Avis Necron

~ The next day ~

"Good morning " said Misha as she and Sasha came to the classroom together.

" Good morning misha , hmm is it all right for you to change seats Sasha. " asked Rimuru.

" it's fine since it's easier as we are in the same group. And it's not like I'm the only one who changed seats. " said Sasha neutrally as she took a seat near Misha.

After a bit looking around she asked,

" where is Anos , is he late today." After not finding Anos anywhere.

" Oh about that when we were coming to class your former teammates came and asked Anos to let them into our team. And Anos is dealing with them there .since I pretty much know what kind of answer he going to give them I came class without him " said Rimuru.

" oh how many is going to recruit. " asked Sasha curiously since in her eyes her team was very competent. So she believe that at least a half would be joining her.

" hmm why don't you ask the person itself then " said Rimuru lazily as Anos entered the classroom.

Sasha without missing a beat asked Anos as soon as he was near them.

Anos just smirked and without answering her sat on his seat. After a few seconds he said,

" I dismissed all of them "

" wahhhht " shouted Sasha as she stood up shocked.

" why did you not recruit them, they were all very competent in their each fields, with your leadership I don't believe they can't shine more. "

" it's simple Sasha , they are WEAK . They can't response to something unexpected . They have too much pride in their puny spells that made me laugh. " said Anos without any mercy.

Sasha just stayed quiet unable to argue with his logic. But she still said,

" but we need a minimum number of 5 teammates to participate in group battles. And when we move up a grade the minimum number would also rise "

" I wouldn't worry about that Sasha " interjected Rimuru.

" huh why do you say so " asked Sasha bewildered.

' can she pull some strings to make us a exception' she wondered.

" because they would not be able to if we score highest marks in the first few exams and practical tests. And beside if it comes down to it , anos or I can probably go and have a word or two with the higher-ups.

The saying ' a master's punch is better than thousand punches from novices ' isn't without any credibility. " said Rimuru.

" If you say so " sasha said deciding to think of a solution for the impending trouble.

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" class today is a special day for us. Today our morning lectures of Fusion magic would be started by one of the seven Demon Elders , Avis Necron -sama . So I expect all of your best behavior.

Especially you Anos Voldigod don't be rude to our esteem guest. " said Emilia as she gave Anos a stink eye.

" hey I can behave you know "Anos mumbled while complaining.

" I doubt it " said Rimuru making Misha at the side smile a little. Even she agreed that Anos has no idea how to behave properly.

Soon the door of the classroom opened revealing a skeletal mage. He wears a robe that covers his entire body and a headpiece with side ornaments, leaving only his skeletal/mummy face to be seen. He doesn't look to have a bottom jaw and speaks through a jaw-mouth ornament on his chest. This is Ivis Necron the ancestor of the Necron family and one of the demon Elders.

Everyone stood up and bowed to show their respect to the demon elders. Well everyone except two people.

"Yo Aivis, long time no see." Said Anos as he casually waved towards him.

Everyone was shocked, Emilia almost had a heart attack. She quickly shouted,

"A….A…..A...A....Arnos Voldigod-kun! This is Aivis-sama! Don't speak so familiarly!!"

She turned to avis and bowed profusely and said,

"Aivis-sama, I'm sorry! Arnos Voldigod will be expelled immediately....!!"

" it's fine " Avis spoke stopping the commotion. He turned to Anos , while glancing at the person next to him, while she wear the Royals uniform he couldn't remember her.

Using his demonic eyes he tried to peer deeper into her being to find her Origin. But he was blocked. No he was pushed back even. Looking at her golden eyes he felt a feeling he forgot. The feeling of dread.

She was doing nothing just looking at him. But Avis felt that if he tried to retaliate he would be crushed like a ant.

" don't try to pry things you are not allowed mongrel "

When he heard her voice, he felt shivers down his spine. Then he remembered it. There was a report he of a student who has the most resemblance to their advisor, a legendary figure even to the demon Elders. At that time he dismissed it as if the advisor is truly here then why didn't she reveal herself. But now he know that she is back. And she is very pissed at him.

So he quickly tried to change the topic for the sake of his dignity and life. And fortunately the voice wasn't heard by others.

" You speak as we know each other"

Anos obviously seeing his panic expression chuckled internally ' heh that's what you get for not minding your own business '

"Aah, it's been 2000 years. Don't you remember me?"

" hmm that's very likely true , but unfortunately I seemed have lost my memories 2000 years ago the only memory I have left is about my master and creator " said Avis after not remembering Anos's face.

" heh then shouldn't you remember me , did you really lose your memory or did someone sealed them. " saying so Anos disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Avis instantly and grabbed his face.

" if it is sealed then let's break it shall we " with a smirk he activated his magic spell making black lightning dance around his hand.

"…..This is....what are you doing…..? In my head…..an image is emerging..." avis mumbled a loud.

" Heh this is interesting who ever sealed your memory made it so that you will only get a quarter of what you have. Well it seems he beautifully erased the rest permanently but oh well nothing a little time manipulation couldn't fix. "

Saying so anos created another magic circle and it began to glow.

"….Impossible…..! To go back in time... Is there a grand magic to transcend time....!? Yes these are my missing memories " Said Avis shocked.

After the memory restoration is over anos took his hand off from Avis's face. Avis looked at him and said,

"I see , thank you Arnos for fixing my memory problem. Thanks to you I now have information that someone is hostile against me."