The demon king 2

*Boom *

A huge explosion happened due to the malfunctioning of the magic circles. When smoke dispersed everyone but Leorg was unconscious. Even he was barely hanging on.

" Oh you do have some skill to survive , since that's the case let me give you a little reward "

Saying so Anos walked towards the corpse of zepes and casted a dark ominous magic circle

Soon his corpse began to twitch and slowly like a zombie started to move around.

" You, what have you done ,you monster " shouted Leorg seeing how Anos was disrespecting the dead.

" Now now don't jump into conclusions just yet. What I am giving you is a chance , team up with your brother and face me together "

" it hurts brother it hurts , why did you kill me brother , whyyy " screamed the now zombified Zepes.

" Are you joking with me can that thing even have intelligence to think, isn't better to ends it's misery "

Saying so Leorg casted a attack magic and blasted it towards zepes , but what he didn't expect was zepes retaliation by casting a even more fierce magic.

Seeing his magic was overpowered easily he quickly to the side to escape a fatal blow.

" how he didn't have that magic power to support that spell " exclaimed Leorg.

"It is because of the magic which resurrects the user as a zombie, while in this sate the user would feel the previous negative emotions he felt and will seek revenge by using his emotions as A catalyst.

Now you can team up with your brother, since he is more powerful than you right , teaming up would at least allow you to survive more in a battle with me " answered Anos.

" Are you out of your mind that thing will kill me before anything " said Leorg while cursing.

" No that would not happen , even in this state Zepes is still your brother, so call out to your brother make him remember the times that you two shared the bond as a family, show me that the bonds of family is still sturdy as it was in the old days " shouted Anos with passion mixed into his speech,

With his speech as a signal Zepes leaped into Leorg with magic circles in his hands.

As Zepes coming near him Leorg began to remember the times he spend with his brother, the times both of them played together, all the happy memories he had were pouring into his brain at that moment, instinctively he shouted,

" zepes.." * boom*

A huge explosion engulfed both of them. When the smoke died down what was left is the two corpses of zepes clutching the heart of Leorg.

" well that was anti climatic, who would have thought that bonds between a family member is just so much, in those days even when someone was in a zombified state they never lost their bond with their family,

Sigh what a disappointment.. well at least he remembered who he was fighting that's a plus sighn right, "

Mumbled Anos as he walked towards the duo.

Misha who was forgotten thought ,

' he is brutal '

As he was near the two the arena that constructed began to crash down due to the two rapid explosions that happened.

" sigh what a tiresome duo , If I left you there and try to stabilize this arena you wouldn't be resurrected, if I ignore it and try to revive you guys the others would be dead , you really are making me work a lot " said Anos while already making various magic circles in the air.

Misha seeing this many magic circles thought,

' as expected he can defy common sense like it was breathing '










" so now do you understand your mistakes " asked Anos smiling at the kneeling zepes and Leorg.

After saving all of them Anos made the culprits reflect on their mistakes.

But as you can tell both the siblings just wouldn't openly admit it especially to him.

" well then see you guys later, ohh and if you two want come and play again tell me beforehand okay " saying so anos waved at them and began to resume his journey with Misha.

"never you monster "

" I would rather die than face you again "

He completely ignored the ramblings of those two.

Turning to Misha he said a little apologetically ,

" I'm sorry about that Misha, I hope you didn't mind that much. "

Misha shook her head and said ,

" it's no problem I watched a good show "

" Is that so " said anos unable understand what is so interesting about a childish fight.

After that without anymore interruptions Anos safely escorted Misha to her home. And went back to his home by using .

After that he went to bed to enjoy his sleep before going to school tomorrow. Before long he was fast asleep. But what he didn't know was the glowing yellow eyes that appeared in the darkness.

" Hmm look like he used more magic than before and is tired, tsk just when I was free to beat some sense into him, sigh whatever I will just teach him tomorrow "

Saying so the eyes disappeared like they never existed in the first place.









It is a grand day for The Demon King Academy as today is the day the generation of chaos who in the prophecy is suppose to have the reincarnation of the demon king of tyranny.

And in one of the classrooms the door of the class opened. From there came a unique pair.

One wearing a boy wearing the white demon king academy uniform that is worn by the commoners while having a different badge from the rest.

The other is a girl with slivery blue hair she unlike the boy, wore the red demon king academy school uniform that is worn by the Royals. While she also has a different badge on her uniform.

As soon as they both entered the class they gathered everyone's attention.

To anyone gathering this much attention will probably make them freak out but for the two of them, it is nothing as they have experience dealing more crowd than this.

The boy smiled a cocky smile and announced,

" Good morning everyone the class is under my control now, I will kill everyone who opposed me "





























.* Bam *