When Time is Frozen

At the arrival of Rimuru Sasha visibly tensed. The look at she gave as though all her plans were revealed even before it was executed.

' That's impossible right, I planned for this all my life and didn't even mention anything to anyone. '

As Sasha was about to go in internal dilemma Rimuru spoke again.

" Sasha while I respect your wish to replace yourself with Misha that is not what she wants. "

' how did she know ' Sasha screamed internally.

" So let me give an alternative ,

From what Misha told me both of you were separate souls who had the same source before Avis casted on to you two. And since you who have the highest demon king aptitude was chosen to be the main source while Misha would be the one who fuses . Am I correct " asked Rimuru.

" yes that's correct " Sasha nodded.

Clapping her hands Rimuru said cheerfully,

" Then answer is quite simple you just have to use a time reversal spell and go back in time to fuse with your sources after the spell was casted. "

" I see if both half sources merged with their future selves at the same time making the conditions for fusion magic done. And there would be no need to forcibly fuse with each other as they are already fused. " finished Anos as he analysis the solution Rimuru proposed.

{ A/N: hey guys if you find this reason bulshit just leave comment for a good one. }

" That's sounds good and all but we need a huge amount of magic power to cast the spell " Sasha voiced out.

Both Anos and Rimuru looked at each other and smiled " Hahah leave that us " as both of them said at the same time a blood red magic circle manifested under their feet.

Sasha who looked at this marveled at it before exclaiming, " This is a Origin Magic "

As someone who for the last 10 years studied to create the perfect spell for her cause she naturally knew about Origin magic . And she personally tried to make her one too as in origin magic you borrow the source of someone powerful than the caster.

" Yes this is origin magic which let's your source travel back in time . And for the missing magic power Rimuru will support it . But for this origin magic to work you must follow one crucial instruction.

You must borrow the source of someone powerful enough to makes time ineffective in his presence , the one who hailed as the Demon king of Tyranny in other words my source.

You must believe in me and not Avos Dillheavia " Anos said seriously.

Both Sasha and Misha nodded. With this as a signal Rimuru started to supply magic power to the spell making it glow more brightly. And just when anos was about to activate it. Someone broke through roof and was about to stab Anos when Rimuru stopped it with her finger.

Looking at the assailant Rimuru remarked,

" Anos when we are done with this you better clean this mess up " saying so she forcefully took the sword from Avis and threw it like a javelin while impaling Avis to the wall that cracked at the impact.

Dusting her hands she turned to Anos and said ,

" with that disturbance taken care of we can continue on what we were doing. "

Anos nodded not minding that one of his subordinates was impaled on to the wall. Even though his sensed him a bit late than rimuru he would have done the same thing as this ritual is way more important now.


The world turned stopped moving soon their surrounding began to crack and they were transported to a black and white world.

Not liking the atmosphere Sasha asked,

" Hey Anos what's happening here did the spell malfunction "

" No the spell worked perfectly we are now in a state where time is frozen."

" oh so why are we here then "

" well we here because the person guarding time has summoned us and whenever one is trying to change the past he shall appear. "

Like taking his words as a queue the space in front of them began to be sliced.

Enlarging the space that was cut a pair of hands wearing white gloves appear. Grasping the space they wrench it open further and a figure slowly appears.

It's wearing a white robe with a hood and no matter how hard you stare with your demon eyes you won't be able to see its face. Of course, it's impossible as this guy doesn't even have a face to begin with.

"Nee. Arnos, who the hell is that...?" Sasha asks me again.

"Eugo Ra Raviaz the guardian deity of time. Simply put, it's the god responsible for protecting and keeping the order and flow of time." It was Rimuru who answered her question this time as Anos was stabilizing the effects that this god did to disrupt the spell.

" A…God.., I only heard of them as legends. " said Misha as she looked at the being who her magic eyes couldn't see the origin.

" well that's normal as you see God's are unlike demons or humans don't need to socialize themselves as they think just because of them being the order we all should just be their minions " Rimuru spat with visible annoyance in her voice. She never had a good impression on God's .

" What she meant to say is that God's do not like mortals doing something they specialize in.

Hey I would appreciate it if you just ignore this. I am only saving one Demon after all. " said Anos as he addressed tge God that is glaring at him.

" Won't permit…. The past shall not be altered…. Mortals shall be punished . " saying so the god sliced the air next to him again forming a tear that broke through space. From it he took the dead body of Avis Necron.

And just like it was a illusion the wounds oh his body began to disappear.

" Avis Necron..I grant thee the power of the god of time. Destroy Arnos Voldigod…"

Saying so he fused with the now healed Avis that began to be wrapped in a black cocoon. When the cocoon burst Avis is now welding two scythes in each hand.

" hahaha with the power of Time I shall kill you both Anos Voldigod and Rimuru Tempest then with no one there to interfere with creation of the perfect Vessel the demon king of Tyranny shall be reborn. " Avis laughed maniacally.

" pffts big words coming from some who only knows how to gloat with borrowing power.

Hey anos you can have him while I keep this spell active " Rimuru said giving the green light to Anos to go wild.

" oh with pleasure" Anos said as he casted twenty with a snap of his finger.

As soon as these attacks came near avis they suddenly stopped. And swip of his scythe these attacks disappeared into nothingness.

Avis laughed and mocked, " hahah I am time your won't even reach me if I could just returned their time back"

" oh really then why don't you try this " saying so he casted another twenty. Avis just laughed and did same. But as soon as the attacks vanished Thirty materialized from them and hit the surprised Avis who too shocked to cast a barrier.

" if you going to turn the time back for my attacks I just need to cast spells that have their time reversed " Anos said smugly as he watched the explosion.