67: The first fight

"Is it finally done, big sister?" Velzard and Velgrynd asked with a hint of excitement. This was great news for them, after all.

"Yeah, the new battle arena is finished. You can enter it through a special door in the restaurant. I've also installed a screen for us to witness the battles," Rimuru said with a smile.

"Yaaaaay! You're the best big sister," both Velgrynd and Velzard exclaimed, hugging Rimuru tightly with excitement. The days of maintaining a barrier were finally over, and they couldn't be happier.

"Hahaha, why don't you two bring the good news to Guy and Rudra? I'm sure those two are raring to have a good fight since the previous one was interrupted by you two," Rimuru suggested after she was released by her little sisters.

"That's a good idea, big sister. Guy has been complaining every day, and it's gotten quite annoying," Velzard said in agreement.

"Mine's the same too. Although he didn't complain about it, he's been brooding ever since that day. Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would really question whether Rudra's girlfriend is me or Guy," Velgrynd chimed in with annoyance. To her, who always craved attention, a brooding Rudra was too much.

"Hahaha, if those two are like that, I'm sure they will definitely come running here as soon as you tell them the news," Rimuru said with a chuckle.

Velzard and Velgrynd nodded their heads at their elder sister's claim. Those two would definitely come running as soon as they hear there is a place for them to fight.

Sighing at their fate, Velgrynd and Velzard nonetheless departed to deliver the good news to their mates. After those two ran away from their respective homes, they were the ones left to manage it. So, none of the girls ever bothered using thought communication to inform them.

And soon, under no one's surprise, two teleportation circles lit up in the restaurant. From one came Guy, who had a bloodthirsty smile, and from the other came Rudra, who had his sword ready and was dripping with fighting intent. If it weren't for a certain someone's presence, they would have already started their fight.

"Oh, it seems I might have underestimated your eagerness to fight," Rimuru remarked as she observed them.

"Oh, you have no idea," both of them simultaneously said.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I really would have wondered whether you two are a couple," Rimuru said, making both of them almost fall down comically.

" " hey I have a girlfriend " "

" " hey you should stop copying me " "

" No you should stop copying me " "

" " Stop speaking " "

" " NO YOU STOP " "

"Both of you stop it before I do something," Rimuru shouted, her voice cutting through the banter as she fixed them with a stern glare. Sensing the gravity of her tone, both of them fell silent immediately. No one dared to test their luck with Rimuru when she was in such a mood.

"Now that you two have calmed down, follow me to the new battle arena," Rimuru said, her tone firm but composed now that the situation had been diffused. She gestured for them to follow, leading the way towards the eagerly anticipated battleground.

Both of them nodded as they followed Rimuru towards the door labeled "Battle Arena." Rimuru gestured towards a panel near the entrance.

"Pour a bit of your magicules to register yourselves into the system," she explained. "With this system, you can each display your winning records and preferred battlegrounds."

Although Guy was confused by her instructions, he followed Rudra's example and did as she instructed. Being someone who came from Earth, Rudra understood most of what Rimuru explained.

After a few minutes both of them finished registering themselves to the system. Seeing this Rimuru gestured to them to go inside. Following her advice they both went inside with a bit of excitement and expectation.

As soon as they stepped through the portal, Rudra and Guy found themselves greeted by a breathtaking sight. Stretching out before them was a vast and imposing battle arena, its size and grandeur leaving them both in awe.

"Whoa," Rudra breathed, his eyes widening at the spectacle before him. "This place is incredible."

Guy nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the expansive arena. "I've never seen anything like it. " he said in wonder.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you two are loving it, but you guys are too early to be surprised," Rimuru chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. With a deft hand gesture, she summoned a large screen to appear before Rudra and Guy.

"There you go," she said, gesturing towards the screen. "This is a special interface that allows you two to choose your own battlefield. And don't worry about picking different battlefields – the system will mix both options so you wouldn't be at a disadvantage."

Rudra and Guy exchanged looks of astonishment, their eyes wide with excitement as they took in the unexpected turn of events. The prospect of being able to select their own battleground filled them with a sense of anticipation and eagerness to test their skills in a variety of environments.

"Well then, I'll leave both of you to choose your own battlefield. Have fun!" Rimuru waved at them with a playful smile before turning to leave the arena.

As soon as Rimuru left, Guy and Rudra wasted no time diving into the options like kids in a candy store. They explored every nook and cranny of the arena, weighing their choices with mounting excitement.

After much back and forth, they exchanged determined glances and made their picks, fingers hovering over the selection buttons. With a simultaneous press, they locked in their choices and braced themselves.

In a flash, the arena transformed into a blend of forest and ice, stunning them both into silence. As they blinked away the brightness, they found themselves in a scene straight out of a fantasy novel.

The lush greenery of the forest clashed beautifully with the icy peaks in the distance, creating a breathtaking landscape that left them both speechless.

But before they could fully take it in, Rimuru's voice boomed from above, snapping them back to reality. "Enjoying the scenery, gentlemen?" she teased, her tone laced with amusement. "Just remember, the countdown will start in a few minutes. Make the most of your surroundings while you can."

Her reminder about the countdown brought them back to focus, and they prepared themselves for what was to come.

With a mix of excitement and nervousness, they waited for the countdown to begin, knowing that the next few minutes would be a test of their skills and teamwork like never before. But they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.












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