Chapter 196 - First Taste


Melk's workshop, 

As Lev brought down a sudden confession, Melk the First then talked about such a topic. Despite knowing that Lev was much older than him, he didn't talk in a way that he respected him but in a way that every father would do to every man wanting to take away their daughter. 

Following that, Lev and Melk the First then have a father and soon-to-be son-in-law conversation in the workshop. They don't talk about the current situation of the world or some other things but only talk about Melk the Second, especially how she was faring alone on the surface. 

Not long after that, Lev and Melk the First finally concluded their conversation after the arrival of Melk the Second who was breathing heavily as she came in running while holding a piece of stone in her hand. 

"I look around the place for a while so you can have your reunion." Lev said with a smile before he left the workshop with his direction heading to a particular place which Melk the First had told him a while back when they were having a conversation. 

Seeing Lev leaving, Melk the First and Melk the Second then started their heartwarming conversation after not seeing for many years, especially the latter who had several questions in mind that she wanted an answer. 

Meanwhile, Lev continued to follow the direction that Melk the First had told him. Not before long, he found his way towards a place with a sight quite to behold after seeing an abundant and gigantic crystalline structure that shone like gold right in front of him. 

"Melk Stardust." Lev muttered the name of the gold-like structure in front of him which he then touched with his bare hands after finally seeing one of the most delicious spices that could be found in the Human World. 

"Knife." Lev then used Toriko's Knife technique and took quite a large quantity of the whetstone since this block of gold-like structure was not actually the stardust itself as it was still in the form of a whetstone. The Melk Stardust could only be acquired from the dust coming off from the whetstone after being sharpened by a material with a high hardness level. 

Following that, Lev left the place trying to find some other ingredients in the cave that could be planted and mass-produced/bred back in the Infinity World however, it is quite unfortunate that the only ingredients that he could find were all minerals and some other delicious beasts like the Ruby Crab. 

With that, Lev then started heading back to where Melk the First and Melk the Second had their heartwarming reunion thinking that they might be already done talking by the time he could get back. 


Melk's workshop, 

Heading inside the already quiet workshop, Lev found the atmosphere weird, especially seeing Melk the Second looking shyly at him whereas Melk the First was smiling weirdly at him.

"Did you find it?" Melk the Dirst immediately asked while looking at Lev seeing him back casually as if he had already seen and acquired some of it. 

"Yes." Lev answered before taking a small piece of Melk Stardust whetstone in his hand. It was a very small piece compared to what he really has inside his inventory that would probably surprise and anger him if he would see it. 

"Good. You can go back now and don't disturb me again since I'm still in the middle of something. Lev, I leave my daughter to you." Melk the First said before patting Melk the Second's head with a smile. As much as he wanted to be with her daughter, he still was bound to do something of great importance that would become his last masterpiece. 

"Mmmm. Take this." Lev replied as he threw something on Melk the First as a token of appreciation before he looked at Melk the Second with a smile. 

Melk the First caught the thing Lev had thrown before looking at her daughter for the last time and whispered, 'Make sure to give me a grandchild after I am back. Now go.' 

Melk the Second blushed hard after hearing the whisper of her father before she looked at Lev embarrassedly. She then just embraced her Master/Father for the last time before bidding farewell to him as she left the place together with Lev. 

Melk the First looked at their leaving backs with a smile before looking at the thing that Lev had thrown to him with curiosity. He was wondering what's the use of the thing since it was a ring of ordinary appearance. 

"It's a storage ring. Drop some of your blood on it and it will be a great help to you." Suddenly, Lev's voice echoed which surprised him as he turned his gaze to the location where he and his daughter left but saw them already gone. Heeding Lev's words, Melk the First drops some of his blood on the ring and he then suddenly witnesses something incredible. 


On the surface, 

It did not take Lev and Melk the Second to fly up to the surface seeing them now already at the place they originally jumped off. The three Night Lights were already there for them seeing them happily licking Lev's face wanting to show their affection and care. 

"L-Lev, did my Master really tell the truth?" Melk the Second suddenly asked while holding onto her clothes as she had built up some courage to ask and confirmed such a thing as her Master started talking about it after Lev left looking for the Melk Stardust. 

"Truth about what?" Lev stopped the Night Lights as he turned around and looked at Melk the Second teasingly guessing what she was talking about. 

"A-A-About you l-lik---" However, before Melk the Second could finish her words, she found herself unable to do so after seeing Lev's eyes up close with their mouths printed to each other. She could only widen her eyes and hold onto Lev before slowly starting to melt from his advances. 

Lev looked at Melk the Second as he attacked her with his lips and kissed her. Seeing her eyes start getting clouded, he then moved his one hand and reached out to her hidden round ass and squeezed it while with his other hand embracing her back tightly. 

Following that, Lev and Melk the Second then have their first moment seeing the two passionately kissing each other like there's no tomorrow under the witness eyes of the three curious Night Lights who were looking at them with sparkling eyes. 

Not before long, Lev and Melk the Second stopped as they embraced each other warmly from what they had just done. 

"It's true. I'll be taking you as my wife, Melk." Lev then said while looking at Melk the Second lovingly before fixing her and kissing her lips after that. 

Melk the Second, upon hearing Lev, felt joy and an excitement that she never experienced throughout her life which she then reciprocated Lev's kiss by wrapping her arms around his neck as they took their time being alone. 



Melk Mountain, 

At this moment, two people could be seen sitting on the stairs looking at the horizon blankly waiting for someone since the moment they woke up, they found themselves alone in the absence of the other two people with them. 

"They are here." Erza said as he stood up after seeing three dragons in the distance flying in their direction. She could immediately tell that it was then since the three really had quite a unique color, unlike the rest. 

"Master!" Mirajane said with excitement as she waved her hand to them before they headed back on top to meet them. However, she could tell something must have happened to them looking at the way Lev and Melk the Second behaved which made her smile. 


Outside the workshop, 

As it was now time for lunch, Lev, Erza, Mirajane, and Melk the Second could now be found outside the workshop eating together under the shade of the only tree in the area. Seeing the smiles on their faces, it feels like they have just eaten something very delicious since the dish served on the table this time has been added by the rare Melk Stardust. 

"It's so good." Erza, Mirajane, and Melk the Second exclaimed while eating the dishes that Lev made for them. It was the first for them to eat something that would make them hungrier. They then just looked at each other before they started eating the food on the table without caring about their appearance at all. 

"My clones will keep on making dishes so eat to your heart's content." Lev said with a smile while looking at the three of them getting addicted to the savory of the Melk Stardust added to the dishes that he made. 

Erza, Mirajane, and Melk the Second no longer had the time to listen to Lev as their hunger drives them to eat more and more as if they couldn't get enough from the taste of the food. 

Following that, Lev and the three women then eat their lunch with enjoyment while talking from time to time especially after Mirajane recalled something of great importance regarding the sudden changes of Melk the Second around him. 

Lev could only answer all their curiosity, especially declaring that Melk the Second would now be able to live and be together with them after having the blessing of her Master/Father back in the Heavy Hole making Erza and Mirajane surprised seeing how fast it was but they still immediately accepted and welcome Melk the Second to the Hendrix family. 

After that, they did nothing but rest throughout the day after the eventful thing that happened a while back. They didn't do any work at all as they kept on talking all day and stopped after the sun finally set down. 



On the second floor, 

After eating dinner and having a small rest, Lev and the others were finally together on the second floor of the workshop where the bedrooms were located. However, looking closely at what was happening, there was something weird in the atmosphere of the place. 

"Do it, Melk. Just like how we did it." Mirajane said while leaning on Lev's left side without wearing anything on her. The same with Erza who was leaning on Lev's right without any clothes on while looking at Melk the Second. 

Melk the Second, on the other hand, looked at the both of them with embarrassment before looking back at Lev who was smiling back at her. She was still surprised by how things went like this as she only remembered being grabbed by Erza and Mirajane who told her to do it saying that it was a must. 

Melk the Second looked at them with her red cheeks since she also was not wearing anything to cover her body making her assets completely visible to everyone. Following that, she just looked at the sword connected to Lev pointing at her with great fear and temptation but one thing was sure and that is it was making her hot all of a sudden. 

Not long after that, Melk the Second could no longer stop her body instinct as she moved her face closer toward Lev's sword before sticking out her tongue and licking it. She kept on licking it while looking at Lev who was closing his eyes probably due to what she was doing and the more she looked at Lev's expression, the more excited she felt thinking that what she was doing was right. 

Thinking that the time was right, Melk the Second stopped for a while before she opened her mouth and put Lev's sword inside her like the way Erza and Mirajane did it. At first, she felt suffocated as it was very big and hard but the longer she kept on moving her head up and down, the more she got used and addicted to it. 

Following that, Melk the Second finally tastes what it feels like to be part of the Hendrix family by spending the rest of the night together with Erza and Mirajane servicing Lev before finally resting from great satisfaction.