa raising her hand.

"Can I leave the 1st unit and join Lev's unit instead?" Alisa suddenly asked with seriousness as she was determined to follow Lev. She knew how powerful he was especially after what just happened yesterday. Following him would be more beneficial to her than following the first unit.

"Are you sure, Alisa?" Tsubaki asked again wanting to confirm. She was surprised by this sudden proposition thinking about what Lev did to her to leave her unit and transfer to his.

Without any second thoughts, Alisa nodded seriously as this was for her betterment of herself. She then just looked at Lev wanting to know what his reaction would be since she already prepared something to say if he declined.

"Lev, what do you think?" Tsubaki asked as she looked at him as he just told them his condition that he wouldn't take any other member aside from Kanon.

"T-That." Lev wryly smiled as he didn't expect Alisa to suggest such a thing.

"Well, I think I can spare some space for her in my unit, but it still depends on Lindow if he would allow it." Lev answered. Though he didn't mind having Alisa and was even happier about it, he, however, still needed the approval of Lindow, her unit captain.

Following that, all of them then looked at Lindow waiting for his reply.

Lindow, on the other hand, then just lit a cigarette before looking at them thinking that it still was manageable for Lev to leave but seeing that Alisa would also like to leave their unit gave him a sudden headache, however, he wasn't selfish enough to make her stay if she doesn't want to.

"If she wants to leave then I won't stop her." Lindow said after he thought that Lev could handle her more than any of them. Also, this was not a matter of which unit was stronger since their primary goal was to kill Aragami and collect as many God Cores for the completion of the Aegis Project

"Then, Alisa will be now transferred to Lev's unit if Lev's conditions are approved. If there's nothing else, then dismissed." Tsubaki said before looking at them for the last time. She saw Sakuya wanted to say something but was stopped by Lev. After seeing no other reactions, Tsubaki then immediately left the hall and headed somewhere.

After that, Lindow and the others then congratulate Lev for becoming a Unit Captain before parting ways seeing them leaving the room one by one.

Meanwhile, Alisa stayed behind and stared at Lev seriously. Lev, on the other hand, also stares at her thinking about what would happen now as she might really be moved from the 1st Unit. However, after thinking that story had changed that much then her leaving the 1st Unit wouldn't be that much of a problem.

"Let's fight." Alisa suddenly which made Lev woke up from his thoughts.

"Fight, huh." Lev said before looking at Sia on his side while suddenly smiling upon thinking of a beautiful idea.


Johannes Office,

After giving instructions to Lev, Lindow, and the rest of the 1st unit, Tsubaki then immediately headed toward Johannes's office and relayed Lev's condition to him. Though she kind of not expecting anything, she still felt like trying to move it forward since it was her man's proposal.

"Is that all?" Johannes asked after hearing what Tsubaki reported while looking at something on the monitor. He wasn't surprised by this since Lev was a special case and knowing that all his conditions were superficial things then there was no reason for him to decline.

"Yes, sir," Tsubaki replied while getting curious about what he was looking seeing him staring at the monitor with great focus.

"Accept all his conditions. However, we still need to form another defensive unit. I leave this matter to you. You can select talented recruits from the base and let them start training for such jobs." Johannes said with a smile. He knew how efficient Lev was at doing missions and his heading outside would only make his purpose get faster. He then just looked at Tsubaki hinting to leave the place immediately since he still has things at hand.

"Thank you, Sir." Tsubaki said before leaving the office.

On the other hand, Johannes didn't do any work as he just sat on his chair and focused his attention on the monitor while saying, "Interesting."


Training room,

After leaving the operating hall, Lev and his group then headed to the training room after being asked by Alisa to a fight, however, Lev and Shio could be seen observing Sia and Alisa killing virtual Aragamis from the monitoring room.

Lev looked at how the two fought and killed the Aragamis one by one and he could only feel amazed seeing that Alisa really improved after seeing her not taking a hard time fighting several of them, unlike the last time.

Right after that, the fight then didn't take long before the two finished killing them all. Alisa felt really surprised seeing how Sia could fight with the Aragamis with ease just by using her spears unlike her who needs to skillfully utilize her God Arc to deal with them. Unbeknownst to her, Sia still didn't use her full power right at that moment which would greatly help her kill Large Types alone.

Finally seeing them idle, Lev and Shio then headed down and told them his reaction.

"You two did great, especially Alisa. I could see that you've really improved much while we are away." Lev truthfully said while looking at Alisa. He could tell that her improvement was really visible this time as unlike in the past, she would recklessly fight an Aragami without looking at her surroundings.

"Not much." Alisa replied as she looked at Sia before leaving the room without saying goodbye or anything after that.

"Well. Looks like there is still an area for improvement. Either way, let's head to the cafeteria and eat." Lev said while smiling as Alisa still had her silly competitive attitude. Being competitive wasn't bad in a sense but somehow it also causes damage, especially to someone's ego and pride. He then just hoped that she wouldn't go that way and that was why he was smiling since it was now his job to take care of her.



In the cafeteria,

Following what happened in the training room, Lev and the others could now be seen in the cafeteria together with the members of his unit seeing Alisa and Kanon with them, with the exception of Sakuya.

Lev briefed Kanon on her arrangement from now on and she was also good with it since she was also told about it. She was also glad to be part of Lev since she knew how capable they were.

"Why did you stop me earlier, Lev?" Sakuya suddenly asked about what happened in the afternoon. She actually also wanted to transfer to Lev's unit after Alisa but could only stop after being held back by Lev himself.

"It is because the 1st unit needs you more than my unit." Lev replied. He was actually happy knowing that Sakuya wanted to follow him, but he stopped herself earlier as he thought no one within unit 1 could take the lead if Lindow was away as he could tell that Lenka and the rest were still inexperienced in such a role.

Hearing Lev, Sakuya then just accepted his reasons after thinking about it. She also felt bad after not thinking about what Lindow and the other would feel and think if she left.

Following that, Lev and his group then just continued to enjoy the food and talk from time to time, especially about Kanon who was still unfamiliar with Alisa who would be soon her new companion.


Lev's room,

After eating dinner, Kanon then parted with Lev's group. Inside his room, Sakuya, Sia, and Shio were already asleep on the bed leaving him sitting in the corner reading some reports. It was actually the file that he had gotten before he left a month ago which he only remembered now upon being reminded by Tsubaki earlier.

"This is interesting." Lev muttered. The report said that his blood was very strange to the point that he no longer be called a human. They have made several tests and experiments about it and concluded that it was not beneficial to any human however, it was completely different for the Aragamis.

"I will try it sometime." Lev said before taking back the files in his inventory. One piece of information they got from experimenting with his blood was that it made any Aragami eager to want it. There's no clear reason as to why but they all show signs of eagerness to have or more like drink it.

Following that, Lev then joins the others on the bed and finally takes a rest since tomorrow would be completely new and exciting for them since it would be the debut of his newly created unit consisting of him, Sia, Shio, Kanon, and Alisa.