
Rimuru's POV:

It has been about 10 years since guy became a demon lord and he did his duty quite seriously,he destroyed a bunch of corrupted nations summoned his subordinates and lives in the ice palace and since he guy was terrorising the world the nations pleaded to their god (which is technically Veldanava since he is the one responsible for heaven and earth) to summon a hero which is technically asking me to give another world soul a body so I did just that ,I summoned a hero and a saint which are technically Rudra and Lucia and gave them a good tutor who do you ask it is my big brother,well I did it so that he can get a vacation,

-flashback -

Veldanava is currently being sandwiched between stacks of paperwork why is their a lot of paperwork well let's say the angels don't dare to take a big dicision by them self well they can't be blamed since not all of them havea lot of experience and they are only given limited knowledge and they don't have life experience due someone saying it is good to let them learn,well this is to say is not that Veldanava can't be done with his work in seconds it's just that he is bored,

Rimuru opens a portal and enters and says,

rimuru: hey bro I have something that will let you deal with boredom,how about you get a disciple

Veldanava: ohh that might be enjoying so who have you in mind

rimuru: the hero and saint who are going to be summoned tomorrow you know the humans are praying to you practically all the time to let them summon a hero

Veldanava: well if I was in charge of the V.O.W I would have given them a chance and opened a gate for a summoned

rimuru: and leave a backdoor open for it to be exploit by someone, that's irresponsible of you brother you never thinks ahead of you ,as you can see a manas can be born and all the skills have that possibility if the right conditions are met,I can even tell that the V.O.W have a ego and will be born as a manas sooner or later ,well enough of how irresponsible you are ,will you teach the hero and saint

Veldanava: ok I will do that but how will they reach me

rimuru: I will take care of that but for more dramatic effect we can made the V.O.W make and announcement for them to come to the God's forest or you can teleport them there after a day or two ,you can be as dramatic as you like since it's your student but don't go too far

-flashback end -

After a the two were summoned V.O.W announced that they will be trained by the creator and no one is allowed to interfere,and after telling them they were teleported to were Veldanava is in the forest ,well since he was in his human form I created a house and some food Which was made by yours truly every meal since they cannot enter the underworld yet due to them having their magicules unstable well not like a problem Ramiris couldn't fix after all she did give them both light spirits and after a day or two they began their training for about 2 years and in the last day after thier training I thought throwing a party and introducing velgrnd to them .

Rudra POV:

well my names Rudra after I was summoned to this world with my sister it has been really hectic the day we were summoned we directly teleported to the God's forest that we currently live in.Velda sensei said that he could have summoned us directly here but due keeping up appearances he let them summon us in the castle and after the V.O.W announced that we were gonna be teached by sensei the creater and make sure the humans to know that summoning otherworlders is not possible without god's knowledge .At the first day when we arrived here there were sensei and a lady who was the fairy queen after the she gave us two light spirits to calm our magicules she left and sensei then told why were summoned and told us that we actually died back in our world he just let our souls gained their material body .After resting for a two days enjoying food made by a mysterious sister of sensei we began our training for the last 2 years and I got stronger ,sensei said I just need the authoritation from her sister who manages the system to hatch my hero egg which is mature enough for it.Today is our last day training with sensei and we were returning to our house when a dragon suddenly attacks us with her claws ,I narrowly dodged and took my sword which was given to me by sensei and started to attack the dragon we fought for 3 hours until we heard a authoritative voice saying " all right that's enough both of you " we stopped and looked where the voice was came from see a blue haired lady waiting a black and dark blue one peace dress with golden eyes with my sister and sensei who somehow didn't involve in our fight.

Rimuru: Velgrnd I think you had your fun so transform so we go to the party.

the dragon nodded her head and then a transformed into a lady with dark blue hair wearing a Chinese outfit.

Veldanava: well since you two are beat let's go to the house to freshen up.we have a party to celebrate .

To that we all nodded and the we were teleported to the house after that me and my sister went inside to prepare for the party

Rimuru POV:

After Rudra and Lucia came prepared big brother began the party he first introduced me and velgrnd and when they realised I was the one cooking for them they almost bowed to me .After a few chit chats we began to be serious

Rimuru: ok now since big brother must have told you what is a hero and why heroes are born I won't get into the details so well you see we want you the Rudra the hero to bring order to the humans who have a high chance of running amok and challenge the first demon lord

Lucia: but we are still weak compared to all of you and I don't think we have the experience to challenge the demon lord

rimuru: that's why I want you two to travel around the continent for a year or two since our dear little hero has a lot charisma I'm sure he can give hope to the innocence also velgrnd will be coming with you as a guide around the world and she will guide you to the demon lord when you are ready,also don't worry about strength I will hatch rudra's hero egg give you a good sword and you a staff , also I think my brother has some gifts for you two

Veldanava: well since you two are my students I naturally have to give my graduation gifts for you so here you go

as soon as he said that V.O.W announced that rudra has ultimate skill covenant king Uriel and for Lucia ultimate skill wisdom king Raphael.

Rimuru: since you have a huge powerboost you should use the time you travel to master and rifine your powers

To that they both nodded and we resumed our party.After that the next day they Departed on their journey leaving me and big brother the only ones staying.