The badge


Rimuru slapped the back of Anos's head , making a huge bump appear on his head.

She shakes her head seeing his ' why did you hit me ' look. Sighing at his airheadednes. She walked into the classroom completely ignoring him.

Anos also followed Rimuru while internally wondering, ' why the hell did she hit me that hard ,That joke was a popular one back in those days '

Both of walked inside and wondered where to sit when they saw a acquaintance sitting on the last raw.

It Misha who was sitting lonely at the last desk in the classroom. Most of the people seems to ignore her presence for some reason.

Seeing there is no one occupying the seats next to her they both decided to sit there.

" good morning misha " Rimuru greeted her as she sat on her seat.

" Good morning" greeted Misha back.

" hey misha did you like my joke " asked Anos eagerly waiting for a good feedback.

" what joke " Misha tilted her head and asked,

" the one where I said will kill everyone that defies me "

" was it a joke " misha asks innocently which damages Anos more than he thought,

" damn the difference in era " Anos cursed under his breath.

" So misha why does it look like the others are a bit distant from us " asked anos to change the topic.

" Well they would since someone went and threatened all of them at the start " said Rimuru sarcastically.

" it is because of the badges you two are wearing " answered Misha.

"Ehh " both Anos and Rimuru were surprised to this information.

Misha nodded her head and continued,

" yes throughout the history there were no special cases like you two,

First Anos, you have the cross mark in your badge do you know what that represents, "

Anos shook his head letting Misha continue

" throughout the history every child even the commoners has a demon king aptitude no matter how low it is , and what that cross signifies is zero , meaning you have no Demon King aptitude making you the first Misfit to ever appear in history " said Misha..

Anos was flabbergasted by this , he the demon king himself was called a misfit in his own castle. He didn't know whether to cry at this , in his lifetime he never heard something this nonsensical.

" Wait does my badge also means I have poor demon king aptitude " asked Rimuru worriedly, as she would get a little agitated when someone try to challenge her pride just because of a stupid badge.

If it was before her second reincarnation she wouldn't even mind it and will just have her sweet revenge on them , but after being reborn as a true dragon her instincts began to change, and being with prideful beings like Velgrynd and Velzard doesn't help either.

" No for your badge is more special than Anos's . It was said during the times when the founder was still the ruler of all demons he respected one person to the point that he would even kneel. And that person is the adviser of the founder who was also prophecies to reincarnate with him. And that badge indicates that you are most suitable candidate that would be his reincarnation, which is even more believable since you where the Royals uniform. " said Misha completing her explanation.

Soon Rimuru activated her skill [Thought Acceleration] to the fullest and started a very serious talk with ciel.

' ciel explain , what did you do '

{It's nothing important master , I just used [casualty Manipulation] and added a background for master}

' what do you mean it is not important, from what misha tells me I kinda feel that adviser is a big deal, and don't use [casualty Manipulation] willy nilly ' Rimuru complained with a headache .

{don't worry master I didn't go overboard with your background , would you like to hear the full report of it } replied ciel calmly.

' you know what I give up , just hit me with the report what worst that could happen ' said Rimuru unknowingly raising a flag.

{Yes master, before the demon king of tyranny ascended to the throne . He was like any other demon. But unlike the others he had limitless potential and a unyielding will. But he still lacked something. And that was guidance. And that was guidance was fulfilled by the Adviser. He trained the demon king in Martial arts, politics, Magic and many more.

He like a stood by the Demon king's side assisting him in various ways in the great war. And finally he was there when the king decided to sacrifice his life to create the dimensional barriers. After the kings sacrifice , he was the one who delivered the king's last words to the people.

It was also said that he like the king, choose to reincarnate in the next life to be of help to him again.

Legends say that if you are recognized by the Adviser he or she would be have huge possibility to be the founder's reincarnation as they are destined to be together,

So the academy does a secret search on every student who would enroll in the academy. }

' ohh' Rimuru had no words to comment to Ciel's ridiculous explanation. She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm her head from the incoming headache.

Sighing in her heart she stopped her skill from working and her perception returned to normal.

" I will look into that later " Rimuru said making Anos who was about to comment on something shut up.

She then turned to Misha and asked ,

" So Misha could you say the founder's name please "

Misha is still expressionless, blinked at Rimuru and said,

"...….You must not call out the awe-inspiring name of the founder...."

" Oh then could you say my name please " asked Anos.

" Anos "

" no I mean my full name "

" Anos Voldigoad"

" Hmm" Anos began to think about this for few minutes and he finally said ,

" hey Misha I'm about to use so could you just say the name of the founder in your mind'

Misha nodded, then Anos put a hand on Misha's forehead and nodded her to say it.

' the founder's name is …..'