Ch14. Keres the goodest girl!

"Ughhhhhhhhh, hello? Nice deathclaw?" Alex awkwardly tried to pry himself from Keres grasp, only for her to chuff and pull him back.

Sniffing his head she let out a growl and licked the back of his head, messing up his hair and soaking his neck in saliva.

"Gruuu?" Keres rubbed her large head against the little human.

"Ugh? Keres…I need you to let go so I can prepare…you mind girl?" Alex looked up and asked kindly, only to see Keres look away, feigning ignorance.

"Guess you do." Sighing to himself, Alex let Keres hold him longer, every now and then she would chuff and snuggle her head into him.

After about 30 minutes she finally let go of him after he fully absorbed her sent, marking him from any other deathclaw harlots, of course Alex didn't know that.

After letting him be she simply stood in the same spot and stared at him in confusion as he snooped around the quarry, occasionally picking up a random thing here nor their.

Wanting to be of help to her human, Keres moved away. Alex looked at her for a few seconds before shaking his head and continuing with his looting of the old destroyed nest.

It had seemed that MANY unfortunate travelers had walked this way, and ended up winning a one way ticket to the big sleep.


Turning back around, Alex saw the imposing Keres drop an old rusted truck bumper at his feet.

"Uhhh, thanks girl? You shouldn't have??" Taking a step back, Keres let out a low mewling sound as she bent down and used her snout to move the old bumper closer to her human.

Understanding what she was doing Alex let out a chuckle before picking up the bumper and storing it.

A second later after watching her human make her favorite chew toy disappear, Keres felt happy and felt she deserved praise, so she lowered her large head and moved it closer to her human.

Seeing her action, Alex let out a smirk and raised his hand.


"Good girl Keres! Such a helpful girl ain't you!" Alex rubbed the center of her large head, from the tip of her snout, up to the middle of her two large horns.

After a minute of the head pats Alex stopped and returned to what he was doing, running on a tight schedule. He needed to get looted up for the next part of his plan.

Keres, however had other ideas. Realizing that she could get affection from giving up her toys, she looked over at her mother's corpse before coming to a consensus that her mother would no longer need her favorite chew toy either.

So the energetic Keres rushed over to an old carved out section of the quarry, soon she found what she was looking for and began to haul the large object.

Alex, minding his own business as he started to change into the incredibly awesome desert camouflage marine combat armor, suddenly heard a loud scraping object and turned around.

Only to witness Keres now dragging a large mangled sentry bot. Two of its legs were missing and it had a horrible gash in its chest plate and face cover. Yet what made Alex happy was the fact it's back was relatively intact.

Walking up to the destroyed bot, Alex pulled its back casting off revealing two bright yellow objects plugged into its small reactor.

"Score!" Pulling out the two fusion cores, Alex had a bright smile. These things were worth their weight in gold.

Thanks too 200 years of scavengers and conflicts, not many were left, and unlike the games these things would last a long time. Easily keeping a suit of power armor going for at least 5 years at max usage. A Gatling laser could fire up too 6 million shots with one core.

It was quite literally like holding a miniature sun in the palms of your hands, and the best part was that they could be slightly recharged if left in a highly radioactive area long enough. Or fully if you replaced the small fusion core material inside with the material from a fission battery that's still active.

One of these puppy's could sell for up too 20,000 caps on the market. Alex now held two of them!

Looking over to Keres, Alex could see she looked down in the dumps at the fact he didn't make the bot disappear like her bumper toy.

In fact, Keres though that her Human didn't like her gift, and instead pulled out two yellow thingy-ma-bobs from the part her mother always avoided chewing on.

Realizing that her human was mad made Keres sad, looking down at the ground in shame she felt like she didn't deserve any praise anymore….yet.

To her surprise the two yellow thingy-ma-bobs disappeared like her bumper toy! Her human had a big grin and ran over to her, placing his small hands and claws on her face he pulled her down and…and…and…


(Keres.exe has stopped working.)

After putting away the cores, Alex decided that Keres needed to be rewarded, and after seeing her so sad he felt a pang in his heart for some reason. Rushing over he decided to give her an even better gift and kissed her on her snout!

For five long minutes, Alex stood staring at the deathclaw who was doing her best statue impersonation.

However, all hell soon broke lose as she let out a mighty roar that shook Alex's ribcage. She began to mewl, squeal and chuff as she jumped around in happiness and excitement, her massive tail swinging about.

A tail Alex had to dodge because he saw the damage it could do.

The ground shook every time she hopped up and down in glee, Alex could swear he saw sparkles in her large glowing green eyes.

After a few minutes however, Keres calmed herself down and looked over at her Human with affection. Slowly trudging over to him she leaned down and licked his face.

"Kruuuu!" Keres almost seemed to blush at the action. She really wanted for him to 'Mount' her, but he was so small and fragile, she'd need to be extremely careful with her love bites!

Alex, blissfully unaware of the danger he was in, looked on in amazement at the bashful deathclaw. Yet suddenly a shiver went up his spine as she kept peaking at him…


Suddenly whipping her head around, Keres let out a blood curdling angry roar.

Shocked, Alex looked over too where Keres was looking, only to see two shadows quickly duck into cover.

Keres moved in front of her mate to protect him as she sniffed the air, a familiar scent on the intruders caught her attention.

Sudden rage filled her heart as she quickly took off towards the two hidden beings, fully intending on asserting her dominance. She never noticed Alex taking out his Gobi Mk2 and spying on the two hidden silhouettes.

What he saw made him go pale.

"The hell are you two doing here!!! Run you fools!!!" Dread filled his heart as the blonde and silver haired girls scrambled up the cliff side.

The girls were quick, but Keres was quicker, with a large leap she dug her claws into the cliff and quickly climbed up after the two who had her mates scent on them.

(Deathclaws are very jealous creatures.)

She needed to show her dominance to her love rivals, eventually she caught up with the two and grabbed them in her claws and and proceeded to leap off the cliff face and plummet towards the quarry floor.

The look on both Ava and Sarah's face was one of absolute terror, both could never imagine that this was how their deaths would happen. Closing their eyes they awaited the inevitable, yet it never came.

What happened instead confused them both as the large matriarch forced them down and stood over them with her head raised high, a haughty expression? Resting on her face as she glanced at her human.

Suddenly Alex burst into laughter and fell over as Keres began to let out multiple low chuffs, an indignant look on her face at her mates laughter.

The two girls, confused, looked over at Alex as he couldn't take the look on their faces and burst out into a laughing fit again.

After a couple minutes, Alex calmed his self and recollected his wits. Looking at the two pale, sweating girls who kept glancing up at Keres, then over two him. Alex let out a sigh.

"She's showing me that she's more powerful then the both of you, and therefore a more suitable mate for me. She's calling you both basic bitches in more layman terms." Alex let out a chuckle as Keres huffed.

Stepping over the two humans, Keres sauntered over toward Alex, walking around him, she gently wrapped her tail around and pulled him in. Hugging him with her powerful arms, she began to lick him. Her way of showing her affection, in hopes to please her mate.

Not being able to process this, Ava stared blankly at the deathclaw named Keres.

Who knew her most annoying opponent for Alex's attention wouldn't even be a damn human!

Sarah on the other hand… "Y-Y-You… ta-tamed a death cl-claw!" Was understandably shocked into near stupidity.

Alex simply smiled at Sarah.

"Oh on the contrary little Lyon…it was not me who tamed her… it was Keres who tamed a wild me." Alex chuckled at his own comment, at least he thinks it's funny.





~One hour later, Sloan~



"I need a drink." Sarah sat down on the dusty couch and popped the lid off her Nuka-Cola Dark, before taking a long swig of the sugary beverage.

Ava simply plopped beside her with a dazed look on her face, still unable to understand what in the bubblegum and brimstone bullshit just happened, why the fuck is she jealous of a stupid lizard!

Cassidy, who was cleaning her shot gun, looked over at the two who, against all reason and orders too stay put ran after Alex.

Both girls looked defeated and dazed which drew her attention, cocking her eyebrow she stopped her task and turned to the both of them.

"Alright, spill. The hell happened? Considering you two are alive and ain't bawling, I'm guessing Alex ain't dead. So why you two look like you just ate six cans of bighorner shit?…each" Cass asked with an amused tone, stirring the two out of their daze.

Sunny, who had been playing tug of war with Cheyenne with an old rope, looked over in interest. Causing Cheyenne to pull the rope from her, much to the dog's delight, who ran away with her new favorite toy.

"Am I pretty?" The first one to speak was Ava, who was having an internal crisis.

"Extremely!" Sunny immediately shouted, then blushed before turning away. "At least I think so." Sunny mumbled the last part so no one could hear her.

"The hell does looks got to do with you looking like you got kicked in the clit?" Cass with her colorful mannerisms asked the two girls.

Sarah sighed and downed her drink in one more swig, before letting out a burp and tossing the bottle at the far wall, causing it to shatter.

"Stupid Keres! She got lucky is all, I was distracted!! I ain't no basic bitch!" Sarah hrumphed and grabbed another alcoholic drink before opening it and taking a deep swig of the bottle.

How dare the stupid over grown lizard hug Alex before her! Wait… the hell did she think that?

A blush immediately colored Sarah's face as she drowned her sorrows.

However Ava with a dead look in her eyes looked over at Cass.

"Alex is fucking a deathclaw matriarch."

(Ava may be over exaggerating a bit due to her brain not handling the situation very well.)




~NCRCF, same time~




"Ah what the hell, someone is thinking of me girl!" Alex looked over at Keres who was trying to poorly hide behind a couple rocks and a cactus as Alex looked over at a very large compound in the distance.

A few hundred men could be seen moving about, some high and others vigilant. Yet all with shifty looks in their eyes.

"Well girl, time to cause some murder and mayhem, but first. Recruiting!"






[Authors Note]

Decided to flush out Keres a little more, now we'll get back to the murder, death, mayhem and questionable life choices!

On another note, was randomly looking through the power stones ranking for fanfics as I usually do. Never know what gem you might find buried so I look all the way to 200, and low and behold I found this story at ranking 152.

Honestly was surprised since I don't censor shit about fuck in my chapters, the fact I got on the list made me chuckle.

That being said I am kindly asking for your power…..pahahahahahaha!!! Fuck that, keep your stones, enjoy the book.

Rank 1 or 1,000,000 I'm just happy if one of y'all enjoyed this book so much you didn't pay attention to where you were walking and stubbed your toe.

~Your slightly demented author


P.s Y'all better not ask for any r18 chapters with Keres! I swear to gods great grey bush you horny bastards!