The Demon king

" Hey hey what do we have here, a mere half breed that doesn't know the true meaning of defying a royalty. "

From the dark corridor came Zepes with his haughty attitude.

While anos just raised an eyebrow in amusement Misha started to analyze the newly build stadium for any exists. Finding none she gave up . And it's not like she would be harmed since anos is there with her. She instinctively knew that fact.

" Fancy meeting you here Zepes , did your wounds this quickly, if so you must have a very good person who can healing very proficiently near your inner circle. "

Said anos with his cocky attitude that will even make rocks spit blood.

" Shut up you worthless half breed. "

Zepes yelled. his family had to pay a high prize to calm his metal state and heal the other internal injuries. He was so furious when he remembered how he beg in front of the whole world. So like a sensible royal he is he decided to erase his shame from this world.

And it seems the world seemed to agree with him so when he was near that bastard's house that he found with his connections, the bastard itself was coming towards him.

" So this is the half breed who decided to defy a royal , how unsightly. " said another voice.

Turning towards one direction they all found a young man with long black hair, three earrings on his right ear, and two on his left. He walking from another dark corridor that magically appeared. He walked towards them and stood beside Zepes.

This person is Leorg Indu, the head of the Indu family. He is also the older brother of Zepes .

" That's right brother he is the trash that doesn't know his place"

Zepes shouted while pointing at Anos . His eyes glowed with glee as to finally have his revenge.

But then all of a sudden zepes was sent down face planted into the floor. He angrily tried to stood up thinking anos was doing something but he couldn't since his older brother was stepping on his head keeping him from getting up ,when he was trying to ask why , he heard something that left him speechless.

" Shut up you disgrace, how much do you want to humiliate our noble family, now that I know the who the other commoner is you have fulfilled your purpose , so now die "

Saying so Leorg casted a magic that burned zepes . Zepes screamed in agony until his burned corpse was left.

Surprised Anos asked , " why did you kill him, didn't you all come to get revenge for him "

" Huh why should I help a disgrace who couldn't even win against a commoner.

Enough of that , you who have done the great sin of defying a royal shall be punished by me "

As he said more people began to appear of all sides of the arena.

Even though he was surrounded Anos didn't panic for him , unless someone like Rimuru appear he wouldn't even need to blink to Defeat them. But he was really disappointed.

" So guys care about your image than your own family, is this how you so call royals do things ,killing your own family because he was too weak , what a disappointment "

" Enough of your blabbering, we Royals have the duty of upholding our authority till our founder is born among us, you half breeds have no right to disagree with our ways. You are only left be the slaves you are to our founder and us royals " said Leorg.

" Did you know we pure bloods have a special authority over the government of this city , so no matter how much you scream you will never have any help hahahah " He continued while laughing maniacally.

" So you just eliminate any competition so you can just keep your royal pride , haaaa are you sure you have the founder's blood , it is kinda suspicious if you are this low " said Anos while seriously thinking about it.

" Did you just criticize the founder , you mongrel as a royal I shall force judgment on you dog for the sin of criticizing our founder's blood " an enraged Leorg said ,

" How would me questioning my own blood a sin " Anos asked genuinely curious

" Whaat what kind of nonsense are you blabbering about "

" You really are late on the uptake huh , I mean to say is that I am the founder , so how would I questioning my blood be a sin " said Anos .

" enough, I heard enough nonsense of you , you shall die a horrible death for your sins " saying so a dark magic circle began to appear in Leorg's hands.

Soon the same magic circle appeared on each of the other royals who are surrounding them.

" let me show you the true horror of the magic we the royals , who have the blood of the founder can doo " saying so he laughed maniacally and launched the attack on Anos , soon the others follow suite.

Soon a huge explosion ensued and the smoke began to cover the whole arena.

Leorg was satisfied at his work and was about to leave when he heard,

" hmm barely plausible, but still too weak "

Furrowing his brows he saw anos still standing there without a scratch on his body while Misha was enveloped in a barrier.

" how impossible, you took the full brunt of magic and is still unharmed. " said Leorg in disbelief.

" well it really isn't that powerful to begin with and your spell had a major flaw you know,

What you used is a magic that helps you borrow magic from a source that is more powerful than you, And you borrowed magic power from someone who in the mythical era rained supreme in his own kind and slayed the gods due to his tyranny in other words me , The demon king of tyranny.

And origin magic cannot harm it's origin so it's pretty useless against me " said Anos finishing his lecture.

" What how did you know the forbidden magic that only we royals know , and enough of you nonsense I refuse to believe our mighty founder would reincarnate as a half breed"

Saying so he and the others created a another magic circle to attack again.

" Sigh this is getting bothersome so let's end this " saying so anos looked at the magic circles and his eyes glowed a little.

Then all of a sudden all the magic circles began to react violently ans was being unstable,

" Whaat, my magic circle is malfunctioning, " exclaimed the others as they desperately tried to cancel their spells .

" you what you did you do " shouted Leorg as he also tried to cancel his own spell.

" Me nothing ,I had threatened the magic in your hands , and yours is just trying to flee away . You should really use your demonic eyes to check . Encountering some one with more magic power density always do this. So if I where you I would really get my control back on that spell , or you would die "

" shit " cursed Leorg as the magic circle in their hands detonated..