A Friend

"And with that sorted. How did your love with Arnos-chan begin Misha-chan?" Izabela asked with stars shining in her eyes.

"...…The beginning of our love....?" Misha asked puzzled.

"How did you meet? Who called out to who? Who made the first contact "Izabella asked with much enthusiasm that Rimuru thought that she was the kid instead of Anos.' Or is it that she likes to gossip about love ' she thought internally while expression didn't change from the sweet smile she is giving anos.

"...…I was spoken to by Arnos..." Misha said after remembering their meeting in the morning

"Arnos-chan calling out to girls. That womaniser!" Izabela said excitedly while whistling *Hyuu-hyuu* now. Which somehow brought anos back to Earth from his mushrooms Gratin trance.

After looking around and remembering his situation he mumbled "Good grief." In a low voice. Well everyone was in groused in the love story to care for him anyway.

"And, and What did Arnos-chan say next?"

Misha looks down and starts thinking and said,

"...….We're both troubled it seems..."

"Kyaaaaaaa! Very good!! Arnos-chan if girls are told such a thing they will fall in one shot." Izabela exclaimed while her husband nodded his head like a father who is proud of his son's achievements , oh right he is like that.

'How is that cool? Trying to talk to my mother at the moment seems pointless. Let's look for another opening.

Besides, there's still some gratin left. I have to eat it while it's still hot. Arghh this hard , I have choose between my delicious dinner or my dignity ' Anos thought while his head is deciding on what to do .

As for Rimuru whose smile is beginning to grew wider is thinking ' well damn , this is the best vacation ever,'

"And? What was your answer Misha-chan?"

".....Nn....." Misha just said her usual answer but , Izabela seems to hear differently.

"Mouuuuu! Telepathy! Perfect affinity right from the beginning! Oh is this what people call Fated love….."

As Izabela began to ramble about more bulshit about love, anos finally fished his meal.

He was about to talk some sense into his mother when he heard the most ridiculous thing in his entire existence .

" hey hey Misha-chan did you two kiss yet, come on tell me tell me, I won't tell anyone " said Izabela as she came near misha who was in front of her.

" no " an immediate came response from Misha who was either disturbed due to Izabela invading her personal space or is it something else.

" I see , I see , you would only do that when you two marry , oh how romantic, oh in the name of the founding ancestor I truly wish this couple would have your blessing "

There was a silence after her words until a some decided to brake it by a full blown laughter.

Anos who was motionless thought, ' mother why is your brain not working today , if Misha said that we didn't kiss in such a hurry isn't that too suspicious for a couple, and why the hell are you using my name for such nonsense here '









~ after a nice meal ~

" here I have some extra for you to eat at home Misha, "

Izabela said as she hands over a basket to Misha who was leaving.

" Thank you "

Misha said softly as she bowed to Anos's mother.

" oh come on don't be like that, just remember to visit us more often, I still have so much more to talk to you about, and if we are lucky I might even be able to show you the picture book of Anos's childhood. "

While Misha just nodded to Izabela's comments another interesting conversation was going on with Anos and his father.

" Son I know you must be very excited to have some time with your girlfriend but for today don't go anywhere, It is already too late and these kinds of arrangements must be done without any rush. So no going any detours so you can spend more time together "

While Gusta was giving his fatherly advice under Anos's deadpan gaze.

" father, how many times do I have to tell you that I will not go any detours or any other places, hell I even won't be gone for a long time , so please don't add unnecessary misunderstanding , what mother caused is already enough "

" I know Anos since you are a grown man now so me and your mother won't but in your affairs but remember everything is tricky in a relationship " Gusta said totally misunderstanding Anos's reasoning.

Anos just sighed while rubbing his forehead suppressing the headache he has.

After a while both parents finally let the dou leave. Rimuru looked at their departing figures and mumbled,

" since they are going in the same direction, he should be able handle those guys….sigh I really forgot how troublesome nobles would be "

Saying so she went inside the house to wash the remaining dishes.

~with Anos and Misha~

As soon as they started their journey both were quite. It was pretty awkward for both since they pretty much met each other today.

Sighing Anos broke the awkward atmosphere by speaking first.

" well Misha I sorry about my parents misunderstanding. I hope you don't take their antics to heart. "

Misha shook her pretty head and saying,

" No don't worry about it, I had fun too " while having a small smile on her face.

Seeing her smile sincerely Anos scratched his face while saying,

" Well when I go back I will tell my parents that you are my comrade "

" Comrade .. " Misha asks curiously.

Anos nodded while continuing,

" Yeah I believe in this era they refer to as a friend, yes friend. "

" a friend " Misha smiled more while bringing her hands towards her chest which had some point began to beat a little faster.

Seeing Misha this for considering her a friend Anos smiled to himself and closed his eyes to enjoy this little peaceful atmosphere they created.

But that was broken by the sound of walls that magically began to build itself completely surrounding them. The walls began to shape into a arena with four entrances which were blocked.

While Anos looked at this with a eyebrow raised he heard a sound of footsteps . Then from one of entrances came a familiar person with his usual cocky attitude.

" Hey hey what do we have here, a mere half breed that doesn't know the true meaning of defying a royalty. "