The Demonic Eyes

"Nee. You. Do you want to die?"

As she said that her eyes began change as blood red rune began to appear in them.

The students watching showdown with interest started to panic.

"Oi, this is bad. That guy made Sasha-sama mad to the point where she activated her eyes ."

"...What do you mean?"

"You don't know? The demon eyes of Sasha-sama are special. It is called the Demon Eyes of Ruin. If she invokes them then everything in her field of vision will turn to ruin as she wills it. Even You will disintegrate without any resistance. That's why Sasha-sama is called the witch of ruin." Exclaimed a student who for some reason was very knowledgeable.

" oh do you think your intimidate me, let me show you how true intimation is worked "

Said Anos as he also activate his Demon Eyes of Ruin to negate the effects of hers.

" impossible, how did you have …" exclaimed Sasha as she looked in shock at his eyes.

" huh did really think only you have these eyes , now let me teach you one or two about these eyes" saying so anos increased the magic power output and then a oppressive aura appeared and it directly targeted the mind of Sasha. As she was caught off guard her mind was injured.

Rimuru seeing this just wanted to stop time and beat Anos up till he realize this is not where people would always be in guard for attacks whether it was psychical or spiritual. Sighing Rimuru decided to heal this girl . So she took action.

" Enough" she said softly but to the others it was a command they must obey.

When they all turned to her , they were , especially Anos was surprised to see that Rimuru's eyes also has a rune in them. But unlike Sasha or Anos hers is dark purple like the void.

A student shakily said,

" those are the legendary magic eyes of Tyranny, the eyes that are said to be the same eyes as the adviser.

In legends the adviser used these eyes to order the unruly demons. With a its power to make others obey his or her will ,the adviser created the best disciplined army that ever known." He Explained with a lot more unnecessary details.

Well to Rimuru these eyes are just for show as she could make any being obey her orders with her charisma and aura alone. So why did she do this , well it's mainly to look cool.

" stop this fighting or I will join you " although her words seemed to confuse the others Sasha and Anos has pale completions when hearing this. Both of them could be having fear in their eyes.

What everyone didn't notice was when Rimuru spoke , her eyes activated and pulled both anos and Sasha to different mindscapes.

In those mindscapes both of them went through hell. Anos went through a trash courses of training were he had to survive the onslaught of many demons while having his magic sealed. Well let's just say he almost broke through to the Grandmaster stage in swordsmanship.

As for Sasha she went the life as a magic doll that would just only obey orders whether it like it or not. And she might have gotten more emotional and spilled some secrets which Rimuru find it reasonable to believe.

Well it was just a little punishment for Sasha for hurting Misha's feelings and a punishment for Anos for the stupid things he did.Well she did erase Sasha's memories since that would be too cruel to her but deep down her subconscious knew it was real so that's why she was scared.

Well Rimuru just wanted a opportunity to heal the injury Anos inflicted on her. And to properly to destroy that fate which was unnecessary as it looked like it was almost broken on it's own due to the uniqueness of her source and her strong will to change fate.

If they wore on earth Rimuru would say that Sasha is someone who is a hero in making since she stood against her fate and tried to defy it.

Well Rimuru is sure she could enjoy a good show when Anos interferes as he always do.

" No i will retreat for now. " saying so Sasha was about to leave when someone interrupted her.

" Wait Sasha, since you have pretty good magic power. Why don't you join my group?" asked Anos.

Sasha looked at him with a speechless expression.

"Wh...What are you saying? You…..Do you even realize what you are asking"

" what , I'm just inviting you to join my group. What's so hard to understand about that?" asked Anos

"I'm not on about that. I'm a group leader." Rebuked Sasha

"Quit then."

"Haaaaa!?" Sasha was speechless again. ' does he even know what he is telling ' she wondered. But the next moment she shook her head and angrily said,

"Stop saying such foolish things. I have no reason to quit being a group leader."

"Well If you join my group you can patch up your relationship with Misha doesn't that sound a good reason for you." Said Anos like he was talking to a child.

Her body started to shake and her eyes activated on its own.

"I have never thought of that doll as my younger sister." She spat angrily while leaving for her seat.

Rimuru sighed and thought ' what a Tsundere . '

"....I'm sorry...." Misha murmured after Sasha left

"You do not need to apologise. It was her that picked a fight with me. So you don't need to apologize "

*Furufuru* Misha shakes her head.

".....Sasha is a good person….."

'Are you defending her because she's your older sister or do you really think that? It's hard to judge due to Misha's deadpan expression.' Thought Anos .

".....It's my fault..."She said .

' hmm Even after being called a trash doll, Misha doesn't seem to hate her sister. It seems Misha really understands Sasha more than the person herself realizes ' Thought Rimuru with a smile on her face . She was about to console a Misha .

" though I'm curious What did she mean by saying you are a doll" asked Anos as he suddenly felt it.


He was punched in the face , making him crash into the wall behind him.

As for the attacker,

" Anos I think it is time for me to educate you a little about manners " Rimuru said with dark and sweet smile on her face.

' shit , she is pissed ' cursed Anos as he prayed for his safety.