The Dungeon

" don't mind it . Why don't you start class , there are some people who would love to hear your lecture " saying so Anos walked back to his seat.

Although he didn't show it , he was very disturbed. When he was transferring avis's memories he found that there was no memory of him.

At first he thought avis had used some spell to prevent him from seeing those memories. But looking at the clueless avis he doubted that. You can't act so ignorant in front of your king right. But to be safe he should probably talk to Rimuru about this later.

Nodding to himself Avis also started his lecture which is about Fusion magic that the Necron family is famous for.

While school continued as normal as it could be if we ignore how anos modifying another a original spell like it was nothing . But apart from that the day was normal.

after class Anos and Avis are now having a secret meeting in one of the many corridors.

" I see so from what you are saying You are my master The demon king of tyranny" said Avis after hearing Anos's story of how his name was seemingly replaced.

" yeah that Avos Dillheavia is fake. Some one must have rewritten your memories" said Anos calmly.

" will that as it may , how would I know that if that someone isn't you " asked Avis questioningly with his aura was leaking out.

Anos just shrugged not bothered by the aura that could make any average mezoku faint and said,

" while I have no evidence to prove my innocence so you'll just have to take my word for it. "

After staring at Anos for a while Avis finally replied,

" I see , in normal cases I would arrest you for the suspicious of being a enemy of my lord The demon king of tyranny , but Since I have yet to find why you feel familiar to me , I shall stay neutrally for now.

Besides if you are truly a enemy the advisor wouldn't stay silent. " saying so Avis walked away.

As he walked passed away from one of the corners Rimuru walked out. She looked at Anos who was still leaning over the wall.

" Anos while I won't interfere with your methods, But what you are doing is quite risky. " said Rimuru.

Chuckling a little Anos said, " Isn't it fine , if the mastermind has even a little bit of brain he would undoubtedly take the bait I prepared for him. And don't worry Rimuru, the worst case scenario is me killing a god "

Rimuru sighed exasperatedly " you brat , don't go trying to kill god's left and right. Even when those guys are just utter trash they still has a purpose in this universe. And trust me picking guys to replace them is more annoying "

" hahaha well I wouldn't do it I can help it , and at the end of the day they are Militia 's kin , and I don't want to have a lecture about balance from her. " said Anos getting ready to go home.

" wait Anos Voldigod" shouted a voice as Emilia appeared from another corner. She briefly nodded at Rimuru showing respect for being a Royalty and the supposed Advisor.

"one of your members lost their badge in the classroom, so could you give it to her. " she then gives him a school badge with a 6 sided star on it.

" hmm who could it be " he asked trying very hard to remember his other teammates badges.

" it's not Rimuru's or Sasha's " Emilia said bluntly.

Anos blinked and said , " well that's a wired way to say it , but okay I'll pass it on to Misha "

Emilia nodded and was about to leave when she remembered something and said,

" Oh right tomorrow we will hold a exam in the Delsgade dungeons so be sure not to be late " saying so she left not explaining any further.

Anos blinked and asked ,

" Hey since when did we have a dungeon"

But Emilia was long gone before he could get an answer. So he turned to Rimuru who most likely know the answer.

" hey Rimuru do you have an idea where this supposed Delsgade dungeon is , because as far as I remember we didn't have one. "

Rimuru chuckled and replied,

" well you were right we never had a dungeon. No more specifically we never considered that place as a dungeon. "

Anos thought for a little while then he suddenly remembered a place that would certainly be called a dungeon but ,

" don't tell me those guys thought my Treasure hall as a dungeon " said Anos with a bit of displeasure. Why because this place was a bit precious for him. And him storing his treasures there was not the only reason.

" yeah that's the one, the rumors say that the Demon king of Tyranny created it for his elites. They even say that you put a reward for the one who is most worthy .

Well putting those rumors aside what happened in reality was that the maze we created began to house some monsters who after a few generations began to completely make it their home. And after another century or so one of the professors found this place suitable for the students so here we are the Delsgade dungeon " Rimuru said dramatically.

" sigh I just hopped they wouldn't destroy or looted the treasury. " Anos said rubbing the bridge of nose.

Rimuru deadpanned at him. " no they didn't in fact I would be surprised if they could find it. "

" hmm well whatever let's go home for now. I miss my mother's cooking. " said Anos to which Rimuru nodded.

Since both Misha and Sasha already left for their , Both of them then teleported back home immediately.

The next morning groups of students were gathered near a very small castle. But unlike the other castles where one could expect wealth and style this castle looked like a shrine with it's smile design.

But ignoring such a castle a bunch of students were gathered around two sisters.

" Sasha sama would you please tell that misfit to let us join his group " asked a member of Sasha's former team.

" I already told you I have no way to make him agree to something he already refused. And if you really want to join just ask him again" explained Sasha.

" But we don't want to talk with that misfit. And Sasha sama why do you even listen to him anyway. You are from Noble birth. Why should you and the reincarnated of the Adviser listen to a half-blood's orders. " questioned another.

" heh are you telling me what to do " asked Sasha dangerously as her Demonic Eyes ruin activated.

All the students stiffen. They are not like Anos or Rimuru who could negate the effects of Sasha's eyes. Hell them already being able to do that is already a anomaly.

" you know the one who you guys are badmouthing is the person who upgraded Fusion magic and earned the recognition of my family's ancestor. He also defeated us in a fair fight and we as nobles must uphold our part of the agreement. So think your next words carefully. "

" fine let's go everyone " said another as he and his party left the Necron sisters alone.

Looking at their departing backs Sasha sighed deeply. But she was a bit taken aback by a voice that was strangely closer to her.

"You actually seemed like my subordinate there. Such a thrilling rejection." Said Anos with his usual cocky smirk.

To his side Rimuru sighed and said,

" Sigh ignore his dark humor he is already a lost cause trust me I tried. "

Sasha and Misha nodded not sure how to take that information.

Looking at their uncomfortable faces Rimuru elbowed Anos to give Misha her badge.

Anos getting the signal took the badge from his pocket and presented it to Misha.

" hey Misha you dropped your badge yesterday at class."

Misha took the badge with a little smile and said ,

" Thank you "