Chapter 135 - Fanalis Prisoners



In the palace,

After the end of the war, Lev, Queen Mira, Yamraiha, and Morgiana together with Pisti and her sisters could now be found having a serious meeting in the palace while looking at the heads of each division of specialized women warriors.

"Are there any other casualties?" Lev then asked.

"Nothing to note of, Your Majesty. Aside from several injured warriors and some destruction of the terrain, no other casualty had been found." One of the heads reported with seriousness but a hint of excitement and happiness could still be seen on her face as they still did a good job.

"And the other division?" Lev asked looking at the other head who was specialized in using guns wanting to know the situation of her warriors.

"Due to the help of the melee fighters, we haven't received any casualties aside from losing a lot of ammo." The other head replied thinking about her group who greatly contributed to this operation, but she was really grateful towards the women warriors of the other division because it was all due to their protection that her women could freely attack.

"Well, I think we did a great job defending our country, but we still wouldn't let our guard down as we just won this time due to our terrain advantage and surprise attacks." Lev said that it was really the truth because if they were to fight on a flat surface the result might not be the same.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two heads replied before their expression returned back to great seriousness as they also knew about this fact.

"What about the prisoners, how are they?" Lev then asked again remembering the group of Fanalis that he ordered not to kill and was locked up in prison as he had different plans on them.

"Some of them were already conscious, Your Majesty. But there is no need to worry as some of my women warriors were strictly guarding the place." One of the heads replied while recalling those people as she himself was mesmerized upon seeing them, especially towards the men.

Hearing the report, Lev just nodded but he wasn't really worried about them escaping as he also stationed some of the Phoenixes there with them to monitor all their movement and actions.

"You must be tired after such a battle, you can go and rest for the night and discuss it again tomorrow. I will also visit the women warriors especially those that were injured and might probably give them some rewards upon showing their braveness and love of the country." Lev said before dismissing the two heads while smiling seeing that today's problem had already been solved.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The two heads excitedly bid their farewell as they started leaving the palace with smiles upon hearing Lev might give them some rewards.

Seeing the two leaving, the mood in the palace then started to change seeing Pisti started asking several questions to Yamraiha together with her sisters as they all wanted to hear the whole story since they were locked up in the palace.

"What would you do to those Fanalis, Lev?" Queen Mira curiously asked wanting to know why Lev didn't want them dead, but she could clearly tell that Morgiana must be part of the reason.

"I plan on letting them stay here for a while and probably convince some of them to stay before releasing them back." Lev replied as he thought that those Fanalis might still have some part of what would happen in the future though it would not hurt if he would manipulate some to stay for other purposes.

"Hmmm." Queen Mira looked at Lev not bothering to ask again seeing him not wanting to tell her but she didn't really care at all and was just curious a little bit since she also had other plans for them since they were already here.

On the other hand, Morgiana couldn't help but look at Lev with her glistening eyes upon hearing his words as her heart loosened a bit knowing that he would release those Fanalis as up until now, she still had some conflicted emotions inside her.

Following that, Lev, Queen Mira, and the others just stayed in the palace for a while before they each took a ride on some Giant Birds and flew back to the Garden Tower wanting to rest for the night.


Artemyra prison,

At this moment, several lying bodies could be seen inside while some were already awake with surprised faces knowing that someone must have tended to the wounds on their bodies seeing some bandages covering their wounds but right now, they couldn't seem to even move an inch as a group of beautiful large bird creatures were lying outside staring at them with their sharp eyes.

"Captain, what should we do?" Lo'lo suddenly asked while looking at the birds thinking that it was the fiercest and scariest birds he encountered throughout his life. He then just thought that it was probably the one responsible for the ball of fires seeing the color of their feather looked like it.

"There's nothing we can do now and could only wait." Muu Alexius replied while looking at the Phoenixes outside as his senses were also telling him not to make some stupid moves or else they would probably face some consequences.

"What the fuck is this country anyway, and those shitty weapons they had. Is this really Artemyra that we knew?" Myron furiously asked as she started showing her true personality by cursing recalling back what happened earlier.

"They are also using some strange martial arts." Lo'lo said while clenching his fist as he was probably the one who got humiliated the most among them all. He still couldn't believe recalling himself being helpless towards those weak-looking women.

"I once came to this country with Lady Scheherazade, but this isn't what it's like before." Muu Alexius said while looking at the place outside. He knew that this was the place that they were living before but right now, all he could see was it has become a place for military purposes.

Hearing Alexius, Lo'lo and Myron looked at him curiously seeing his face suddenly turning serious. They then just shut their mouth for a while before moving towards the other Fanalis helping them to wake up.

"Sorry, Lady Scheherazade." Muu Alexius murmured thinking that they probably couldn't leave this place for the rest of their lives seeing them already become the prisoners of this country.


Lev's room,

Meanwhile, three naked people could now be found doing indecent acts inside a particular room as loud moans and sounds of their desires filled the entire place together with the intoxicating strong smell that would make anyone submit to their lust.

These three people were none other than Lev who was pounding Queen Mira who was kneeling in all fours on the bed while eating Yamraiha's pussy with his tongue who was standing up beside him.

They ended up this way after Yamraiha and Queen Mira enticed Lev to reward them which Lev then immediately gave them their favorite present by filling their wombs with nothing but his seeds in the hope of getting them pregnant.

"Lev.... aahh.... Lev.... aahh." Yamraiha and Queen Mira moaned in unison while feeling great from Lev's affection even though their bodies were already tired from today's battle and meetings.

Meanwhile, Lev's arousal rose to the peak upon hearing their harmonious moans as he continued fucking Queen Mira before releasing his load inside her womb making her body fall on the bed while twitching.

Shortly after that, Lev then switched on Yamraiha and he started pounding her pussy hard wanting to knock her out just like what he did to Queen Mira. They continued doing it for hours before finally stopping and seeing the two sleeping on the bed with satisfied smiles on their faces leaving him with his still-hard cock smiling at them before he fixes himself up and leave the room through the window.


In another room,

Even at this late at night, Morgiana could still be seen looking outside through the window thinking about something, especially what just happened today but she couldn't focus as her face had a hint of redness recalling the weird noises coming from the other room just a while back.

Wanting to calm herself down, Morgiana stayed on the window for a while before planning to rest as the place finally found its peace and quietness, but she suddenly stopped after hearing someone.

"Morgiana, do you want to stroll outside for a while." Lev said who was flying outside the room while extending his hand towards the surprise Morgiana. He knew very well that she was still up, so he wanted to have some of her time to talk to her to calm and ease her mind.

Morgiana looked at Lev who was smiling at her outside. She hesitated on whether to accept his invitation or not as she suddenly remembered those noises earlier, but she couldn't stop her body as it subconsciously took his hand and joined him before leaving the place.


In the sky,

Leaving the Garden Tower, Lev and Morgiana didn't go so far as they just flew to the sky before settling themselves on a magic carpet while looking at the beautiful scenery of the calm sea.

Right now, the two seem to be talking while sometimes laughing on the magic carpet before the mood suddenly changes. Morgiana could be found looking at the sea and couldn't help but be amazed seeing such an amazing sight while feeling great after some of her stress suddenly vanished after talking with Lev.

On the other hand, Lev could be seen looking at Morgiana before he couldn't resist himself as he subconsciously touched her cheeks. Feeling his hand, he saw and felt Morgiana immediately felt hot as she looked back at him.

Not long after, Lev and Morgiana's faces were getting closer and closer. The two could now feel each other's ragged breathing before finally, Lev printed Morgiana's lips with his

Meanwhile, Morgiana closed her eyes upon feeling Lev's lips which she subconsciously took a grab on his shirt, but she didn't seem trying to resist his advances as she started to fight back instead with him clumsily. 

As the two started kissing, Lev started pushing his tongue inside wanting to open it which greatly surprised Morgiana as she opened her eyes and saw Lev staring at her with seriousness. She suddenly felt weak and let him in before finally giving in to her desires after their tongues started intertwining.

With that, the scenery of the place couldn't be described by just any world but beautiful, especially upon seeing how the two kissed each other passionately under the shade of the moon.

"Morgiana, be my wife." Lev suddenly said after breaking out from the kiss while looking at Morgiana lovingly. 

Morgiana, with her lost eyes, couldn't find the right words to say at the moment as this was the first time she experienced such a feeling in her life. She then just keeps on looking at Lev and his lips alternately not knowing what to do.

Lev stared at Morgiana's eyes upon seeing her not replying before looking down at her small lips as he kissed them again and pulled her closer to his embrace. Though he hadn't heard any word of affirmation, what they were doing now was enough.

Morgiana, this time, was no longer surprised as she also embraced Lev back while trying her best to kiss him. With that, the two started kissing passionately for a while before stopping and seeing the weak Morgiana leaning on Lev's chest.

"Morgiana, I've been quite curious for a while now. Are you wearing some garment down there?" Lev then curiously asked which Morgiana immediately looked at him with embarrassment seeing her face completely red.

Lev, upon seeing Morgiana's expression, smiled before sliding his hands down her clothes and reaching for something down on her. Holding it with his hand, he then started squeezing her surprisingly bare ass with no undergarment protecting it.

"aahh!" Morgiana moaned cutely as she closed her eyes. After that, her heart started beating faster as she grabbed Lev's clothes feeling great coming from his hands. She kept on giving off cute moans before she could no longer stop herself but looked and boldly kissed Lev's lips.

Recalling her life, Morgiana really was very grateful to Lev for releasing her from slavery and helping her in many ways. She wasn't really interested in him at first but seeing him every day while taking good care of her added to the teasing words of Yamraiha and the rest, she started to admire him slowly and a strange feeling then started forming inside her heart.

On the other hand, Lev looked at Morgians seeing some tears start flowing down her eyes. He let go of her ass and hugged her tightly instead and started kissing her tenderly.

Shortly after that, Morgiana started to calm down before finally stopping as the two just kept on embracing feeling each other's warmth.

"You're mine now, Morgiana." Lev declared while smiling upon seeing Morgiana peacefully leaning on his chest.

[Love: 85 %]

Morgiana, on the other hand, didn't reply but she could be seen smiling in Lev's embrace after hearing his words.

"Lev, can you tell me more about Fanalis." Morgiana suddenly said as she stopped asking Lev about her race for a long time now as her mind got quite occupied with the pretense of becoming stronger.

"Hmmm. Okay then. Let's start with...." Lev smiled before deciding to tell her everything that he knew about them right from the beginning to what they call Alma Torran down to their ancestors who were currently living on the Great Rift called the Red Lions.

Lev continued to talk to Morgiana before finally stopping seeing her already sleeping on his chest. Seeing this, he just smiled as they stayed in the place for a while before heading back to the Garden Tower.


---The next morning---

Dining room,

As if nothing had happened yesterday, a group of people could now be seen gathering around the dining table enjoying the food while talking to each other.

"Morgiana, is there a problem?" Yamraiha suddenly asked seeing Morgiana couldn't stay still with her face getting red while eating with them.

Morgiana could not help but feel surprised after hearing Yamraiha's words before lowering her head while taking a peek at Lev from time to time.

"Oho. I think Morgiana will become a woman soon." Queen Mira amusingly replied seeing Morgiana keep on looking at Lev as if they just did something behind their backs.

Yamraiha also noticed her strangeness before she couldn't help but look at Lev thinking that he really taking a move to a still-young Morgiana.

Shortly after that, Queen Mira and Yamraiha then looked at each other thinking that she might soon start sleeping with them together with Lev which they didn't complain about as they were more grateful instead.


Artemyra docking area,

After being with his family for a while, Lev took his leave seeing now on the dock looking at the place before finally seeing the four little penguins busy ordering some men to do something on the place.

Lev looked at what they were doing for a while before seeing that they were fixing the ships that the Reim Empire had used yesterday which caught his attention. Shortly after that, he called the four of them wanting to talk about what they wanted to do about it.

"Master, you're here." Skipper said and greeted as he looked excitedly at Lev together with the three other penguins who were very happy upon seeing him.

"Can they still be used?" Lev then asked seeing that some of the ships were really damaged.

"Yes, Master. Just leave them to us." Skipper answered with certainty as they were more adept at doing this kind of thing.

"Hmmm. Just don't do weird stuff on the ship." Lev thought that these ships might really give great help to them as they were very solid unlike the other ships since they came and were built by Reim Empire itself.

"Yes, Master." Skipper replied before looking at his companions.

"Do you hear that? Our master is in need of our help. Let's do a great job with this and start working." Skipper ordered which they then made themselves busy again as they started working on the broken ships.

With that, Lev smiled as he looked at them for a while before staring at the sea feeling that the current was still strong with great certainty that Artemyra would face another problem soon and it would be greater than the last time.