Multi tasking is easy you know

Magic particles begin to rise from what is left of the Demon King castle and a three-dimensional magic formation appeared beneath all of them. The Demon King castle itself is turned into a huge amount of mana that directly went towards the magic circle.

This spell is created by 5 sorcerers and with the help of the 7 Guardians who converted their and the demon king castles magic power to create a magic cannon that is two times a normal human's height. Sasha with the help of the 2 shamans who buffed her with their spells , took the direct control of it. With the rest the team who were lined up behind Sasha began to transfer all of their remaining mana to her by using her position as the demon king as the medium.

Sasha Necron is at the centre of it all, carefully organised the various magic spells that would needed aimed her attack at Anos who was still leisurely walking towards them.

Taking a deep breath, Sasha with renewed confidence shouted activation of the spell,

" Activate "

Then like plasma gun , the magic cannon activated the highest level of Fire magic that their founder used in the great war and fired it straight towards the person himself.

Anos instead of what everyone expected Analysis the spell with interest, then muttered,

" hmm she definitely is suitable for the title ' the witch of Ruin ' what a rare talent in handling the element of Destruction , hahah since you showed me such a good show ,

I shall offer you the same " saying so he stretched his finger towards the incoming magic attack and calmly said,


A ball of black flame shot from his fingers towards the gigantic attack and against all odds it went through it canceling . But it did not stop there the seemingly harmless flame headed towards the now exhausted Sasha's team.

" Everyone take cover " shouted Sasha as she erected a barrier with the little magic power she had left to at least buy some time for her teammates to flee.

But she felt despair when the barrier broke with just one touch from the attack. As she was thinking about a way to delay the attack a purple barrier manifested surrounding every one of her teammates.


A huge explosion erupted when the attack clashed with the barrier. The ground below them shook making them pray for their dear life.

When the smoke subsided there was the barrier which was not even scratched.

But they weren't able to marvel at how mythical this barrier is as they heard footsteps.

As on cue the barrier began to fade with Anos coming closer to them.

Sasha looked at her teammates and saw half of them were already unconscious and the others were barely able to open their eyes.

Deciding to fight to the bitter end, she with her last bit of strength stood up shakily and looked at the Enemy king who was now standing in front of her.

Activating her mystic eyes she as she says ,

" Die "

" No I don't want to "

Saying so Anos also activated his Mystic eyes that repelled her eyes effect.

" Tsk just kill me "

" Why should I , you are now my subordinates so it's a waste to kill you "

At his words Sasha looked at him with hatred.

" I'm going to kill you someday "

To this Anos laughed and said,

" hahahahah let me tell you something Sasha if one's death was when they were killed then I would have already been dead 2000 years ago"

Stretching his hand to her he said with a smile,

" now why don't you join me Sasha "

Looking at his hand various thoughts crossed through her mind but ultimately she just sighed and took it .

"...Fine. The present me cannot match you and besides, due to I cannot go against you anyway.

However, please remember this. This is a contract. I do not remember selling you my heart."

Ignoring her last remark Anos said,

" then Sasha welcome to the team " with a small smile.

Sasha just nodded. She then looked at her teammates who were slowly healing.

At that time she didn't have the time to think but now that she thought about it they should have died if not be seriously injured by those two attacks. Looking up at the sky s

he saw that the mysterious spell is still active. Activating her magic eyes she saw rain like drops pouring down on her teammates. Peering further she saw those rain drops were small healing magic circles.

Astonished Sasha asked,

" hey is that magic circle your doing "

Looking where She is pointing Anos said,

" no this is just part of Rimuru's spell That big magic circle is created as a multi purpose spell. Put it simply it is like domain spell. In that domain Rimuru can monitor and heal or protect anyone she sees as a ally. What you are seeing is how the spell heals a person stealthily. " explained Anos while secretly thinking ,

' for her to notice this much detail with her magic eyes, she sure is talented. '

" huh is that even possible, I mean to control not one but three spells together without making them self destructing. " asked Sasha in shock . One had to know casting two spells at a time is already impossible as losing focus in one spell would make it explode on the spot.

Anos just chuckled looking at her shocked face.

" multi tasking isn't impossible you know, you just have to be in a level where your subconscious would do everything"

" huuuh "

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" why am I here again " asked Sasha to no one in particular as everyone is at the doorstep of Anos's house.

Anos tilts his head and said,

" Hmm isn't it normal for people in the same team to hang out with each other to deepen their bond. "

Before Sasha could answer to Anos's question Rimuru opened the door dragging her inside and said loudly,

" Aunt we are back, bring us some dinner please we have some guests. "

Sasha looked at her with a disbelieving look wondering whether this her house or Anos's .

" welcome back Anos chan , Rimuru chan " shouted Isabela as she liked usual hugged Anos .

" how was your exam today " asked Isabela anxiously.

" I passed with flying colors " said Anos with a smile.

 "That's amazing Arnos-chan! You are a genius. You are still only a month old and but you keep surpassing great people! You are amazing! Alright it's decided I'm making a feast tonight!" Said Isabela happily as looked at Anos with a proud gaze.

" now now Auntie you can't forgot about our guests " said Rimuru chuckling at her antics.

At Rimuru's words Izabela finally snapped out of her Anos fantasy and looked at the guests.

" oh hey there Misha chan it's good to see you again. Eehh "

As she was talking to Misha she suddenly stopped as she saw unfamiliar girl near Anos.

The girl did curtsy bow and said,

"Nice to meet you Auntie I'm Sasha Necron. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope its..."

But her introduction was cut short when Izabela suddenly shouted,

"…..Arnos-chan has.... Arnos-chan has....Arnos-chan has bought a second bride hoooooooooooooome!!!!"

Anos faceplamed at this thought,

' well here we go again '