Chapter 190 - White Fang's Might


Labyrinthine Tunnel, 

After the sudden transformation of Lev, Ichiryu and Jiro looked at him with shock and amazement at the same time. The two had already seen him transforming into something, but this was completely different as the vibes he was giving were much more dangerous than what they had seen before.

"This is quite dangerous, Ichiryu. I have recalled that while I'm fighting with him, the longer the fight the stronger and precise his attacks would become." Jiro said seriously while looking at Lev. He had experienced the last transformations of Lev, but his form this time was something completely different from all of them. 

"Lev, what was really your true goal upon coming to the Human World? Depending on your answer, I might really break the connection we had and subdue you right here right now." Ichiryu seriously said before he released his aura making the surroundings suddenly get attracted to him. 

[Gravity has been learned.] 

Lev sweated upon looking at the serious faces of both Ichiryu and Jiro. Despite transforming in this form, he still wasn't confident about taking even one of them since Jiro despite having injuries still hadn't done his all added by Ichiryu who was known as the strongest being in this world, his chance of survival if he fought the both of them was probably close to zero. 

"Like I told you. I want to create a world-class restaurant and live my life to the fullest. It was only a coincidence that I encountered the Knocking Master Jiro here and it is making me itch for a fight. That's all there is to it." Lev answered as he retracted his Ninth Tails Unleashed mode as he finally got what he wanted from Jiro. He thought that there was no longer a need to suffer more defeat against them, but he also knew that they would be the ones who had the right to call this off. 

Ichiryu looked at Lev seriously, because even until now, he still didn't see fear in Lev's eyes despite facing the two of them. He knew Lev was an intelligent type of person and the way he acted right now was quite contradictory to how a normal person would react or maybe he was just bluffing to escape this situation. 

"Sigh. Aside from we don't know about you, your thirst for battle was quite unstable. I know how competent of a Chef you are, but I could not allow a dangerous person on the loose anymore. So, just stay still for me and don't make my work any harder." Ichiryu sighed before he finally decided to act. Lev really was a person of great talent however, also because of this talent, he committed a serious crime this time and that is destroying this place where natural beasts and ingredients were residing. 

[Chopsticks has been learned.] 

"That's a shame then, Ichiryu. I don't really want to result in this since it would spoil the fun, but you leave me no choice." Lev finally called for help seeing Ichiryu serious about subduing him right now. With his pitiful strength, though he could put up a fight, it would only be a matter of time before he lost and was taken as prisoner. 

Lev, however, also thought that it was not a problem being captive since he had the capability to break out but that would only mean that he would be ready to be a wanted criminal and it would put a halt on his restaurant. 

"Ichiryu!!!" Jiro immediately called out after seeing a small wolf which made all his hair stand up. He knew how serious the situation had become but before he could knock himself to release the raging power inside his body, he found himself not moving and slowly kneeling not daring to look at the wolf who was baring its fang on him. 

On the other hand, after White Fang subdued Jiro without problem, she immediately looked at Ichiryu and casually moved closer to him. She already knew the situation her master, Lev, was in and she felt great anger knowing how this puny human tried to subdue him, especially in this world. 

Ichiryu, who never once felt scared for a long time, found himself unable to move even an inch and even if he would be allowed to move, he wouldn't dare to do so upon looking at the small wolf coming at him. 

"I actually already gave you some allowance back then. Sigh, hear me out, Ichiryu. What do you think would happen if I reached out to the Gourmet Corp first before IGO? Now that I think about it, they have been eating in my restaurant for a while now. Perhaps, I should talk to them sometime." Lev said before he started walking since he already achieved what he wanted and probably because of their fight, there must be no Puffer Whales in the Cave Lagoon anymore after being scared by them. 

"Let's go, White Fang." Lev called before hopping on her to get out of the place leaving behind Ichiryu and Jiro in a dazed and shocked. He would also never mind what decision they would make since he already thought of many solutions to the possible problems but that is if the two would make the choice. 

Meanwhile, in a place not too far from them, a robot with a bird-like face could be found standing still while trying hard to hide his presence. He had witnessed and heard everything from the start and after sensing Lev leaving the place, he immediately planned to leave but something happened seeing its body cut into half leaving him no time to react. 

"Jiro, how are you feeling?" Ichiryu, who just used his Chopsticks, to destroy the robot stood his ground with difficulty after he could now finally take a breath. He then checks out Jiro just to see him still kneeling on the ground while shaking. 

"T-There's no mistaking it. That was the presence I felt from fifty years ago." Jiro replied with a hoarse voice and still could not regain his composure as his legs were shaking from fear. He was a person raised by one of the King of Gourmet World, Guinness, but looking at the Battle Wolf who was with Lev makes him think that Guinness was like a cub compared to it. 

Ichiryu looked at Jiro with agreement. It was now that he confirmed that Lev really had something to do with it, however, it wasn't the time to be surprised since there is a bigger problem at hand now. With that wolf around, Lev would be untouchable wherever he went and that's the source of the problem, they now had a sour relationship after what just happened. 

"I'm heading back to talk to Lev. You can find me back in IGO headquarters if you decide to visit, Jiro." Ichiryu said as he looked at his shaking hands together with his legs as the fear he felt was still lingering on his body. However, he doesn't have time to get scared as he needs to talk to Lev no matter what the cost, since if there is a time he chooses to leave and join hands with the Gourmet Corp, then the Human World is already at his mercy. 

Without waiting for Jiro, Ichiryu flew up and headed towards a particular location at great speed. He then also called someone on the way on how to settle the situation of the place and made a reasonable excuse to calm down the people since only a number of people knew the true reason behind it. 



Vegetable Sky, 

After the commotion during the day, IGO handled everything professionally. They handle the media with ease by telling them that a creature from the Gourmet World suddenly appeared in the place. They even provided some footage of them subduing it to calm the masses and since only three people among the Bishokuya who were in the place knew about this fact, everyone bought the IGO's news and confirmation. 

Meanwhile, as the news was all over the world, Lev could be found inside Infinity Castle banging Sakie without stopping wanting to release all the stress that he got from the things that happened. Fortunately, the restaurant was closed or else everyone would hear Sakie's seductive moaning. 

"Looks like Ichiryu chose the right one. Heh…. Hnnnggh…hafff." Lev smiled before groaning after he shot out his seeds inside Sakie. They have been doing it since he had come back home seeing Sakie already lack of air while still smiling with satisfaction. 

"Thank you, Sakie." Lev leaned over and kissed Sakie on the lips before taking out his cock from her and carrying her back to their home to take a bath and rest for the night. Since things wouldn't be bad for them, then it was only natural for him to expect again tomorrow's gift. 

Following that, Lev together with Sakie bathed together before sleeping together with Erza and Mirajane back on the Vegetable Sky. Unbeknownst to Lev, the operator of the bird-like robot back in the Labyrinthine Tunnel already reported it back to the higher-ups. 


---Few days later--- 

After a few days, the accident that happened back in the Labyrinthine Tunnel finally died down as the people continued to live according to their fates. Lev's Infinity Castle Restaurant also started to operate again after a day of closing as more and more customers and guests poured in. 

This time, however, was something of great importance seeing Lev heading to the largest Biotope IGO ever had, Biotope 1, nicknamed the 'Gourmet Garden' from the face of the public, but the truth is, it is a large island that the Regal Mammoth was living which even the IGO still haven't explored the entirety of the island due to the beasts roaming around. 

The day after the accident back in the Labyrinthine, Ichiryu bravely talked to Lev about what happened. During their meeting, Ichiryu promised a lot of things to prevent Lev from joining the Gourmet Corp and to continue the operation of his restaurant in the Human World. 

One such condition was the decrease of tax the restaurant would pay however, Lev also dropped down a few conditions of his, one of which was the free and unrestricted visit to every Biotope the IGO was monitoring with the premise that he would not destroy anything and the last one was very specific, Lev wanted to bring a creature that they secretly clone which surprises Ichiryu unto why Lev knew about such information. 

With all those conditions, Lev was now on his way to get the Battle Wolf seeing him riding on Dart alone leaving Erza and Mirajane to have some time to rest and play around. Furthermore, since he was already on the Biotope, he might as well gather some fruits and other plant ingredients he could have in the place and plant them back to Infinity World. 

Following that, Lev tells Dart to fly faster since there is also a matter of that place being invaded by the Gourmet Corp, but one thing is for sure and that is the mother Battle Wolf's fate has already changed after he decided to take her away from that place.