Chapter 134 - King Vessels' Fight


Garden Tower,

Upon seeing that the soldiers from Reim Empire didn't leave and even advance closer to them, Lev no longer hesitated and immediately ordered the Phoenixes to shoot and attack the ships.

Seeing the fireballs, Lev then looked at Muu Alexius in the distance with his already Djinn Weapon Equip trying to deflect all of the Phoenixes' attack while ordering the soldiers to advance forward.

[Djinn Weapon Equip: Barbatos has been learned.]

[Bard Romh has been Learned.]

"Looks like they were really serious about invading." Queen Mira said while looking at the advancing army of Reim. If this were in the past, she would probably be worrying right now as they were only a small country without any power to contend against a big empire like Reim but right now, it was completely different, and she didn't even have a slight worry.

"The Phoenixes really were strong. Should we just continue using them?" Queen Mira followed thinking that they could annihilate or not exhaust them by only using the power of Pheonixes.

"No need. The Pheonixes also had limitations and would exhaust their powers. Let the army come and give them a slight hope before crashing it completely and replacing it with despair." Lev reasoned with a smile thinking that the location of this country really was too hard to visit because of the terrain which brought them an advantage over any invaders.

"And also, do you want to fight that King Vessel? I think it's a good opportunity to let loose for a while." Lev followed thinking that it would be a great opportunity to watch Cerberus's power and also to witness just how much she became stronger through his Harem Cultivation.

"Well. You're right. I also want to fight as I found myself too relaxed over the past years." Queen Mira replied with a smile as she already had these thoughts while looking at the man in the distance.

"Just be careful." Lev replied even though he would interfere if things went south. He, however, wasn't that worried since Muu Alexius already spent some Magoi just by protecting his army from the Phoenixes' attacks.

Shortly after that, Queen Mira stood up as she rode on a Giant Bird and headed towards the Ravine together with Yamraiha leaving Morgiana while Lev also stood up as he smiled thinking that it was now time to let these ignorant soldiers about the current power of Artemyra.

"Everyone, heed my words. Foreign invaders were advancing to our country with ill intent. For the past few years, Artemyra has changed so much but we can only tell if it really was. Now, show these invaders what the current Artemyra can do." Lev announced loudly as his voice was heard by the people living throughout the country making them feel great excitement, especially the women warriors who were already moving towards the tunnels.

After announcing, Lev then smiled after thinking that it would be the first time that this world witnessed the power guns on a war on this scale and he couldn't help but get excited just by imagining it.


In the ravine,

Several women warriors were now on hold inside the several holes on the cliff waiting for the enemy to arrive while holding something on their hands. There were also turrets built on the cliff where the men of the country were guarding but there is a special place where everyone wouldn't know aside from Lev as it was a base that was built below the sea in which the four little penguins were stationed.

"You three, listen up! Our Master said that these incoming invaders were attacking this country. Let's not shame our Master and show them what we got." Skipper said as he looked at three other penguins lining up with helmets on their heads like a soldier.

"Do you understand?" Skipper asked again.

"Yes, captain." Two of the three saluted leaving one like a fool before also replying.

"Good, let's prepare then." Skipper said before taking out weird equipment inside their base.


---Half an hour later---

Several ships were now entering the ravine and they immediately sighed in relief seeing the fireballs were already gone so their hearts immediately fired up as it was now their time for a counterattack.

"Brother, I don't feel good about this place. It feels as if I were entering a den of a tiger." Myron, one of the Fanalis Corps, said after feeling a bit scared and uneasy seeing the place was too silent.

"What are you afraid of? Tigers were nothing to us." Lo'lo who had some bandages on his body said in fury while looking fiercely as his mind was completely occupied by those four animals that gave him humiliation.

Muu Alexius looked at the place while frowning as he also felt something weird about the place. He then just decided to check one of the holes in the cliff but suddenly stopped after hearing a shout.

"Arrghhh." One soldier of the other ship screamed in pain after getting attacked but it did not take long before several screams filled with agony echoed in the ravine gaining everyone's attention.

"What was happening?" Muu Alexius looked at the soldiers on the other ship wanting to know what happened seeing they must have been caught in a surprise attack.

"B-Brother, we are surrounded." Myron said as she looked towards a certain hole that was empty before but now, there were already women on it with some strange weapons on their hands.

Muu Alexius looked at the holes seeing several women of Artemyra attacking non stopped when he also suddenly got hit on his armor.

"Argh." Muu Alexius groaned in pain after seeing a small thing penetrate his armor. He looked at it and thought that they really knew nothing about it at all and thought what kind of weapon they were using.

"Brother." Myron immediately reacted as she headed worriedly towards her brother who just got hit by the strange weapon.

Lo'lo saw Muu Alexius get hit. He immediately expresses an emotion of great fury as he looks toward the women in the hole before he jumps up wanting to kill them.

Lo'lo did his best to jump while evading before finally getting closer but right after he was about to attack, two women suddenly appeared on his sight and attacked him synchronously on his head.

Lo'lo looked at the two women before suddenly losing consciousness as he fell down back to the ship shocking Muu Alexius and the rest seeing Lo'lo had been defeated by two small women in just a matter of seconds.


Garden Tower,

Meanwhile, Lev looked at the ravine as chaos already filled the place, but he was actually smiling seeing that it was really a one-sided battle as the women warriors specialized in guns fired to their heart's content while women warriors specialized in Niko Style were defending them against close combatants.

"Send the Giant Birds." Lev then ordered which the Phoenixes screeched loudly in the sky before several Giant Birds then started heading towards the Ravine with some women warriors riding on them. 


In the ravine,

A one-sided fight was happening in the place as the Reim soldiers couldn't do anything but do nothing and could only defend themselves on the ship against the attacks that were coming everywhere while also trying to fight back by using bows and arrows or throwing their spears.

Muu Alexius also kept on yelling to hold on as they were now close to where the entrance of the country was located thinking that it was only a matter of time before they could counterattack with their numbers upon entering the country.

Muu Alexius's shouts keep the morale of the soldiers stable but after hearing a sudden screech in which several Giant Birds started flying in the sky, they couldn't help but get nervous and felt despair about what it was all about.

"C-Captain." Lo'lo who was unconscious suddenly called after waking up as he looked at his comrades with shock seeing several wounds on their bodies while bleeding nonstop.

After a while, Muu Alexius and the others finally saw that there was something that had fallen down on those Giant Birds heading towards them.

"It's an enemy!!!" Muu Alexius yelled loudly after seeing that it wasn't anything but a human.


Sounds of creaking could be heard on every ship after several women jumped down from the Giant Birds.

"Attack!" Muu Alexius shouted seeing that it was an opportunity to attack but contrary to his expectation several cries and screams could be heard on every ship as the women who jumped down were no ordinary women seeing them fiercely attacking his army.

Seeing this, Muu Alexius and the rest of the ship couldn't help but become furious seeing the soldiers getting killed helplessly in front of them before they looked at the several women who also fell down on their ship.

"I don't know what happened to Artemyra, but Lady Scheherazade was right." Muu Alexius said thinking that the weapons they were using, and their fierce warriors really were a threat that if left behind might become the greatest enemy of Reim.

"There's no need to hold back anymore." Muu Alexius said as he suddenly started chanting some words before his body was suddenly covered in bright light which moment after that, his appearance then changed.

"Barb R---." Muu Alexius in his Djinn Equip form was about to attack upon seeing that the situation was not in their favor seeing his thousands of armies dying at a very fast rate but his attack suddenly halted after seeing a water dragon coming towards their ship.

"It's not good fighting my pitiful women while using Djinn Equip, Alexius." A woman with two supplementary torsos which have different kinds of weapons while showing different expressions said while looking at Muu Alexius in his Djinn Equip.

"Queen Artemina." Muu Alexius frowned seeing the queen of the country and the reason why he didn't want to waste any Magoi during this war. He was actually saving it to deal with the greatest threat that they had to face in the country.

"I'll leave this place to you, Lo'lo. Myron." Muu Alexius said before flying up to the sky to confront the Queen leaving the command to Lo'lo and Myron.

"Don't worry, brother (Captain)." Myron and Lo'lo replied as a weapon on their hands suddenly glowed showing that they were his household vessels.

"Yamraiha. Don't let them get away but don't kill them as per Lev's instructions." Queen Mira said as she followed Muu Alexius heading towards the sky seeing he wanted to fight away from the ordinary people.

"Mmm." Yamraiha nodded while looking at the two household vessels that Lev had told her to be wary of.

With that, another fight broke out either in the ravine or in the sky but no matter where you looked at it, the warriors of Artemyra still had the upper hand in the battle seeing the ships of Reim suddenly started sinking after the four little penguins finally started their assault from below.


---An hour later---

Garden Tower,

Meanwhile, Lev smiled as he looked at the battle on the ravine finally ended. He then focused his attention back on the two who were still fighting for an hour in the sky seeing several attacks unleashed while also hearing a couple of notifications on his head.

"Morgiana, what do you feel seeing your race getting defeated in this war?" Lev suddenly asked wanting to know what was running through Morgiana's head and her feelings right now after giving her binoculars to look at what was happening.

On the other hand, Morgiana looked at the other Fanalis on the ravine helplessly getting defeated by Yamraiha and the women warriors, but she didn't understand what she was feeling right now. One thing is for sure and that is she felt a little sadness upon seeing them in such a situation.

"They were the Fanalis Corps of Reim Empire and one of the strongest forces that Reim had." Lev said while looking at the fight between Queen Mira and Muu Alexius in the sky seeing that they would also finish soon.

"Remember this Morgiana. Those Fanalis weren't bad it is just because we have different interests which resulted in this situation." Lev followed before he straightened up thinking that it was time to end this war.


In the sky,

Away from everyone, Queen Mira and Muu Alexius could be seen staring at each other in their Djinn Equip form, however, one of them was already breathing heavily while the other was only tired a little.

"To think that you've become this powerful. I never thought that you would already learn this much of your Djinn's power." Muu Alexius said looking at Queen Artemina thinking how she used her power skillfully, but he knew for himself that he could win this battle if he didn't waste his Magoi deflecting those fireballs that would annihilate them earlier.

"Heh. Even if you're in your fine state you will never be able to defeat me. After all, you're still a greenhorn in my eyes." Queen Mira replied as if she really was telling the truth. It was something she found out upon living with Lev that every time they had sex, she could feel herself getting stronger and stronger.

"To think I and my men would fall like this." Muu Alexius said as he looked at his comrades dying one by one below which he couldn't help but grip and hold his weapon tightly and decided to use his remaining Magoi for his last attack.

"But I won't back down that easily." Muu Alexius said in fury before he started chanting some words. After that, a sudden large eight-pointed star magic circle appeared in the sky.

"You're so persistent." Queen Mira said seeing Muu Alexius wanting to use his remaining Magoi to unleash an Extreme Magic which she then also started chanting trying to contend with hers.

"Extreme Magic!!" Muu Alexius and Queen Mira synchronously said as two indescribable powers were being unleashed in the sky.

Muu Alexius's Extreme Magic takes in form of a huge sword of blue light heading towards the country of Artemyra while Queen Artemina takes in the form of something like a storm of three elements combined seeing it having the properties of lightning, ice, and fire blocking the former's attack.

"Extreme Magic: Allor Amin Almaladh." When the two Extreme Magics were about to collide with each other, a sudden dome made of a barrier covered the whole Artemyra as Lev used Alloces' ability to protect the country.


Not before long, the collision of two Extreme Magic created a disturbance in the sky, fortunately, the dome-like barrier protected Artemyra from the impact, or else the country might have suffered great destruction but there were still traces of cracks all over it.

After a while, Lev, who was in the Garden Tower, looked in the sky with a smile while Morgiana couldn't help but widen her eyes upon seeing such devastating power for the first time thinking how a human could unleash such destructive power.

After the collision, it immediately created a mist that covered the sky not knowing what was happening especially to normal people but looking closely, two people could be seen inside before one of them started to fall down.

"So, he runs out of Magoi." Queen Mira said looking at the falling Muu Alexius while adjusting her breathing as she herself also started to feel her Magoi getting axed a lot with her body also tired after not working out for the past years.

"You've worked hard, Mira." Lev said who appeared right beside Queen Mira and immediately supported her by putting something in her mouth.

"You can rest now." Lev followed as he embraced her tight and looked at Muu Alexius's body falling before he used Ruler's Authority not wanting him to fall on the sea, especially his Metal Vessel.

Shortly after that, Lev looked back at Artemyra with a smile before retracting his Extreme Magic that he just used as he left the place together with Queen Mira and headed back directly to the palace wanting to know the casualties of the war while taking all of the Fanalis Corps into prison.