Chapter 133 - Muu Alexius


---Two weeks later---


Following Lev's coming back, two weeks passed quietly, and right now, he could be seen sitting on the edge of the Garden Tower while looking at the vast sea together with Morgiana on his side. Despite the scorching heat of the sun, they seem unbothered by it as the air coming from the sea keeps them cool.

"Morgiana, a war might probably be bound to happen anytime soon. What would you do?" Lev suddenly asked as he was really curious about what decision she would make if something like a war would really happen especially since it was Reim they were talking about.

Morgiana was surprised by hearing Lev's words as she suddenly thought of her life throughout the months that she was here in Artemyra. Shortly after that, a smile then could be seen on her face as she really liked the way her life was right now and she didn't want to lose it.

"I want to fight." Morgiana looked at Lev seriously as she decided to fight for this country if war might really break out after seeing this country already become a part of her together with the people that she had known for the past months.

"Then, what if you face another Fanalis in this war? Do you still want to take part in it?" Lev asked again but this time with great seriousness as it was very likely that Reim would come here soon guessing that they wouldn't just stop by cutting their trading permit and probably would want more.

Upon hearing Lev's question this time, Morgiana's eyes completely widened as she really wasn't expecting it as it didn't really flash in her mind that she might fight against another Fanalis that she was longing to see throughout her life.

"How about it, Morgiana?" Lev said seeing her froze upon hearing his question.

"I-I don't know." Morgiana couldn't reply with certainty as she really never wanted to fight another Fanalis like her.

Seeing Morgiana, Lev then just smiled hearing her still undecided, but he really wasn't sad about her decision.

"Actually, during our stay in a country called Balbadd, we actually met a Fanalis like you." Lev said changing the mood seeing Morgiana started to look gloomy upon hearing all that he said.

"His name is Masrur, a very tall man. Yeah, he really is quite like you as he also had the same color as your hair and eyes." Lev followed describing Masrur, one of the original Eight Generals of Sindria, to Morgiana.

"I-Is he strong?" Morgiana couldn't help but look at Lev with surprise and asked wanting to know if he was strong.

"Yes." Lev replied as every Fanalis was stronger by default than any normal human, especially in combat added to the fact that Masrur was a household vessel.

"But you can surpass him soon." Lev followed with a smile while looking at Morgiana as he was confident about her strength to master the Niko Style that he transferred to her as a Fanalis with great advanced martial arts is deadlier than a normal Fanalis.

Morgiana couldn't help but smile upon hearing Lev's words which then ignited her fighting spirit wanting to train harder so she could join Lev the next time he would leave but her mind was still in conflict after remembering his words earlier.

"Levvvvvv!!" Suddenly, a loud voice then could be heard calling out Lev's name from the distance.

Lev and Morgiana looked at who it was before seeing Pisti and her sisters riding on their Giant Birds before landing down near them.

"What are you doing here?" Lev couldn't help but ask before catching Pisti seeing her immediately jump at him.

"Hehehe. We sneaked out of Mother's lessons." Pisti cheekily said with a smile thinking how they run out of their mother together with her sisters whom she had persuaded to come with her.

"Pistiiiiiiii!!!!" A furious loud voice echoed throughout the sky as a giant bird then could be seen flying towards their location.

"W-We're done for." Clio and Cirsi both said with fear after hearing their mother's voice thinking that they would be scolded a lot later after sneaking out of her lessons, but they couldn't help it as they really wanted to take a break for a while.

"Hahahaha. Just leave it to me." Lev said as he was amused by their reactions seeing their mother getting closer and closer. Shortly after that, Queen Mira then jumped down while looking at her daughters.

"Don't think you can escape from me." Queen Mira said after landing down and seeing her daughters hiding behind Lev's back.

"Well. Well. Don't be too strict with them Mira." Lev said with a smile seeing Queen Mira like a strict mother scolding her daughter just like some mothers would do back on Earth.

"Hmmp. This is also for their own good." Queen Mira replied before heading towards Lev seeing her daughters still standing behind him.

"The sky was very good today so how about a break for a while." Lev said before moving Queen Mira using Ruler's Authority towards him.

With that, Queen Mira then immediately got pulled before finding herself in Lev's arms feeling shy all of the sudden seeing his face charmingly looking at her.

"I-I let it slide this time then, but you must compensate me for it later." Queen Mira said as she couldn't help but become soft in Lev's gaze, but she still dropped down a bargain.

"Yes, my queen." Lev replied before looking at Pisti and her sisters who were happily celebrating after hearing the words of their mother.

Right after that, Lev, Queen Mira, and the others stayed in the place before deciding to have a picnic while enjoying the scenery at the same time.


On a ship,

Meanwhile, several ships could be seen sailing on the Great Sea while heading towards a particular location. Looking closely, the people on the ship were all covered in armor while one of them only had a number of people on it but seeing their appearance, you can tell that they all came from the same race.

"How many more days before we arrive?" A tall and muscular man suddenly asked after still not seeing any signs of land even after weeks of sailing. He has long, red hair and red eyes with distinctive markings and a piercing under his lower lip. He wears a metal cuirass, shoulder plates, a metal skirt, shin guards, sandals, and a large sword that he carries at his waist.

"At most three days, Captain." A very tall and muscular man who is slightly tanner than most of the people on the ship replied. He also had wild red hair tied into a small braid in the back. One thing that was unique about him is that he had a Glasgow smile on his left cheek, making him appear an even more barbaric man with a scar on his face showing his teeth.

"Brother, is this really alright?" A woman with long red hair tied into a little ponytail, thin eyebrows, and a piercing on her bottom lip suddenly asked with confusion upon this sudden mission.

"Hmmm. I don't know." The man that was addressed as captain replied as he himself was still not sure if this decision was really right as he was just heeding someone's orders.

On the other hand, the other people on the ship then just looked at their captain before looking at the sea feeling the current suddenly got stronger.



Garden Tower,

After a long day, Lev found himself alone in the garden while holding something like a hairpin in his hand before summoning Infinity.

"Devour it." Lev ordered with a smile which right after that, Infinity then gabbled up the hairpin which was none other than the Metal Vessel that he got from the woman back in Balbadd Kingdom.

[Metal Vessel: Vinea has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

[Metal Vessel: Vinea

Description: 45th Dungeon


* Summon

* Djinn Weapon Equip

* Djinn Equip

* Vainel Arros - creates a big vortex of water, a spear, around the Metal Vessel and aims towards the opponent directly.

* Vainel Al-Salos - summons multiple water spears that are capable of spearing an opponent in multiple places at once.

*Extreme Magic: Vainel Ganezza - When using, a large amount of water gathers enough to flood a city. When unleashing, it takes the form of a giant tsunami, and its shape can be changed at the host's will.]

Seeing its description, Lev couldn't smile upon seeing another Djinn in his arsenal before putting it back into his inventory feeling someone had just arrived.

"Lev, I'm still waiting for your compensation." Queen Mira seductively said as she wrapped her arms around Lev's neck and pressed her breasts on his back.

Hearing her words, Lev looked back with a smile before directly taking Queen Mira's lips and kissing them deeply.

Queen Mira then also immediately loosens her arms and starts fighting back by directly opening her mouth and letting her tongue intertwine with Lev's.

Following that, Lev and Queen Mira started kissing in the garden before the two found themselves in an ambiguous position seeing Queen Mira already lying on the ground with Lev on top.

"Lev, take me." Queen Mira sexily said while biting her lips as he looked at Lev seductively.

Lev, upon seeing Mira's sexiness, couldn't stop the fire that was already burning up inside him, especially upon seeing her messed up clothes with her breasts already visible to him.

Seeing Lev's gaze, Queen Mira couldn't help but smile before her mouth suddenly opened after feeling a hot and long rod penetrate her in one go.

Shortly after that, loud and lewd moans echoed throughout the garden leaving the women inside the house clueless except for Yamraiha. She also decided to head outside joining Lev and Queen Mira in their outdoor sex.


---Three days later---

Garden Tower,

Right now, Lev could be found sitting again on the edge of the Garden Tower thinking that his guess was really right after looking at the several dots from the distance before finally seeing them having a flag of Reim.

Lev looked at them for a while before ordering the Phoenixes to make a sound to notify the people of the country to get ready as Reim Empire had finally arrived with a fleet of their soldiers.


Inside the palace,

Meanwhile, Queen Mira and the others could be seen looking outside seeing some women warriors start to get busy while leaving a single person clueless about what was happening.

"Mother, is there something wrong?" Pisti worriedly asked seeing her mother suddenly wearing her battle suit.

Queen Mira looked at the clueless Pisti before looking at her other daughters seeing them looking at her worriedly.

"Lev is here with us so there's no need to worry." Yamraiha suddenly said seeing the worried and clueless Pisti. Morgiana also stood there nodding as she knew that Lev could solve it.

Queen Mira then stayed with her daughters for a while before leaving together with Yamraiha and Morgiana as they called some giant birds and ordered them to fly towards the Garden Tower.

"Hey, can you tell me what was happening?" Pisti asked as she looked at her sisters especially to Hera as she was really clueless about what was happening.

On the other hand, Hera looked at Pisti while putting her to her embrace which her other sisters then also did the same before telling her what was really happening.


---One hour later---

Garden Tower,

After waiting for some time, the ships were now getting closer seeing them getting bigger and bigger with some fierce soldiers on board, especially to the ship that was leading them to the country.

Lev together with Queen Mira, Yamraiha, and Morgiana could be seen looking towards the ships with calm yet nervous expressions on their faces.

"Lev, what now?" Queen Mira suddenly said while frowning seeing several ships coming closer to them thinking about what was running through Reim's mind of dispatching such a great fleet as if they weren't here for a visit.

Lev, however, didn't reply and just ordered his four little penguins to warn the visitor ahead.


On a ship,

Meanwhile, the soldiers on board looked in the distance while smiling after finally arriving at the place that they were heading to. However, there was something strange that was going on a certain ship upon seeing several soldiers with the same features could be seen looking strangely at the four creatures on their ship.

"Artemyra is closed to outsiders. State your reason and leave or else we will initiate an attack for trespassing." One of the penguins said and threatened who was none other than Skipper, the leader of the group.

"What's with this animal? This is my first time seeing an animal that can talk." A tall and muscular man with a scar on his face said before he started walking towards the penguin wanting to get a closer look with it.


A sudden sound of a gunshot could be heard which prompted the man to stop as he looked at the floor and saw a hole in it.

"Easy there, Scarface." Skipper said looking at the man together with Private, Kowalski, and Rico who were already holding some strange guns on them.

"Wahhhh. So cute." A woman said with sparkling eyes looking at how cool the penguins were seeing them so fierce at the same time.

On the other hand, one of the people looked at the penguins with seriousness while being surprised by the weapon on their hands.

"Tell me." Skipper said again before looking at the man who was probably their leader.

"We want an audience of Queen Artemina." The man replied as he was the leader of this group. He was none other than Muu Alexius, captain of the Fanalis Corps, a King Vessel of Reim Empire.

"There is no need to talk. With this fleet of soldiers of yours, it would be safe to say that you're here for a war." Skipper said but his words were actually coming from Lev who was talking to him via telepathy.

"Scram and take your troops to get out of here. Artemyra could live and survive on its own." Skipper followed which immediately made the people inside the ship to changed expression.

Meanwhile, Muu Alexius frowned while looking at the strange animal which the man with the scar on his face couldn't hold on to any longer as he dashed towards them wanting to take action.

....Bang.…Bang…. Bang....

Several gunshots could be heard after the four little penguins initiated an attack before diving back toward the sea and disappearing in their vision.

"What should we do now, Captain?" The man with a scar said but looking closely, several wounds could be seen on his shoulder and legs.

"Are you okay, Lo'lo'?" Muu Alexius asked with a shocked expression on his face upon seeing him bleeding. Seeing his situation, he immediately realized the horror of the weapon that those animals had and he couldn't help but think that it must be the reason why Lady Scheherazade ordered them to visit Artemyra and try to confirm what was happening in the country.

Without anyone knowing, Mu Alexius was also told to do any means to subdue the country if they could find something that could threaten Reim Empire which was the reason why there were so many soldiers with him on this mission.

Aside from Muu Alexius, everyone present on the ship was also shocked upon seeing the man named Lo'lo' who they immediately helped and tried to stop the bleeding however that was the only beginning.

"B-Brother I think we've come in the wrong place." A woman said seeing her eyes widen after looking at the sky and seeing several something like a ball of fire coming on their way. She didn't know what it was but it looked dangerous to let it be.