Chapter 91 - Special Training


---The next morning---

After waking up from having a great night, Lev could be seen on the bed while leaning on the wall with his hands holding up Sakuya's waist seeing her shaking her hips. They have been having sex after Tsubaki had enough and went back to work.

"Sakuya, I thought last night would be enough." Lev said with a smile. He was already satisfied with what happened last night however, seeing Sakuya so eager to want more only made him excited.

"L-Lev, I couldn't get enough of your cock last night." Sakuya replied before she leaned closer and kissed him. She still can't forget how otherworldly pleasure she experienced last night and wanted to have more of it.

Lev just smiled and received her kiss while wrapping her waist with his arms before moving his hips at the same time. He knew that Sakuya still had a mission later, but he could not hold himself back from knocking her out.

Following that, Lev and Sakuya then continued having sex in that position before they both cummed with satisfaction at the same time.

"That felt great, Sakuya." Lev said with a smile and gently touched her face while looking at her seductive face seeing her shaking with her eyes contracting while a trace of saliva flowed out of her mouth.

"I-I felt the same." Sakuya replied with great satisfaction before falling into Lev's embrace while breathing heavily. She could feel herself getting addicted to Lev's cock. If possible she wants it inside every time so she can stay on cloud nine forever.

Silence then occupied the room as the two just kept on embracing while enjoying the warmth of each other. It was only after resting for half an hour did the two started talking to each other.

"We should take a bath as we still have work to do." Lev suddenly said that no matter how badly they wanted each other, they still needed to report back and work. They could have sex all they want when they are back so they just need time to pass.

"Mmm. But before that." Sakuya replied and suddenly stood up and got out of bed. She then looked seductively at Lev as if she was provoking him to follow her inside to take a shower.

Lev, on the other hand, wryly smiled before hurriedly following her to the bathroom and showering her with his white sticky thick semen. Following this, the two then faced another day outside in the wasteland.


---One month later---

In the wasteland,

Time flew by and it's been a month since Lev and others returned back to the headquarters. They continued their routine of killing Aragamis in every place they headed from their missions. It had also been a month since Sakuya started living together with them in his room and Lev could only think that they really needed to move soon to Tsubaki's apartment as the room was starting to get cramped.

Right now, Lev and the others were in the wasteland again for another mission but he was just there observing the others fighting with great teamwork. Even after a month, the unit still makes some mistakes due to Kanon. Even though she improved her marksmanship in a month, it was still enough and still needed more practice.

The fight didn't take long before Sia and the others finally finished their work seeing several dead bodies left on the ground which the others were already starting to vanish. It was a general idea that an Aragami's body after dying would dissolve into small particles as if its life force were being sucked by the world only leaving the God Cores behind.

"Let's rest and eat lunch." Lev announced before looking at the surroundings to find a place where they could stay for a while without being bothered by danger.

Hearing Lev, Sia, and the others then became happy as it was now time for lunch, especially Shio, as they could now eat Lev's cooking again. Though Alisa and Kanon were curious about where he got the ingredients, they still didn't bother to ask him about it after eating the food that he made for the first time.

After finally finding a place, Lev then told the rest of his unit to follow him from which Shio already jumped excitedly on his back while singing a song about food that she came up with.



On the rooftop of a building,

After cooking a simple lunch, Lev and the others could now be seen eating together. Lev always chose a higher place to stay as it gave them the advantage of seeing what was happening below.

"Master, do we still need to kill more?" Sia suddenly asked as they already killed a lot right after they arrived. After a month, she finally adjusted herself to cope with her dual spearmanship and was now very proficient with it.

"Yes. Just like I told everyone. We won't leave this place until we annihilate them all." Lev answered and due to this, their reputation as the 2nd unit exceeded the former strongest unit in the headquarters after reminting large numbers of God Cores every time they head out for a mission.

"By the way, Kanon. Though your marksmanship improved for the past month, you still need to work more to improve so I decided to take you someplace to train from time to time. Is that okay with you?" Lev suddenly turned his gaze to Kanon who was silently focused on eating. The efficiency of the group was already great but it was still not perfect and it was all due to her, so he finally decided to do a special training just for her.

"Training? And j-just the two of us?" Kanon immediately replied with her face suddenly blushing upon her mind creating some wild thoughts. After a month of being together, she had already adjusted to the group and knew more or less about their personalities. It was only then did she realized how great and understanding Lev was as a leader so she couldn't help but feel some admiration.

"What? You don't like it?" Lev just smiled after seeing the expression on her face. Over the past month, the relationship of everyone in the unit became much closer as they were already not shy talking casually to each other, especially Alisa who now oftentimes talked to them and joined in the conversation.

"No. No. No. I like it. P-Please train me." Kanon immediately replied. Though it was only a training session, she couldn't let it pass since she also knew how good of a teacher Lev was. He has been correcting their mistake until now so having special training with him would only be to her benefit.

Following that, Lev and the other then ate their food with appreciation. They talked and told stories from each other before deciding to take a rest for a while since they were more or less already done with their goal.


---Two Hours later---

In an abandoned place,

While everyone was resting, Lev took the time to head out and kill some Aragamis for himself. He could be found just two kilometers away from the building they were staying in and could immediately head back when there was a situation.

"How's everyone?" Lev suddenly asked as he took out the core of the Aragami that he just killed. He has already sensed someone watching him and without even looking, he already has a guess on who it was.

"Still asleep." Alisa replied before moving closer to Lev. She has only one purpose of coming to this place and that is to ask for a favor. She then just looked at the surrounding dead Aragamis and she couldn't imagine just how many he killed on his own.

"I have a favor to ask." Alisa then followed while looking at Lev seriously.

"What is it?" Holding the God Core, Lev looked at Alisa with interest not knowing what was running through her mind right now that she even took the initiative to ask something from him.

"Training. I also want a special training with you." Alisa replied with certainty. Upon listening to them back then, she felt like also wanted to have one since becoming strong was still her very purpose in joining his unit.

"That's fine. However, I would only do so if you share to me your past." Lev said. Training Alisa would not be too difficult but he wants something in exchange. Though he knew Alisa's backstory, he only knew about bits of them so he is kind of curious about what kind of life she really had before coming here.

"Not your like to talk." Alisa replied with disappointment as she looked at Lev. She doesn't know why he wanted to pry with her life since if there was someone who had a very mysterious past, then it would be Lev. His abnormal power and the weapons that he had, were still a mystery to everyone.

"You're right. Haha. Dyaus Pita. I bet that sounds familiar?" Lev wryly replied upon hearing her since it was true. However, he knew something that might probably trigger her so he gambled and told her something.

"P-Pita. Where did you hear about it?" Alisa immediately asked while clenching her fist just by hearing it. She then just looked at Lev seriously with her eyes filled with anger wanting to know where he heard such a thing.

Lev, on the other hand, saw a wave of imaginable anger and hatred in Alisa's eyes. He wanted to see whether that specific Aragami really brought her great trauma or not and maybe only orchestrated by someone to make it so.

"Hear? No. I saw it and even fought it in the past." Lev replied while thinking about where it was now as he really wanted to fight it again to see if he had improved after a month of leveling up.

"W-Where is it?" Alisa hurriedly asked and hoped to know where it was as this was the very purpose of why she wanted to become strong and powerful. Killing Dyaus Pita was her goal and she would do everything to achieve it so that she could erase a memory that was hunting her until now.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any idea where it was now since it ran away." Lev answered the truth as Dyaus Pita really ran away and was fortunate that it did so since Shio and Sia might be caught up with it.

Suddenly, a moment of silence then presides over the place before Alisa says something.

"T-That Aragami killed my parents." Alisa said before she took out something and drank some medicine after remembering what happened in the past. It was the medicine that was helping her to calm down in a situation like this.

Lev heard what she said and looked at her with surprise since her talking about this thing was really a surprise. Following this, he then just looked at the medicine she was taking before looking at the horizon again.

"Is that the reason why you wanted to become powerful? Killing that Aragami?" Lev then asked such an obvious question.

"Yes." Alisa replied seriously.

"Hmmm, but you right now wouldn't survive fighting it even for a second." Lev said. He did not say it to mock her or something but because he wanted to make her understand the disparity between the two of them at the moment. Even in the original story, it took them all to combine forces and yet still lost until Lenka, the original protagonist, evolved and killed it.

Hearing Lev, Alisa just clenched her fists and blood started falling down on her palms. She knew that she could not but even still, she wanted to try since it was the thing that kept her striving and her purpose in life.

"You said you fought it. How powerful was it then?" Alisa suddenly asked even though she was doubting if Lev was really telling the truth or was just spouting nonsense since the Dyaus Pita in her memories was really a monster among the monsters and Lev telling her that he fought it and managed to make it run away was really unbelievable.

"Well, I couldn't win against it last time and felt fortunate that it decided to run away." Lev replied remembering how he could hardly get close to it and could not even manage to hit it as it always does an AOE attack every time it felt threatened.

"Then, if you fight against it right now. Can you win?" Alisa asked again with seriousness after seeing the expression on his face telling her that he was really talking about the past.

"You're so talkative today and I hope it will continue. For your question, my answer is I don't know." Lev said with a smile while looking at Alisa. Though he was confident with his strength right now, he still couldn't be sure if he could kill as he didn't know if Dyaus Pita would also grow or become stronger.

Alisa listened to what he said and thought about how he could brag about such things. She then did not ask again as she still doubting and would only get herself to believe it if she saw it with her own eyes.

"Special training. Very well, I will spare some time for you." Lev said before he started heading back thinking everyone might already awake and was worried as to where they had gone to.


Another place in the wasteland,

Sounds of fighting could be heard in the place where Sia, Shio, Alissa, and Kanon were fighting against several Aragamis with Lev still observing them from a building. This time, Lev couldn't help but smile upon seeing them fighting coordinately though some mistakes could also be found.

Lev then was about to jump down after seeing that they would finish soon when suddenly he heard a very loud and familiar roar somewhere near their place which made him frown. He looked where it came from before deciding to see what was happening.

"Everyone, clean it up and get back to the vehicle immediately." Lev immediately ordered and the others then fastened their movements before killing the rest of the Aragamis since they also heard it.


On the vehicle,

Right after fixing themselves, Lev then immediately left the place and was now driving their vehicle while the others were on the back resting and talking to each other.

"Master, I heard something earlier. What was it?" Sia suddenly asked as this must be the reason why they were leaving the place. Remembering how loud it was, she felt that it must be very near to them.

"I had a guess, but I still had to see it." Lev answered while frowning as maybe they will meet Dyaus Pita again this time which, unlike last time, he was very excited to fight it again.

"Kanon, did you hear it?" Lev asked as he looked at Kanon in the mirror to confirm if the roar they heard a while back was the same thing she had heard a month ago. If so, then there would be a high chance that they would be meeting the perpetrator who annihilated her former unit.

"Y-Yes. It was the very same roar that we heard last time." Kanon replied in fear seeing her body shaking until now. Her heart beats louder than usual while her mind keeps on flashing the happenings during that tragedy.

Hearing Kanon, Lev then at least 90 % sure that it came from Dyaus Pita after hearing what she said. He then just accelerated and hoped that he could meet it on time. Alisa, on the other hand, was clueless about what they were talking about however, her hands kept on sweating nonstop as if she was nervous for a reason.


Somewhere in the wasteland,

After arriving at the place where Lev heard the roar, each and everyone could only feel dreadful after seeing that the place was already turned to ruin. They could still see humans running with their lives while being followed by Large Type Aragamis.

Kanon was about to help but Lev immediately stopped and held her shoulder. She was wondering why he stopped her from helping but after seeing the look on his face, she then calmed down and shifted her gaze to the direction where he was looking.

"P-Pita." Alisa, on the other hand, widened her eyes after seeing the Aragami that killed her parents when she was young. Her rage immediately occupied her mind as she ran and left the others behind while holding her God Arc.

"Alisa!" Sia shouted after seeing Alisa running. She was also surprised upon seeing Dyaus Pita since she could not forget its appearance, however, what troubled her was why Alisa started acting recklessly again after seeing it.

"Just let her be." Lev said before summoning Infinities on his hands. He already expected her to act like that and he could not blame her at all since everyone all had different experiences.

"I'll follow Alisa. I'll leave the others to you." Lev followed before starting to run to catch up with Alisa. Though he didn't mind her acting recklessly, it really was a different matter if they were dealing with Dyaus Pita since it was really a monster of its own.

Hearing Lev's order, Sia and Shio then also followed behind while Kanon was already firing toward the Aragamis that were coming and blocking Lev's way.

Seeing this, Lev could only smile but it didn't last long after seeing Dyaus Pita looking at them. It specifically looked at Alisa before attacking her with a ball of bolts of lightning.

"Tsk." Lev clicked his tongue upon seeing that it really was as cruel as he remembered. He then just looked at Alisa before stretching out his hand and pointing it toward her.

"Bansho Ten'in." Lev then used a skill from which Alisa, who was in the distance, couldn't resist the attracting force and was being pulled back to Lev.

Lev then caught Alisa in his arms before stopping running. Alisa, on the other hand, who was pulled back looked at Lev before struggling. She was surprised at how he did it but she felt not in the mood to ask him as Dyaus Pita was already in front of her. She would not let this opportunity to let it away and kill it once and for all.

"Alisa! Wake up! You will only lose your life if you fight that thing!" Lev shouted to calm her down while holding her tightly but even with that, Alisa still struggled and wanted to get freed as the only thing that was running through her mind right now was to kill Dyaus Pita, the monster that gave her nightmares.

"I don't really care if you die or not but think about your parents. What would they think seeing you dying foolishly with the same Aragami that killed them." Lev followed while holding her tighter from which a sudden sweet intoxicating smell started entering his nostrils, but he didn't have time for that. Alisa's stubbornness almost caused the annihilation of her supposed-to-be unit members in the original story and Lev wouldn't let it happen.

Hearing Lev's words, Alisa's eyes came back to life and suddenly stopped struggling after she remembered the past. She looked at Dyaus Pita from the distance with tears then started flowing from her eyes before saying, "Mama. Papa."

Following that, Lev then couldn't help but sigh as he didn't think that words would work out. He was actually just spouting nonsense to try to calm her down and was fortunate that it worked out. He then loosened his hold and adjusted himself before looking at Dyaus Pita in the distance.

"It really is you. I hope you got stronger this time because if not, then this place will probably become your grave." Lev said with provocation. He was already serious about fighting it to death this time and this end mini boss once and for all so that, he could now focus on other matters.

Dyaus Pita, on the other hand, also looked and recognized Lev and immediately roared loudly showing its power, and didn't seem to get scared of Lev.

Following that, Lev and Dyaus Pita took a move and rushed toward each other at the same time and a fight then suddenly broke out.