Chapter 90 - New Unit R 18


---The next morning---

On the vehicle,

After formally forming Lev's unit, Lev and the rest of his unit members were now on their way to someplace in the wasteland after receiving their first mission after Director Johannes accepted his conditions.

"We will be heading towards a place where medium types Aragamis were living. Our target was to kill at least ten medium types, but we will not be following this mission. My plan was to clear all the Aragamis that we encounter in that area." Lev seriously said while giving them the gist of their mission this time.

"Also, I won't be joining in the fight this time and will only instruct you from behind. I don't care how long we stay in the wasteland as we won't leave this place as long as there are still Aragami in the area." Lev followed. If anyone would hear this arrangement, then they would probably speak a complaint. He also knew how absurd it was as he did not just want to finish the mission but also to adjust the new unit to a new way of teamwork.

Hearing Lev, Kanon couldn't help but become nervous as she felt that she was still not that prepared to see Aragamis after what happened that day. Alisa, on the other hand, just listened quietly to Lev but she was actually excited inside as this was the mission that she wanted the most 'completely annihilating Aragamis in a certain area' unlike when she was in the 1st unit.

"Kanon, I know you're still not fine but there's no need to worry as we were there protecting your back. Also, Alisa. I want you to follow my orders properly. I hope you're clear with that." Lev assured upon seeing Kanon getting nervous. He then also reprimands Alisa for having a clear mind and not acting recklessly.

Following that, Lev then accelerated since this mission would probably take quite a lot of time however, he was sure that this would be an easy task as Sia and Shio were taking the lead in this mission.


Abandoned place in the wasteland,

After arriving at their destination, Lev and the rest of his unit did not move immediately to kill Aragamis. They first looked for a higher place to stay in which Lev and the others could now be seen in a tall building while looking at the situation below.

"This unit only has two rules. First, always follow my orders, and second, no matter what happens follow the first rule." Lev seriously said while looking at them with seriousness. The rules were pretty plain and normal, but it was important since it was the thing that made the unit sturdy and strong.

Sia and Shio were already used to Lev's strictness while Kanon and Alisa were listening to him seriously especially Alisa as she knew what would happen if they didn't follow his orders just like what happened to her back then.

"Kanon, you'll be on my side while supporting them with your Gun Type God Arc. Sia, Shio, and Alisa, you three will be in the front dealing with them head-on. I won't give you instructions, so you have to create one yourself." Lev said his last instructions. He wanted to observe them fight without giving them instruction as he wanted them to still cooperate with each other when he was not around so that they would not that too reliant on him.

"Go." Following that, Lev then finally started the operation 'Annihilation'.

Hearing Lev's cue, Sia, Shio, and Alisa then jumped down from the building. Kanon, on the other hand, stayed beside Lev while holding her God Arc since she was using a Gun Type. Her purpose in the unit was to give support to the rest so that they would not have a hard time fighting on the front.

After landing on the ground, Shio and Alisa suddenly moved in sync after they took out their God Arc, transformed into their Gun Form, and started firing against the crocodile-like Aragamis while still on the run.

Meanwhile, while doing so, the Aragamis in the surroundings also noticed their presence and they started running to their location.

"Kanon, prepare for support." Lev suddenly ordered while looking at the surrounding Aragamis swarming towards their location. Seeing the situation above, anyone could tell that it was finally over upon seeing them being surrounded by Aragami but that is only if they were normal.

Meanwhile, Sia who running suddenly cast a skill seeing her launch forward quickly and fly out a water-like dragon with magical energy. As the blue waves emanated from the tip of her spear, incoming Aragamis were sent out while some died in the process.

Seeing this phenomenon, Alisa's eyes widened and subconsciously stopped firing as she couldn't believe what she had just seen while thinking about how Sia did such a thing. This was something unbelievable and could not help but believe so as she saw it with her very own eyes.

"Alisa, don't stop and finish them off!!" Lev shouted upon seeing her stop but he could not blame her for that and let it side for now as he knew that she must have been very surprised after seeing it for the first time.

Hearing Lev's shout, Alisa then woke up before she transformed her God Arc into a sword and dashed forward to the incoming and struggling Aragamis. She didn't know what was happening but one thing is for sure and that is killing them now was a piece of cake.

Kanon, who was beside Lev, was also not idle since she had already seen such a thing. She could be seen firing her God Arc at the struggling Aragami however, it was either a missed or even closely hitting the others.

Following that, the fight didn't take long before the group of Argamis was all killed and Lev then gathered them again for another briefing and instruction. Their first wasn't bad but it was also not good either so he needs to point out some room for improvement.

"Alisa, I know you had a lot of questions to ask but this will be the strategy that this unit will follow. Kanon, I don't want to sugarcoat things, your aim sucks. You need to improve your marksmanship as I saw you missing a lot." Lev said upon what he observed earlier, especially Kanon's poor performance. He knew very well that she was really like that in the original story, but he didn't think that it was this bad.

Alisa was still surprised but she was just really curious about it. If they won't tell her how is that possible then she does not have any intention of prying since she really doesn't care and will just only focus on the mission. Kanon, on the other hand, was scratching her head while apologizing for the trouble that she had.

After that, Lev let them rest for a while especially Sia who was the MVP in this fight. He then looked at Kanon thinking about whether to transfer his marksmanship skill to her so that she would not be a problem anymore. Pondering about it for a while, he then decided to observe more and thought about doing it if she did not improve.

"Good. Let's go and find another group of Aragamis in another area." Lev said as he stood up as this was still just the start of their mission even though they had already finished their quota.

Following Lev's order, the unit then leaves the place in search of another group of Aragamis, and due to Sia's skilled spearmanship, they finish and kill off all the Aragami that could be found in the place.

From morning until noon, the group did nothing but kill and kill and only stopped to rest and eat. After giving all their efforts, they could now be seen resting on top of a building while looking at the sunset.

"I think we're done for today. Let's head back now." Lev said with a smile. Just like he thought, their performance exceeded his expectations seeing the clearing of the Aragamis around in a day's time. He then looked at them proudly before heading back down to their vehicle which the others followed immediately as they also wanted to return to rest after fighting for several hours.


Far East Branch Cafeteria,

Arriving back like heroes, Lev had already done giving the cores that they collected throughout the day which made the whole headquarters shocked after he remitted several of them as they couldn't imagine how many they killed but they didn't think that it was just a small part as Lev keeps some for him.

At this moment, Lev and his unit were now eating together in the cafeteria while the rest of the God Eaters inside were looking with surprise and amazement. They were already used to this kind of treatment and were unbothered by it, however, it was not the same with Kanon whose face was completely brimming with redness upon feeling very embarrassed.

"Lev, you really made a scene this time." Sakuya, who joined them, said as she also heard about them remitting several in only one mission. She then just thinks that the 1st really might have been holding Lev back upon seeing the feat that he got upon creating a new one.

"I'm just doing my work." Lev replied casually as he really just wanted to finish his mission quickly. He didn't even mind what others would think about him since he was not doing this for themselves but solely for himself.

"Well, it's because of Sia and Shio that our mission ran smoothly." Kanon suddenly said since it was really the truth. With Sia's incredible spear handling and mystical skills, they could finish the Aragamis without difficulty with ease.

"Hehehe." Shio snickers before eating.

Alisa, on the other hand, also nodded while eating quietly. She then just looked at Sia and Shio before taking back her gaze and blushing upon seeing the former smiling at her for no reason.

Following that, they then enjoyed the food while talking before parting ways. Lev, however, was not in his room but was heading toward Tsubaki's private room in the headquarters.


Tsubaki's room,

Leaving the busy people outside, Lev, Sakuya, and Tsubaki then finally have a breather away from work and orders. However, what they were doing inside was also a kind of work seeing them fucking each other on the bed.

Tsubaki could be found kneeling on all fours while being fucked by Lev from behind while Lev enjoys himself kissing Sakuya beside her. Holding Tsubaki's ass in his right hand while embracing Sakuya with his left hand, Lev could only describe his situation as heavenly.

Not before long, Lev finally reached his limit as he left Sakuya hanging and focus on banging Tsubaki seeing him holding her waist tightly as he thrust his cock mercilessly making Tsubaki moan with pleasure and delight.

"Aaarggh." Lev pushed his cock for the last time and reached the deepest part of her womb. Following that, he then let out his seeds inside with the intention of impregnating her. Grunting with pleasure for ten seconds, he then saw Tsubaki fall on the bed while breathing heavily.

"Lev, mess me up too." Sakuya said seductively as she looked at Lev while holding on to his hot and sticky cock. She has been waiting for her turn for a while now and seeing Tsubaki finally broken excites her as it was now her time to get fuck.

"My pleasure." Lev replied before he moved and positioned Sakuya on all fours on the bed. He, however, looked first at her delicious ass before moving his face closer to her pussy. She appreciated how pink it was and was getting sexier upon love juices started gushing out of it. He stuck out his tongue first to have a taste before finally started eating it.

"L-Lev.....aahh.!!" Sakuya couldn't help but moan after feeling Lev's hot breath and tongue licking her pussy. Her strength even started getting sucked in and was shaking from enjoyment.

Lev tasted Sakuya's delicious pussy for a while before stopping after feeling that she was already wet enough. He then stood up and positioned his raging cock right in front of her pussy entrance.

"Sakuya.... Hugh. S-So tight." Lev called before he slowly thrust his cock inside with difficulty after feeling how tight it was.

" deep." On the other hand, Sakuya moaned with her eyes contracting after feeling Lev's cock invading her while feeling great as it reached the deepest part of her womb.

"Sakuya. You're really destined for me in this life." Lev said as he closed his eyes and savored the sensation that her pussy was giving him while holding on to her waist. This would be their third time doing it and yet her pussy still feels as virgin as it was.

"Y-Yes, my pussy is all yours s-so you can do anything with it." Sakuya said with her body already falling down on the bed from losing strength. However, such a position only made Lev more turned on upon seeing her ass sticking up proudly.

Lev then looked at Sakuya before he also leaned his body closer to embrace her while still being connected.

"Then, I will savor this pussy of yours very well." Lev said before he starts thrusting his cock which white sticky liquids then started gushing out of Sakuya's pussy.

Not in Lev's wildest expectation that Sakuya would climax just by starting to thrust his cock, but he did not feel bad about it and was delighted instead upon feeling how tight her pussy added by how sticky her insides had become.

"L-Lev, aahh...wait for...aahh a bit." Sakuya wanted Lev to stop. She also could not believe cumming just like that and was hoping Lev to let her rest as she really was very sensitive and thought she was going crazy.

However, Lev didn't heed what she said as he also feel that he was soon about to cum, and he thought that he could stop anymore as he could feel her inside doesn't want to let go of his cock.

"I-I'm... aahh... going crazy.... aahh." Sakuya said while holding onto the sofa with her eyes looking upwards after the constant thrusting of Lev. She could feel every part of her body melting from Lev's cock however, she also couldn't bring herself to stop him after feeling really great.

Meanwhile, Lev stop embracing her as he grabbed her waist tightly before accelerating feeling that he was about to cum. Such tight pussy was the bane of all cock, and he wasn't an exception as he really was enjoying it.

Sakuya, on the other hand, supports herself with her two hands grabbing the bed sheets while following the rhythm of Lev's thrusting after finally succumbing to her lust.

"Yes....yes...more... aahh....aahh." Sakuya was already lost and could only moan nonstop as she now couldn't think properly. Lev's cock and the pleasure she was feeling were making her mind numb and all she could think was to want more.

"Sakuya,...hhaugh" Lev groaned as he thrusts his cock for the last time and ejaculates inside her. With that, he could then feel Sakuya's womb swallowing his semen like a vacuum which made him push it deeper.

"aaaaahhh." Sakuya also moaned loudly as she also had an orgasm, and it was now her second time which made her body feel very weak but the satisfaction on her face could not be hidden seeing her smiling like crazy.

Ten seconds later, Lev then pulled his cock out and he saw how his semen flowed out on her pussy which got him turned on again seeing as he grabbed her waist and thrust his cock once more in one go.

"aaahhh!" Sakuya moaned loudly and her body arching upwards after feeling Lev's cock enter inside her again. Her body even started shaking from excitement upon being penetrated again by him.

"Sakuya, it's your fault to have such a sexy body. I can't stop but want to make a mess with it." Lev said as he already started thrusting deeper and faster in the same position as Sakuya's body proportion really was just perfect for a woman.

Sakuya, on the other hand, could only grab the bed again and just let Lev do all the work as she felt that she couldn't move her body anymore as it was being electrified by how sensitive she was right now.

Lev grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them apart which makes his cock enter deeper than before. Following that, he then grabbed Sakuya's breasts and made her stand up while thrusting at the same time.

" deep...aahh...aahh." Sakuya moaned at their new position. She then just held onto Lev's hands which were squeezing her breast while looking back at Lev. The hardness of Lev's cock and the roughness of his hand, these two things keep on making her crazy but surprisingly her body was cooperating with him excitedly.

Lev looked at Sakuya's seductive face before he kissed her lips and started accelerating at the same time. Their new position was very hot as they kept on kissing each other before Lev broke the kiss and focused all his might on thrusting.

"Sakuya, I think you will bear my child soon." Lev said while holding her ample breasts while thrusting his cock inside before finally loading a large number of his seeds.

"Y-Yes, I-I will bear your child." Sakuya also said with satisfaction before fainting with a very satisfied yet very lewd face at the same time.

Seeing this, Lev smiled widely before he pulled out his cock. He then just looked at Tsubaki who was touching herself in the corner. With an evil smile, he moved and started another round with her from which the two lasted until midnight.