The mother of the demon king of tyranny

"My Arnos-chan has already bought a bride homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" Izabela's voice echoes throughout the house.

To this the other 3 people had various reaction. Misha tilts her head to one side and asked softly,

"...…Is that me.....?"

While Rimuru trying hard not to laugh out loud, Anos has a hand over his face while replying,

"No, sorry about this Misha she tend to misunderstood way too much . Hey, mother stop jumping to misleading conclusions."

"…..I see....." said Misha.

"It's fine, it's fine Arnos-chan. Arnos-chan's happiness is my happiness. Mother does not object...…" she says in tears before wiping the corner of her eyes.

'What on earth is going on in your head mother? What delusions are running around in there? I'm afraid to hear the answer.' Anos thought internally.

Rimuru who was able to calm down a little said weakly,

" Anos you should prepare yourself, this is only the beginning "

Anos felt dread coming over him and used his senses to find someone but it was too late,

The door to the workshop was thrown opened with a bang.

"Arnos! Good job. As expected. You're a man now!"

' Kuh this is bad my father has joined my mom now. I need to calm these 2 down before they destroy my image ' Anos thought worriedly. But he was unable to move, just as he was struggling he saw that his nightmares were about to be through,

"Looking back I remember that you were just born the other day."

Anos's father Gusta puts on a pose and stares out of the window while trying to look cool.

"Papa knew that this day would come but the time still feels a little short. Hahaha " while crying .

"No, this is a joyous occasion. Isabella, tonight is a feast. Let's celebrate loudly." He said after a while wiping his tears .

"Un, I know that dear. Arnos-chan is starting his new life." His wife Izabela also joined him.

Anos at this moment wanted to find a hole bury himself and hide for another millennium to escape this embarrassment. And the full blown laughter of Rimuru did not help either.


"Listen up Arnos. The cooking will take about 2 hours. But since Rimuru is also helping it would tone down 1 so you have to hurry up ok. Even if you let out a loud voice your mom won't hear it so do a good job."

Saying so Gusta closed the door to anos room keeping Anos and Misha inside. As for Rimuru, since this is a joyous occasion (for Anos's parents) they requested Rimuru who is a master chief to help in the cooking. And Rimuru agreed instantly, With her dragged to the kitchen Gusta pushed the young couple ( in Gusta 's eyes ) to Anos's room for more privacy. And this leads to the present. Where two of them are now in a awkward silence

" So your parents liked to make misunderstandings." Asked Misha to brake the silence.

"I'm sorry Misha. I'll talk to them later when they've calmed down."

"...Nn...." Misha said her usual comeback.

Looking around the room she asked,

" Empty room "

" Well we moved into here recently and I originally didn't have that much luggage with me " ' not that I need it since I could make it ' Anos thought.

"I'm truly sorry for my noisy parents. They don't mean anything harmful so please forgive them" Anos said apologizing for his parents behavior again.

Misha shakes her head back and forth.

"...I'm used to it..."

" Oh yeah I kinda remember your father also is a loud person if todays display di say anything I guess there are some similarities with both of them ."


"Ah sorry, my bad. Is my parents that worse ."

Misha shakes her head again.

".....Not my father..."

" Hmm wasn't that your father this morning?"

Misha shakes her head and said,

"…..My foster parent….."

" But what about your biological parents?" Anos asked curiously.

"...Busy..." Misha said with a almost imperceptible sadness from her monotone voice.

" I see " Anos said , not knowing what to say , even in his previous life even though he didn't have his biological or foster parents he still had Rimuru and Ciel who didn't let him drown in his sorrow. But he still had a longing for a parental love which he got in this life. So that's why he wouldn't let his pride get into his when it comes to his parents. That is his dictation for his parents.

" Anos is Rimuru your sibling " Misha suddenly asked breaking him from his thoughts.

He shook his head and asked,

" Why do you say so "

Misha took a thinking posture and said ,

" Your parents share the same love for you to Rimuru , and you seemed to listen to hear like a little brother listen to her older sister "

Anos laughed a little and said,

" Hahaha, misha you are both correct and incorrect at the same time"

Misha tilts her head curiously,

" Well Rimuru is not my sibling but yes it is true that I look up to her. And it's not wrong to say that she is kinda like my childhood friend.

And our family is indebted to Rimuru for all she did to us. Although she may not look like it , Rimuru can rival a very high ranking noble if we take into accounts her assets. This house is also one of hers. She rented it to us for a cheap price.

And my mother just happened to think of her as her own daughter since she was there with us all the time. "

Misha nodded in understanding.

~1 hour later ~

" Thanks for the meal " said everyone as they started to eat the 5 star luxury like dishes that were lined up in the dining room table.

" You two really went extreme huh " Anos commented while serving himself some Mushroom gratin which happened to be his favorite.

" Haha your mother was very excited so we decided to get top up our game and its not like you're complaining right " Rimuru asked with a smirk.

Anos said nothing but hummed happily while enjoying his Mushroom Gratin. He looked like a little kid who had his first ice cream.

Misha who was at the side was also making a similar expression unlike her usual expressionless face. Which shows how much delicious the cooking really is.

"Fufu. Though Arnos-chan grew so big right away, your face is still like a child when eating." Izabela said happily seeing Anos enjoying her cooking.

" Oh by the way misha ,what part of Arnos-chan do you like about him?"


Anos who was in a trance coughed at her mother's question. ' damn I almost forgot about that matter due to this heavenly food ' he thought internally.

" Oh here some water drink this. And be careful okay " Rimuru handed him a cup of water.

Thanking her anos stared to drink it.

"...….His kindness...…"

And he almost spit it in Rimuru's face if not for the barrier she erected.

As for his mother the moment Misha finishes speaking she strongly makes a fist and said,

"Right, that's right! Arnos-chan is so gentle! Arnos-chan was going to come to Deiruheido by himself but knowing we would be lonely he asked Rimuru for help, "

'Fumu. I see. Is this what's called having a doting parent? It's my first time experiencing it. It's quite embarrassing if she keeps mentioning my black history' Anos thought

"...…Filial piety....." Misha said,

"Right, right! Misha-chan understands. As expected of the one Arnos-chan chose." Izabela said cheerfuly completely ignoring her son's pleading look to not continue.

"All right. That's enough now lets correct this misunderstanding before she says something that make it even more worse .'

"Please listen, mother you see"

"Do you want some more mushroom gratin Arnos-chan?"

"What? There's some left? Let's have it , give me give me "

Izabela poured some more mushrooms Gratin into Anos's empty bowl. Then he started to devour it completely forgetting his earlier thoughts.

Rimuru who was eating at the side thought ' heh as expected not even a demon king of tyranny can win against his own mother '

"And with that sorted. How did your love with Arnos-chan begin Misha-chan?" Izabela asked with stars shining in her eyes.