The Farewell kiss

"…..Arnos-chan has.... Arnos-chan has....Arnos-chan has bought a second bride hoooooooooooooome!!!!" shouted Isabela making Sasha freeze .

But before she could comprehend the nonsense she was hearing a another person entered the conversation.

"Arnos. Papa was, papa was also naughty in the old days though I did it through fencing hahahaha" said Gusta but after a dramatical pause he contacted,

"Therefore I understand your feelings well. I did dome stupid things as a boy and I'm able to understand most of them. But but but

You. You've got 2 women. I'm so envious!"

' ehh father your true intentions are leaking out ' shouted Anos in his mind.

When Anos was having such a wonderful conversation with his father his mother like usual was interrogating sasha for some juicy information .

" Say Sasha it's not that I mind you courting Anos but you must remember he is still one month and also he and Misha is dating " said Isabela

"Hmmm. It doesn't matter. That's got nothing to do with me. And what do you mean he is still one month old." Answered Sasha making Isabela's eyes shine more.

" It doesn't doesn't matter... a mistress is good too!! Arnos-chan, Arnos-chan, why are you so popular!!"

"Please wait a moment. You're misunderstanding something."

"Eeeeeeeehh! Then are you aiming for a stolen love!?" asked Isabela making Sasha silent. She then looked for help and saw Anos having a not so normal talk leaving her with only one choice. She looked at Rimuru pleadingly.

Rimuru sensing her looked chuckled and did what a person like her who is called a Chaos Creator would do,

" hey Aunty do you remember Misha's last name "

" hmm if I'm not wrong it is Necron "

" now here's the thing Sasha here also has the same last name making them sisters. And you should know …. "

". Anos chan's charm has made the Sisters fight over him , * squeal * what should I do ,What should I do!? Arnos-chan is too handsome. He's tearing up the close bond of sisterssssssss!!" shouted Isabela making Sasha fall in more despair.

'This kind of thinking, as expected these people are monsters ' Sasha thought resignedly .






~After a long long long misunderstanding later~

" Your cooking skills are improving at a fast rate Auntie" said Rimuru as she happily ate Isabela's cooking.

After a Isabela had a enough lovey-dovey stuff she brought everyone to the dining table to celebrate Anos's first team victory.

Even though Sasha was complaining that they were celebrating over her team's defeat, she shut up after tasting one bite.

" hahah that's a great compliment coming from you Rimuru. " Isabela said happily.

Anos just like a momma's boy he is kept eating his favorite dish while completely ignoring Sasha's stare that basically said, ' why didn't you clear up the misunderstanding ' .

It's not that he can't do it. But it's just that when he tried to do that last time with Misha's case his mother almost burst out crying. And it's not like a single misunderstanding would cost him anything.

~ Rimuru's POV ~

As the dinner was over I like usual began to do the dishes with Isabela. While I was going to the kitchen I saw Misha and Sasha going outside to have their little chat. After a while I saw Anos Also heading towards their direction worried a little about them.

Haha Anos sure has become soft. While I could hear their conversation if I used Universal detection I chose not to.

Why , unlike Anos I know all that magic doll thing is cover Sasha created to hide her true feelings. Hmm maybe he might have a guess or two. As Anos strangely can understand a woman's heart at most convenient times. What a lucky bastard. I'm pretty sure Rudra will cry tears of blood at his display of making people fall for him.

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"Do you like Anos?"

"Haaaaa!? Such a thing is impossible."

Sasha denied it at full power while her face was red.

".....That so....."

Misha said suspiciously. After the meal both of them finally got made up. So Misha could finally talk to her sister without her running away from the conversation.

Yes Misha could tell that Sasha is trying very hard to limit their interaction before this bet. Although that made her sad but in the end she was her sister so she didn't ask the reason. As for the magic doll nonsense, please her sister is a bad liar , she was certain that almost everyone could tell that she was acting.

" sorry to keep you guys waiting, I'll escort you two back since it is already late."

" it's okay we can walk home you know "

" hahah Sasha why would still walk home when you can teleport directly " Anos asked cheekily.

" ohhh I forgot how you can use that ancient spell " said Sasha.







" well see you guys tomorrow at the academy" said Anos as he teleported both of them right in front of their house.

" see you tomorrow " said Misha quietly as she left.

Looking at Misha's departing back he asked " so Sasha what would you like to talk about "

Sasha who still didn't leave her spot turned to Anos . But instead off answering his questions she asked another,

" hey Anos tell me do you believe in Fate"

" fate huh, while understanding about it is not as deep as Rimuru but yes I believe in fate" answered Anos not knowing that Rimuru could already alter fate in forms of law.

" so tell me Anos what would you do if their was a fate that made changes that don't you like " asked Sasha.

" huh that's easy you know if you don't like what fate has for you change it"

"Do you think fate can be changed?"

"Yeah. It's easy."

" how so ? "

"Break it."

Sasha's eyes widened a little before she smiled.

" Hey Anos can come here for a second"

"I refuse." Anos said flatly.

"….Why are you refusing? Just come here."

"I don't like being ordered around."

"Mou. How prideful are you?"

Sasha sighs in amazement. She then walked closer to him and asked softly,

" could you at least close your eyes for moment please "

Anos was about to say something but his instincts told him to stop. Trusting it he just did as he was told and closed his eyes.

He then felt it. A soft and kinda wet sensation on his lips. He wondering what it was when the sensation stopped. He reflexively opened his eyes to see the departing back of Sasha.

" thank you for mending my relationship with Misha " saying so Sasha went to inside of her house.

Anos touched his lips . Feeling the lingering sensation he thought,

' so this is what Rimuru called a farewell kiss '