Demon lord

Rimuru POV:

After implementing the demon lord and Hero system it has been about more than 2000years ,humans manage to summon lesser demons and a few greater demons and three arch demons ,well when I went and created a summoning circle and told them they can be summoned they cheered very inthuasticly ,well I also told them that they can bring back some goods in the human world ,As for the other continent I showed them the original magic circle to create their own summoning circle so they can design it as they like ,well the devil's loved it too .Anyways it was time when guy was summoned and like the typical him killed the summoner and kingdom for ticking on his pride and become a demon lord and he also summoned rain and misery ,as in the past these three travelded together and it has been almost a week ,since I'm bored I thought why not give them visit , deciding that I told Ciel to teleport me to where they are .

no one's POV:

In jungle near the place the engrasisa kingdom was established there are three people who are traveling to the way of the God forest ,as they were resting a portal appeared before them and rimuru appeared ,but other than the two girls who met her in her restaurant guy decides to fire a nuclear cannon at her ,rimuru just looked the attack and blew a little air and the attack dissapered.

Rimuru: *serious*it isn't nice to welcome your queen by attacking first red *releasing a bit of her aura*

or now should I call you guy..

guy and the others immediately knelt down

guy: forgive me my queen I was hasty in decisions.

misery:we are as guilty as we couldn't stop him my queen ,please punish us as well.

rimuru sighs and retracts her aura and turns to them,

rimuru: fine I forgive you may all rise *they all rise*

I take it that guy has become the first demon lord and summoned you two as his assistants

guy : yes my queen it is as you say

rimuru: alright as the one who manages the souls and as the ruler of the underworld I rimuru tempest shall give you the name guy crimson as the first accomplish in becoming a demon lord and and as the first primordial to be summoned.

as soon as rimuru said that guy's aura began to grow until it reached 10x

rimuru: well with that out of the way * normal playful tone* hey misery and rain will you come to my shop of a brink later .

misery/rain : *inthuasticly*we will love to rimuru sama...

guy looked around confused

guy : well would you mind telling me what are you two talking about

rimuru:oh right I forgot about him being ignorant of the affairs in the underworld,well you see guy I run a restaurant in level 3 of the underworld and these two are my regulars

guy : ohh,ok ...well my queen why may you come to see me

rimuru: just rimuru is fine I don't like those my queen stuff when we are just chatting,as for your question I actually came to give you the name as a gift for starting my demon / hero project

rain:what is this project rimuru sama

rimuru: well you see rain ,humans have a high population in the material world and most humans have become very corrupted so their souls also became very dirty so we have to use more man power to purify them so I thought of this plan to make my job easier.(continues to tell what the project is )

guy : so in short you make us a filter for souls

rimuru: yes and it keeps human in check so it's like hitting two birds in one stone, and also since I had to keep the balance I made it so that a pure soul will become a hero and fight our demon lords

misery: so rimuru sama do we have any ristrictions in moving in the cardinal world

rimuru: actually no ,I gave you absolute freedom to demon lords,demons ,monsters and any creature that me and my brother created,we have no problems in you doing your own thing ,as I said we just needs to keep the balance so that's why not everyone can become a demon lord or hero

guy: well thank you for informing us of your project rimuru sama

rimuru: nahh it's nothing ohh almost forgot guy you can get stronger here since after getting a name you technically became a demon peer a archduke in the ranking system and your potential is still half there ,so if you train harder you could become a demon king in the under world and demongod in ranking just one step below my student which is a feat it self

guy : hah rimuru sama I shall train to my utmost best

rimuru: that's good that also you two should complete your evolution to demon peer and become demon lord's too ,well with that out off the way I going see ya ~

rimuru waved at them and created a portal and entered it

rain: our queen is so cool,

misery: yeah she is unlike some surtain someone she treats her subordinates fairly

guy : * turns head away * I don't know what you are talking about* whistle*

And so they went on their journey and like in the past met with Veldanava and fought him but this time he fought because he said he was the strongest and guy didn't believe him because to him their ruler rimuru is the strongest and so unlike last time guy actually lasted for about 2 days before being completely tired .After the match guy became the mediater and after a few months of training with Veldanava he went to the northern continent and fought with valzard,why you ask because he was too damn stupid ,when he and the others went to ice continent he was greeted by velzard in her dragon form and the first thing he ask her was

guy: hey are you really that Veldanava's little sister

as soon he said this there was defining silence even misery and rain looked at guy like he was a idiot,but as they were about to scold him the air around them began to get heavier

velzard: what did you say you fu$#ing baster#$

and they fought for about 10 days as these days went by guy's pride became to a level he is stable why you ask because unlike in the past velzard actually trained and matched guy in magic and even swordmenship ,well she has the best master as her older sister ,after narrowly guy won at that moment rimuru appeared

rimuru: well looks like you got your pride in check ,if not I thought I have to take things in my own hands

velzard: nee san

guy/misery/rain : what nee san

rimuru: hmm yes velzard is older little sister,wait don't tell me the underworld Don't know me

guy and the rest shakes their heads

rimuru : sigh, well let me introduce my self my name is rimuru tempest the void dragon and the 2nd oldest of the true dragon family and the little sister of Veldanava and also the ruler of the underworld

rain: that guy just hit our queens little sister

guy started gain cold sweat allover his face

rimuru: if you are worrying about me punishing you then no I will not punish you ,my siblings are already old anough,they are basically adults so they can deal with their own problems ,anyways I came here to tell all of you that from now on you all will be living here , velzard be a dear and create a castle for us will you

velzard: anything for you nee san

as she said that she started to gather her aura and starts making a castle

rimuru: anyways you can stay in that castle and you can also summoned your subordinates by giving sacrifises or make thier bodies with magicules ,or you can hunt a corrupt country and masserkaer a criminal organization or something, also velzard will be living here with you all since this is basically her territory and you can make weak humans sty away from here due to her aura ,and you can also use this as to buy some food * throws a coin pouch * you can also come to my place for some food orders

misery: thank you for your generosity rimuru sama

rimuru: ahh almost forgot guy you can treat velzard as an equil since in terms of powers you both are ,also *turns serous*do not think about make my sister sad and you what will happen

velzard *blushes* nee san what are you saying

rimuru: you know what I mean *turn around to see guy clueless* but it looks like you have your work cut out for you

velzard blushes even more and nodded

the demon duo also understands and smiles slightly guy is the onlyone who is clueless

rimuru: well I'll get going come at my shop while you have time

rimuru said that and teleports away,and that day fourth the world began to fear the demon lord guy crimson who resides in the frozen ice continent.