Too naive be a Villain

" hey where the hell did you guys go. " Sasha complained while holding the scepter to her chest.

" oh it's nothing, but Misha here has something for you " saying so Anos urged Misha who was feeling a little shy.

Misha slowly walked towards her and presented the Phoenix mantle to Sasha.

" Happy birthday Sasha " she said quietly.

Sasha who was surprised at the sudden turn events smiled genuinely at her sister and said, " Thank you"

Rimuru looked at those two and said,

" hey why don't you try it on. Misha can help you while I take anos outside. "

Both Necron sisters nodded prompting Rimuru and Anos to leave the room to give some space for them to change.

As they were outside Rimuru turned to Anos and said,

" so did you give the Lotus Ice Ring to Misha as a gift "

He nodded and replied,

" yeah since we were already there I thought why not let her choose. "

Rimuru teasingly asked , " my my Anos Chan didn't you know that giving a lady a ring means that you want to marry her.

Don't tell me you are actually thinking of doing your mother's request of giving her some Grandchildren this quickly "

" hump what nonsense are you saying I'm still young to get married and besides I only think Misha as a friend. " Anos quickly defended himself to avoid being teased any further.

" hahaha you are still easy to tease" Rimuru laughed seeing him like this.

One had to know Anos as the demon king of Tyranny has his fair share of experience so he knows how to manage his facial expressions but who is Rimuru. She is someone who took care of Anos when he was just a child. She thought his how to fight , rule a kingdom and be a understand his subjects.

So whenever he is rimuru he lets his guard down since deep within he knows that Rimuru will handle everything. That's why even though he can be as shamelessness as a certain flowery mage he doesn't due to the single reason that Rimuru is family. And if something can make the demon king of Tyranny kneel that is his family.

As they were chatting happily they suddenly froze. They smelled something that is extremely familiar to them. Blood. And that smell is coming from the chamber that Sasha and Misha is in.

Both of them quickly dashed inside to see Misha being impaled in the stomach by Sasha. And as soon as they entered Sasha without speaking to them casted a spell and attacked them simultaneously.

Quickly casting a barrier they both blocked the attack only to met with a huge smoke that covered their vision. The attack was a fake and what Sasha casted was a smoke screen spell. Casting a wind magic spell Rimuru blew away the smoke only see that Sasha is missing.

Clicking her tounge in annoyance she quickly went to see how Misha's situation is.

After checking her state Rimuru breath a sigh of relief. Although the wound is quite big the sword didn't hit any vitals so a quick healing spell could help her.

Looking at Anos Rimuru said,

" Go I will help Misha here. You should catch up with Sasha before she gets too far away "

Nodding in agreement Anos dashed out to catch up with Sasha.

After he left Rimuru muttered,

" This fate that hunts you sisters shall be severed today "

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Anos POV

Sigh what a drag. Sasha sure know how to play a show. I mean if you want to kill someone you can't be this sloppy. Sigh looks like I have to give her a lecture on how this field goes. Well this may as be interesting.

" so Sasha mind telling me why you are trying to fool Misha."

I asked the now cornered Sasha. This place is the home me and Rimuru lived before I took up the title of Demon King of Tyranny. So like my castle I have some control over this place . Even though the connection isn't as strong as the Delsgade I still have power to block one or two paths.

And so with this connection I blocked the path Sasha would take after passing the beach area. Even though Rimuru calls this place a beach I still thinks this as park.

" heh what didn't see I wanted to kill that doll.And besides that garbage discussed me so I did the logical thing I removed the trash. " Sasha said with maniacal laugh.

" you didn't answer my question Sasha " I spoke again not bothering to comment on how absurd her acting skill is.

" hehehe what are trying to make me repent or something, oh don't tell you still think I have feeling for you.

Hahaha you males are quite simple aren't you , one little kiss and you will dance to my tune.

Hahaha but guess what I'll never feel something for you half blood mongrel. "

Sigh this girl. Did she really think something like this would affect me. Well her manipulation skill are quite good for her age but well,

" this Is getting boring. " I said in a indifferent tone that startled Sasha.

" what are you spouting you mongrel " she shouted angrily.

" You know Sasha if you want to actually kill someone you have make sure that person is dead. Like for example cut their bodies to pieces and scatter them around the continent is actually the minimum you can do.

And what did you do , you just stabbed a sword near her vitals that isn't fatal.

And besides you are too naïve to act like a typical a villain so I doubt even Misha is fooled by your stupid act. "


" Although I would like it if you could word it with some kind words but yeah Sasha your acting is too horrible " said Rimuru as she appeared from the passage with Misha.