
Rimuru POV:

After those three left we stayed their in silence for a few minutes and,

rimuru: you fell for her hah,

Veldanava: yes ,I first thought it was like the love I had for siblings but after a while I knew I began to love her

Rimuru: well good luck in your conquest for her love,well I don't think she will reject you so it will be easy

Veldanava: well let's hope for it ,so how is the underworld I think the missing of three primordials is not good in a power scale

Rimuru: ohh ,you don't need to worry about it I got made all the primordials my subordinates and only guy had any territory to govern since misery and rain like to hang around my shop and at Sophie's place ,and those two sometimes goes to underworld to recruit some subordinates so the power balance is stable.

Veldanava: well that is good or it will be a headeche later

Rimuru: you're talking like you're the one who balances the world *threatening tone*

Veldanava: * cold sweats*well I mean was on vacation

Rimuru: whatever,I should be going then see ya

after that rimuru dissapered into a portal

=============time skip 6 years==================

Rudra POV:

we are now in the ice continent and I am facing my enemy demon lord Guy Crimson and I got to say he is very strong, strong to the point that we are evenly matched even though I am using my full power and the boost of being a true hero we have been fighting for about 7 days now and I hate to admit it but I'm having too much fun I mean after I witnessed the cruel realty of this world ,"the strong prays on the weak" ,it is aundeniable truth since it is in their nature and humans have it the worst ,I say children in the slums and innocent people dying due to corrupt people and of course I tried my best to stop them ,but I realized a truth it is that everyone is fighting among themselves until they have a benifit as I was reminiscing in my thoughts,

Guy : hey it's not nice to day dream in a fight

Rudra: oh sorry about that anyways let's finish this in the next round

Guy: I like the idea let's...

Rimuru: ok that's enough for both of you I think you had you're had fun

As we both looked at the person who interrupt our duel we see rimuru in her normal outfit( rimuru's true dragon outfit)

Rimuru POV

sigh these two are battle maniacs they fight for 7 days and they still have that battle hungry smile on their faces.whatever it's not like I am to judge since having a good fight once in a while is great,Anyways since these two are giving their attention let's gets this over

Rimuru: well never thought that the demon lord and a hero will having fun in their battle for world peace

Rudra and Guy just looked away

Rimuru: *chuckle* don't worry I'm not judging,to be honest you two being close is actually good in a sense

Rudra: what do you mean??

Rimuru: well in simpler terms if a demon lord represets terror then the hero represents hope

Guy: Rimuru sama are you trying to unite the world or something

rimuru: well your answer is not far fetched you see in this power is everything so if for example and I'm sure Rudra had seen enough misery when power is used in a very bad way since he was going criminal hunting

Rudra: w what no, and how the hell did you know I was hunting criminal organizations

Guy looked at Rudra weirdly

Guy: ahh Rudra you do know who rimuru sama is right

Rudra: well. she is sensei's sister

Guy : and ....

Rudra: she is a true dragon ..ahh just spit it will you

Rimuru: well since you are not very bright I will just introduce my self ,My name is Rimuru Tempest the 2 nd true dragon the Void empress and also the ruler of underworld and the choes Creator .

Rudra was stupidied

Guy: as she is the one demons respect and worship she is our queen and she also is the one who creates demon lords and true heros as she is in charge of the reincarnation cycle.

Rudra : whaaaaaaaaat ,so the ruler of the underworld is the one who cooked for us for 2 years

Rimuru: just so you know I run a restaurant in the underworld and I cook regularly unlike others I live like a human life style just you know

Rudra : okay okay just for what did we get summoned if you're the one who creates demon Lords

Rimuru stare at him for awhile before sighing and let's the tale again

Rudra: so in short you want us to keep the balance of the world

Rimuru nodded and said"it's not like you have to do anything ,maybe you can use this to hunt some criminals ,and guy can destroy them "

Guy: I have no problem rimuru sama

Rudra: yeah it's way better than doing nothing

rimuru: oh yeah before I forget let me give you two the first genesis class weapons I made for congratulating for accepting this job .

rimuru then summoned two swords one is shining brightly like the sun and the other one is eminating a ominous aura

rimuru: I call this holy sword Excalibur and the other one Gram,these swords are made so they can handle the full power of your attacks ,I also made it so that the swords will grow with their respected master's and shall be bound only to them for their full power.So with these you can spar anytime you want with valgrend and velzard keeping a barrier.

Rudra : speaking of velgrnd,where is she and my sister

Guy : hmm velzard also seems to have left

Rimuru: ohh them they got bored watching you two fight so I let them have a break , Velgrnd and valzard should be in the castle and Lucia went on a date with my brother

the two people just looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders

Rimuru: well with that out of the way ,I will take my leave ,and Rudra you can make a kingdom if you want in the Eastern part where velgrynd used to live and I think you two should stop being dence or your lives will suffer because my sisters are not actually what I call patient

saying that rimuru dissapered into a portal leaving a startled hero and demon lord

Rudra : guy do you know what she mean,beacause I can't think velgrnd will hurt me

Guy : I actually have a feeling that we will know soon because whenever I see velzard's eyes I get chills running on my spine

after that the two clueless victims went to the ice castle and two meet the yandare sisters who are almost about to explode.after that rudra went to the Easter part and created a small nation and sometimes sneak to the ice continent to have a match slowly these two got along with each other to the point that the dragons are thinking they are gay.After that 10 years have passed and dragons had a enough of it and now seeking the guidence of their elder,

Velzard: big brother do you know of a way to help us

And that elder is sweating buckets why you ask well it's beacuse he has no answer and no isn't a option here

Veldanava (come on Veldanava think think you have to think of a plan to calm these two down)and that very moment salvation arrived

???: you all hopeless aren't you