68: The fight and the unexpected visitors

As the countdown reached zero, a surge of anticipation filled the air, crackling with the promise of impending conflict. Guy and Rudra stood poised on opposite ends of the battlefield, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of challenge.

Three… The tension mounted, the air heavy with anticipation.

Two… The sound of their breathing echoed in the stillness, a steady rhythm in the midst of the brewing storm.

One… And with a sudden burst of movement, both warriors lunged forward, their swords gleaming in the dim light of the arena.

The clash of their blades was like thunder, reverberating through the air as they met with a force that sent shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. Sparks flew as metal collided, each strike a testament to the determination burning in their hearts.

Guy's strength was like a relentless tide, his blows crashing down upon Rudra with unyielding force. But Rudra was quick and agile, darting and weaving between Guy's attacks with the grace of a dancer.

With each passing moment, the intensity of their battle only grew, the countdown forgotten as they became fully immersed in the dance of combat. Every movement was calculated, every strike aimed with deadly precision as they sought to gain the upper hand.

As Guy and Rudra clashed with each other, Rimuru stepped outside the special dimension, pouring herself a cup of tea. It had become a habit of hers to indulge in tea to relax her mind amidst the chaos of battles and meetings.

Observing the fierce combat from a distance, Rimuru's expression remained calm, her thoughts drifting as she sipped her tea. She wasn't the least bit worried about Guy and Rudra destroying the battle arena. She and Ciel had gone to extra lengths to ensure that the dimension would hold itself, even if two true dragons went all out inside it.

Rimuru took another sip of tea, the warmth soothing her nerves as she watched the intense battle unfold on a Tv screen in the restaurant. If, by some remote chance, the arena were to crumble under the force of their clash, Rimuru would have question her life's worth. 


Rimuru snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the door to her restaurant open. Looking around she saw that it was Veldanava and Lucia who came for another visit. 

"Oh, this is a surprise. I didn't expect you two to come here just after your honeymoon was over," Rimuru said with a teasing tone.

At her words, both Veldanava and Lucia blushed a little. Lucia's face, in particular, turned almost the same color as her hair.

" ahem Rimuru would mind sparing us from your teasing . '' Veldanava coughed as he awkwardly pleaded. Even though he is the eldest he knew better than anyone not to order Rimuru unless it is a life or death situation. The title Chaos Creator is not without meaning after all. 

" Tsk fine since I'm in a good mood I will spare you two for now. " Rimuru said after hearing Veldanava's plea. She will find another good opportunity to tease the hell out of them. 

"So, why did you lovebirds come here? Is it for a meal? If it is, then you'll have to wait for a while. Due to the restaurant being closed today, I'll have to make something for you," Rimuru said as she got up from her seat.

"Well, please do make something. A Japanese cuisine would be nice if you don't mind," Veldanava said shamelessly. He wouldn't say no to a free meal made by his sister, after all.

Hearing his shameless words, Lucia pinched his waist. She glared at her husband to remind him of the real reason they decided to come by, even knowing Rimuru's restaurant is closed. Even though she did this her feet didn't stop until they reached a nearby dinner table. She too wouldn't say no to a meal Rimuru made. 

Veldanava wanted to protest at the injustice, but as a married man, he knew when to shut up. True Dragon or not, when facing the wrath of your wife, your status is meaningless.

Rimuru chuckled at the interactions as she went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for all of them. After a few minutes, she came back with two bowls of miso ramen.

Lucia happily ate her ramen. Although she didn't say it out loud, she missed the ramen flavor, especially miso ramen, her favorite.

Veldanava also didn't say anything as he happily ate his ramen too. Occasionally, he would sneak a peek at Lucia's face as she made many expressions. Like Milim, Lucia wore her thoughts on her face, especially when she ate something delicious. 

After they were done eating they both presented their empty bowls with satisfied expressions. Rimuru smiled as she took the empty bowls back into the kitchen to wash them later. After placing them near the sink she came and took a seat in front of Veldanava and Lucia. 

Placing her hand on the table she asked, " so what's the true reason you came here " 

Veldanava turned serious as he stopped goofing around. He looked at her sharply before asking , " Rimuru, were you serious when you gave me this book " . He then placed a black ancient looking book on the table. 

The book's front cover was filled with golden designs that looked very eye-catching on the black background. If not for the terrifying aura that is been released by this book one might think of it as a very beautiful book. 

Seeing this book Rimuru looked at her older brother with confusion, " Brother are you really ok ? If I wasn't serious would I really give you a book about soul arts to you. Unlike a certain someone I properly know not distribute dangerous items and skills randomly or just to please someone " 

A look of embarrassment appeared in veldanava's face as he heard those words. What Rimuru was speaking of was the incident when he traded his Ultimate skill Justice King Michael with Rudra's Ultimate skill Covenant King Uriel. 

At that time he didn't realise it as it was spur of the moment thing he did to satisfy his new brother in law. But he later realised how dangerous his actions were. With Justice King Michael there was an option for being able to control the other six virtues which also included his two sisters. If it was not for Rimuru's earlier intervention he might have harmed his two sisters.

 After all, unlike him Rudra is not the original owner of the skill. So someone may be able to forcibly take it from him if the right conditions are met. Nothing is impossible in this world after all. 












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