She is magic doll, so what

" so is my qualifications clear now " asked Anos while smirking at Emilia.

Emilia grits her teeth and muttered in hatred,

" Yes you can become a team leader. "

Anos nodded seemingly satisfied with her words and went back to his seat.

Emilia took a few breaths to calm herself and for her professional side of her to take over. She then clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention to her once again.

" now then the candidates who are chose to be team leader please stand up "

At her words five students including Anos stood up.

" first will start by letting the team leaders introduce themselves,

Would be kind enough to be first Sasha "

Saying Emilia turned to attention to a girl with long blond hair with ribbons and twin tails, blue eyes, and a fairly short and petite frame.

She grips the edge of her skirt and bows elegantly and said ,

"I'm from the Necron family and a direct descendant of one of the original 7 demon emperors Aivis Necron. I'm Sahsa Necron the witch of ruin. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

At her words the class soon erupted in a frensy,

" oh my god , she is a direct descendant from one of the Great Demon elders " exclaimed one unimportant classmate.

" I heard she even has a magic power amount that broke the new record " said another

" We are so lucky to be in the same class as the Witch of Ruin , I wonder if I can join her team " said Another.

While the others busy fanboying or trying to scheme a way to Sasha's team Rimuru had a strange expression on her face.

Anos looked at her asked ,

" is it because of how she has the same family name as Misha "

Rimuru absentmindedly nodded,

" I asked about it now and it turned out she is Misha's older sister which would technically make Misha pureblood by default as both of her parents are the same but because of some family drama they decided to enroll misha as a commoner.

Sigh I wonder how did this strange ideology of bloodline appear in these times of peace. " sighed Anos unaware that Rimuru didn't even listen to him as she is having a very serious talk with ciel in her mind.

' ciel is it me or have I been not able to sleep lately '

[Your body doesn't need to sleep master but no your sleep schedule was not interrupted in any way ]

' then this has to be a dream right, there is no way that both Militia and Abernyu to reincarnated in the same era right '

[Unfortunately master what you see is reality as souls cannot be faked , ]

' sigh what kind of a mess did I get my self involved,

If my earlier assumptions were correct then both of these girls have are victims to the manipulation of fate and destiny.

Ciel analysis both of their souls, sources and fates to see what those guys did '

[ already done master , it seems master both individuals have a sources which are weak and unstable.

There is also of trace of a magic spell which is used to split one source into two.

If my guess is correct both of these girls were never meant to be the reincarnations of the two goddess. But due to the manipulation of fate and destiny their souls and sources were mixed with each half and created to make these unstable source.

And by the help of another magic spell which is used to combine two sources , the two unstable sources will be merged and clash would happen to decide the main personality.]

' but ciel I can't see how the God's would profit from this , from what I could tell the Necron family would only gain a better demon who could have the potential to be as strong a god who has full control over his order.'

[ master when the clash between wills happen both of their souls would be tired. So a third party with a powerful soul and will can interfere and subdue both of them and take control over the body.

And God's souls and will happen to be very strong and suited for this job ]

' shit, that was close one , with Misha's Destiny to disappear shattered I might have destroyed half of the God's plan , now I just have to interfere with this Sasha girls fate and be done with it '

[ what about the fusion spell that is placed on them, if not treated early one of them would disappear master]

' oh I will let anos handle that, if my gut feeling is something to consider both of them would be saved by anos

And it's not like a little soul tinkering couldn't fix them '

[… if you say so master ]

"I'm the Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigod. I'll tell you all right now that the name of the demon king you believe in is wrong. The real name is Anos Voldigod. Not that any of you will believe me. I don't blame you though. In time, you will understand. Pleased to meet you."

As she heard these words Rimuru had a urge to bury herself in a hole and hide forever. She doesn't want anyone to associate her with him , she wondered where she went wrong in teaching him.

Fortunately for her the classroom just took his words for nothing, seems like this is demon thing.

Even Emilia didn't even blink at his words and just went on with the class leaving some instructions about the team and what not.

Soon people began to stand-up and go to groups they all prefer. Except for Anos all the four others had a decent number of teammates.

Anos seeing this just shrugged it off as he could solo things most of the time and with Rimuru here he wouldn't be disqualified. He saw Misha looking at her sister.

" I wouldn't mind if you want to join your sister's group " he said softly

" mhm" Misha shook her head and replied,

" no it's all right, after all we are friends " she said smiling a little.

" you should smile a little more Misha , that smile of your is beautiful " commented Rimuru as she looked at her smiling.

Misha nodded her head while blushing a little.

Anos chuckled a little and turned his attention to the visitor who came towards them.

"Anos Voldigod was it? Nice to meet you." Said Sasha while giving Misha some nasty looks.

" Oh why sudden greeting " Anos asked raising an eyebrow.

" Heh I just want to give my condolences to you who decided to give this magic doll a place in your group." Sasha said mockingly looking at Misha with contempt.

"When you say defective doll, are you referring to Misha?" Asked Rimuru with a very calm tone that made Anos sweat a little as dread what she would do to this poor soul.

"Is there anyone else in your group , haha hahaha

Don't you know? That child isn't a demon but she's not human either. Like I said earlier she's a defective doll-san. No life, no soul, no will. Just a trash doll that only works due to magic."

' A magic doll? Is that what She said when their parents were the same. Was she created using their blood?

Well, whatever. There are many, many ways of creating magic dolls. There's even a way of creating a magic doll by a mazoku actually giving birth to it.

If you are good with magic then the doll will really be alive.

Leaving that I must solve this before Rimuru does something that would traumatize this girl. '

" so what " asked Anos gaining her attention.

" what do you mean " asked Sasha puzzled.

"If you think that a magic doll has no life nor soul then your understanding of magic is pitifully shallow. Concentrate your demon eyes even further and stare into the abyss." Said Anos

A surprised expression quickly crossed on Sasha's face before she laughed fearlessly.

" I'll give you some advice. If you stay by such a cursed doll-san something bad will happen. Nee, you understand that right?"

Anos blinked before laughing,

"Kukuku, kuhahahaha. What…that… that a threat? To this me?"

Sasha starts to glare at him

"Nee. You. Do you want to die?"