Ch15. Between a jail house rock and a hard place





(Warning, Graphic content ahead. Readers discretion advised)

(Scenes of r*pe, abuse, and gore.)

(You've been warned!)





"So girl, you understand the plan?" Alex looked at Keres as she quickly nodded her massive head.

He was surprised she could understand him so well, deathclaws were always portrayed as big dumb murder machines. Yet Keres was quite smart, probably smarter then Cass and Ava…combined. It was intriguing.

Perhaps it was because of his perk and her companion status? Future thoughts for future Alex!

Hitting the button on the old stealth boy mark 1, an old heavy brick like stealth boy in a canvas wrap with wires jutting out. Far inferior from the mark 2 that Robco sent out before the Great War, but far more abundant then their superior counterparts.

Almost every gunner had one, didn't help them any. Hopefully Alex could do much better, otherwise his plan would fail.

Letting out a small whizzing sound, the stealth boy kicked to life as it began to bend the light around Alex, making him almost disappear.

For alex it was a weird experience, like slowly lowering oneself into a bathtub full of molasses. Looking down at his own hands, only to see through them made a smile grace his lips.

"Ok, that's cool." Alex couldn't help but remark the effect the stealth boy had. I mean come on! He's damn near invisible! Who doesn't want that ability, he can see why the Nightkin were addicted to these things. Psychosis not withstanding.

Slowly walking over to Keres, Alex tried not to let out a peep as he went to poke her arm, only for her to move it and poke him with the other, causing him to fall on his ass from the ''poke''.

Keres might not be able to see him, but she can damn well still smell him.

Realizing that his prank failed, Alex got back up and dusted off the sand that stuck to him, looks weird when sand be floating around, not very stealthy at all.

"Alright girl, I'm off! Wish me luck! Remember, if you hear a gun go bang, it means plan failed successfully, so do what you do best and come down on them like the blizzard ban hammer you are." Alex walked away absolutely sure Keres had no idea half of what he just said, he was wrong..

'What's a ban hammer? Can I eat it?' Was Keres most prevalent thought.




After making his way down the large hill surrounding the correctional facility, Alex made his way towards the large rusted fence. Keeping his eyes locked on the guard towers, noticing that other then the idiots on the ground partying, the guards seemed to take their jobs seriously.

Still, even with their constant vigilance, Alex slipped through like hot chocolate through a snowman. Ignoring the fact he nearly got a razor blade to the mistake maker 3000, Alex after checking all was still there, slowly moved towards a smaller building that was calmer.

The prison in real life was much larger then the game, so trying to find the man he was looking for was going to be a challenge…unless you know what kind of person you were looking for that is.

So seeing a quite well guarded building, that the others avoided, Alex decided to start there. As Lady Luck would have it, as he peeked through a barred window, in the corner drinking a bottle of rum, was a man with a black cowboy hat and NCRCF garb.

Walking towards the front, Alex hoped that the stealth boy would hold out for what came next.

Quietly he snuck up to the door with a man sitting as a guard and knocked on it.

"Hmm? Baker? That you?" The guard heard the gentle knock, but never got a response to his question. Confused, the guard got up and opened the door, entering the building to see who knocked.

Alex took the moment to slip in behind the guard and waited until the man began to mumble about hearing shit before turning and leaving the building.

Letting out a deep breath, Alex kept crouched and walked slowly into the main room, a recreational hall of sorts for the former NCR guards it seems.

Thankfully it wasn't well lit, so Alex kept to the outside wall and began to move around everyone, as long as no one looked for the slight shiver in the dark corners, he would remain hidden.

As he made his way half way around the room he nicked a pencil and paper, hoping no one would see the magical floating items he quickly scribbled down a paragraph and folded the paper.

Making it back towards the man in the cowboy hat, Alex took a deep, quite breath and gently placed it in the man's coat pocket. Tapping said pocket gently Alex backed away into the dark corner behind the man.




Feeling a tap on his hip, Meyers was brewed from his inner thoughts. "What the?" Feeling like something was in his pocket he reached in only to pull out a folded up piece of paper.

He unfolded it and began to read it.

- Dear Meyers, you don't know me, but l have a non sexual proposition for you! Get your men to leave the building so we can have a chat, you won't regret it considering it means you can see another sunrise.-

Looking up from the paper in his hand, Meyers scanned the room looking for anyone who could have placed the note in his pocket.

Not finding anyone, Meyers decided the best course of action instead and stood up.

"Quite! Seems we got us a peeping Tom amongst us, wants me to ask all you kind and caring men to leave so we can 'chat'. Well sorry peeping Tom, I trust my boys! So if you got something to say, then just come out and say it! I ain't one for this hocus pocus pageantry!" Meyers old yet smooth voice sounded out, causing all the men in the building to suddenly become cautious.

"Awe schucks, I was having fun too, guess a stealth playthrough is a no go then?" Suddenly the air rippled as a man in badass desert camo armor appeared behind the right side of Meyers.

Most men reached for their weapons only to stop as Meyers signaled them to stop.

"You got nuts of steel friend, names Meyers. Mind telling me yours, and why your here in our not so humble abode?" Meyers casually sat down and poured out two drinks, showing he had no intention of being hostile to the new comer.

Chuckling, Alex moved to sit as well. No point standing on ceremony, also Meyers asked so politely, it be rude not too.

"Alex, and to answer your question, murder and mayhem." Looking at everyone suddenly tense up at his words other then Meyers, Alex chuckled again. Clearly the old man understood Alex didn't intend to include him and his boys in said 'murder and mayhem'.

"So why talk too us? Why the trouble of sneaking in here only too out yourself? Seems mighty stupid if you ask me."

Hearing Meyers, Alex froze, yeah not his best thought out plan, but if it worked? Definitely the most badass.





'This must be the building?'

Crouching outside of a two story building on the east side of the prison, Alex, fully alert and invisible, made his way inside of an open window.

After he and Meyers began to talk, both men came too an understanding about one another. After hashing out the plan he had cobbled together, Meyers agreed under the condition that he and his boys would be 'free'.

An easy ask for Alex, a simple radio call to a grouchy yet doting father that he had put off for far too long. It be awkward, but Alex was sure his father would grant it.

With that out of the way, Alex now easily made his way around camp. Apparently half of the facility already belonged to Meyers and his group.

However because they refused to sack caravans, and had no real beef with the soldiers who were here against their will just as much as them, a deal was made with a piece of shit as Meyers eloquently put it, named Eddie.

Meyers and his men would keep guarding the facility while Eddie kept the rabble raiding or too stoned to disobey him.

Meyers and his guys were waiting for the NCR to storm the place, to which they would turn on Eddie and help. Bargaining for a more lenient punishment or reduced sentence.

Great plan, except for the fact that the NCR are a bunch of pricks. Also the soldiers that storm the prison definitely won't let the shit the powder gangers have done too captured women go Scott free.

A point Alex brought up that made Meyers sigh in resignation. Fully aware that he could have stepped in to stop it, but it would have gotten a lot of his loyal men killed, also he made sure his men would arrange 'accidents' for the more brutal convicts.

Especially when it came to the 'brothel' that the convicts ran. Where all the captured girls would be brought to by Eddie's men, but Meyer had his boys take it over and make sure that even though the girls ain't willing, they ain't mistreated.

It was the only kindness he could afford to them short of a small scale war with Eddie.

Alex knew it was the right move, yet still had to fight the urge to punch Meyers to vent his anger.

Yet now here he is, in the wardens building, sneaking around. Apparently the powder gangers that guard Eddie usually get high and pass out over night, Meyers usually keeps an eye on the place and tonight he made sure his men kept Eddie's guys to plastered to care what was happening.

All Alex has to do is sneak in, kill Eddie and his most loyal shit stains, then report to Meyers so the second part of their master plan can commence.

Easy pease.

Especially considering as Alex entered the building everyone was past out drunk or high.

So with out further due, Alex quickly went to each man that was laying down on dirty mattresses and pushed his trench knife either into the base of their skulls or into their eye sockets and then brain.

Making sure he covered each of their mouths to stop any sounds from waking the past out prey. Easy kills, easy Exp in Alexs eyes.

Just as Alex killed the last man and moved towards the stairs he looked back to admire his work.

The dark room illuminated only by the soft moon light coming from the open window, showing a blood red floor and 9 men who'll wake up dead, the soft moon light causing the blood to give of an ethereal glow as it pooled between the mattresses laying on the floor.


Letting out a smirk Alex turned away and slowly made his way up the stairs, upon making it to the top, revealing a hall way with empty rooms filled with various supplies and loot.

Yet it was the ajar door at the end giving of a faint yellow light that drew Alex's attention.






"Oh fuck~~~~ yeah bitch just like that! Your god damn throats a master piece!"

Sitting in his chair, Eddie had his head rolled back against the headrest as his little brunette fucktoy nearly sucked his soul out.

Kneeling between his knees in a leopard print sexy night gown, her head bobbing up and down at a rapid pace. A collar and chain attached to the middle of the floor could be seen, showing that the girl wasn't willing to be here, and wasn't trusted by Eddie either.

Keeping his hands on her head he forced his dick as far as it would go before unloading in her greedy mouth.

After a few spasms he pushed her back as two men could be heard laughing.

"Damn boss, think you nearly choked her to death this time! Hahaha!" A large burly man laughed at the scene of the young girl crying and coughing as Eddie stood up from his chair.

"Daddy's little girl ain't so loud and arrogant now is she!" Walking over Eddie place his foot on her throat, yet the girl just looked up at him with a dead look in her eyes.

She knew he wouldn't kill her, he enjoyed making her suffer too much.

"Go back to your corner bitch!" Eddie pointed to a corner with a small mattress and bucket, a dog bowl with wet dog food beside the bucket.

The girl got up to do as she was told only for a pain that nearly made her pass out to assault her head as Eddie punched her in the back of her skull causing her to fall down.

"Never seen a dog walk on two legs! Have you bitch? Crawl!" A vicious smile formed on Eddie's face as he stroked himself watching her on all fours crawl back to the mattress.

"Well Damn, there you go teasing me again, maybe another hour of fucking you couldn't hurt…" suddenly Eddie was on the girl pushing her head onto the floor, spiting on her ass Eddie lined himself up with her puckered hole and inserted his tip, feeling her wrap around it he let out a moan. But before he thrust the rest of his dick in her and take her ass for a third time today…





Looking up to the lit room through the door that was ajar, Alex saw a man that matched Eddie's description about to force himself on a bruised and battered young girl.

Without even a second delay he kicked the door open causing it to shatter from the impact of his heavy metal boot.

Stepping in the room, two quick flashes of blue light and suddenly two sharp machetes appeared in his hands.

Before anyone could react, Alex did the world's deadliest T-pose, the tall burly man on his left took the machete half way through his throat, only stopping do to hitting his vertebrae.

Blood began to quickly gush out as the tall man tried to pry the cold blade from his neck, only to fail do to it being firmly lodged in the bone. As he fell so did the shorter man too Alex's right.

The man was shorter, therefore the machete landed above his cheekbones and below his eyebrows, firmly slicing through his orbital sockets and burying itself in his pea sized brain.

Both men slumped to the ground, Eddie looked on in shock before immediately pulling out of the girl and turning to grab his .44 on the desk.

Yet all he heard was a muffled pfff sound as horrible pain assaulted his ankle, looking down Eddie saw his ankle had been completely destroyed by something…

Something he soon realized as his drug addled and confused brain witnessed in slow motion as his other ankle suddenly exploded, sending bits of bone,meat,blood and tendon splattering across the dirty floor.

"Aaaargggghhhh" yelling in pain, Eddie collapsed onto the floor and turned to look at the bastard who dared to cripple him. Yet what he saw would terrify him for the rest of his miserable life, short as it may be.

Alex never noticed his eyes glowing a deathly cold and pale blue, almost like no one was home in his mind, yet in his mind it was different…




—Congratulations! Welcome to Vault-Tecs patented Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or V.A.T's!

Thank you for your continued help field testing the PiP-boy Evo, do to your continued support the Federal AI code WINTER, has granted you access to this revolutionary new feature!

This feature enhances the brains ability towards combat situations, causing the brain to overclock and release vast amounts of adrenaline and serotonin! This allows for the brain to 'slow down' a dire situation, as the Evo fires up your nervous system, allowing for extremely quick, near instantaneous responses! Neat!

//WARNING!!! Constant use of V.A.T's (tm), can lead to severe brain hemorrhaging, complete nerve destruction, vast internal bleeding, vast external bleeding, blindness, broken bones, torn muscles, coma, death and various hazardous diseases!!! Use sparingly, and report to a physician if any side effects appear!//

This has been a friendly message from the folks at Vault-Tec (tm), A better future, TODAY!—




Looking at the notification in front of him, Alex was stunned, the moment Eddie went for his gun, time nearly stopped, or more like came to a crawl.

Eddie moved so slow, Alex pulled his silenced 10mm and was again shocked at how fast he had become, like a cazador on super crack!

V.A.T's was definitely a busted mechanic! Yet the moment time 'resumed' Alex felt a massive rush of pain throughout his body. Like molten Magma coursing through every tissue fiber and blood cell in his being.

The warning wasn't kidding! He only activated it for a few seconds and the backlash was excruciating.

Of course unknown to Alex, V.A.T's was intended to be used by super soldiers enhanced with FEV. So the backlash was worse for him.

It was definitely a use or die type of ability that Alex wouldn't rely on unless he absolutely had too. That pain was no joke…

Yet looking down on the now crying Eddie as he tried to crawl to his desk, Alex shook the thoughts off and ignored his body's blaring pain.


The sound of the heavy metal boots of the recon armor sounded out as Alex slowly walked over towards Eddie, a dangerous glint in his eyes as his hand shot out towards Eddie's jacket collar.

Dragging the now wailing and sobbing Eddie over to his chair, Alex sat him in it before looking around the room for something to tie the piece of shit up with.

Noticing the chain crudely bolted to the floor, Alex punched Eddie in the back of the head sending him off to dream land before he walked over and ripped the chain out of the loop in the floor.

Quickly looking over to the other end of the chain, Alex got a much better look of the young girl.

About 5,4 with long brunette hair, she was curled up in the corner trembling and gently sobbing. The two sizes too small night gown barely covered anything on her pale body, clearly showing the torturous abuse she suffered in this room all alone. All those bruises and scars on her delicate body only added fuel towards Alex's burning rage.

Gently walking over, Alex kneeled before the terrified girl and reached out slowly, causing her to flinch and try to move back further. Yet she was already pressed into the corner as far as she could go.

"I'm going to need to borrow this for a bit, don't worry, I don't plan on giving it back. In fact, I think you're going to like what I plan to do with it."

Gently reaching up, Alex grabbed the flimsy lock that attached the chain to the collar and crushed it. The collar fell off revealing the rubbed raw skin underneath, showing that it was far too tight and uncomfortable. Made to make her suffer more, truly monotonous behavior for even the worst of man.

"There we go! Better?" Alex pulled out a bottle of purified water and some well preserved fancy lad snack cakes and placed them near the girl.

"I'll be back over in a moment so don't wander off on me, okay?" Getting up, Alex subconsciously reached out and gently rubbed the top of the girls head and ran his hand down and through her hair before turning back towards Eddie with the chain in hand.

Unaware of the gentle tears that slid down the girls cheeks at Alex's act of kindness, she looked up at the broad shoulders of the man as he walked towards the monster that killed her Pa and forced her to be his plaything.

She watched as the man quickly used the chain to tightly secure the bastard to his chair before walking over to the desk.

Suddenly, multiple blue lights flashed and items began to appear in the man's hands who quickly placed them on her fathers, the wardens old desk.

A hammer, Ripper, knife, small pipe, blow torch and a few chems.

Suddenly the man pulled a radio out and flicked a switch causing it to crackle to life.

"Meyers, slight delay in plans. Think you could delay for 30 minutes?" The man waited for a reply, the girl was confused, a delay for what?

Suddenly an older voice came through on the small radio' "yeah no problem young man, their an issue?" Meyers asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

"You know of a young brunette girl, about 5'4 with hazel eyes and a small beauty mark under her left eye?" Waiting for a response, the man looked back making the girl look down timidly.

"Shit don't I, Asia Maddigan. The old wardens kid, after Cookes little break out he ordered all the hostages released before he hauled ass out of here. Apparently she was here visiting her old man when it all went down, nice kid! Stubborn like her old man. Knew the stern bastard most my life before I was sentenced. He's the reason I got sent here, said I didn't deserve to rot in a hole for dispensing real justice."

The radio cut back out, Alex kept looking at the young girl before walking back over to her and kneeling down again, handing the radio out towards her.

With shaking hands, Asia reached for the radio while getting the courage to look up at the man, stopping suddenly lost in his deep green eyes that didn't look at her with lust or pity.

No those eyes showed nothing but kindness and respect towards her, they promised that the world would burn before she would be hurt again, and just like that tears started to stream down her face as she flicked on the radio.

"Uncle Meyers…"

"MOTHERFUCKER!!! I'll be there shortly!!" A very angry voice sounded out of the radio before it died out.

Minutes later a man burst into the room and ran over towards Eddie with a knife in hand, Alex quick on his feet intercepted the pissed off Meyers.

"Get the fuck out of my way kid! This piece of shits gonna die!" Meyers was furious, if he had known he would have killed Eddie long ago, Cooke made sure all the hostages were released.

Seemed Eddie kept one secretly behind the man's back, and later Meyers.

"He will die Meyers, believe you me he will, gruesomely too! But right now you need to go comfort the girl."

At hearing Alexs words, Meyers looked around frantically till his eyes landed on Asia.

Quickly he rushed over and she hugged into him and began too sob, Meyers began to gently hush the girl and caress her back.

After both had calmed down Alex looked at the unconscious Eddie, quickly he pulled out a shot of Psycho and shot it into Eddie's arm, making the man jolt awake reared too go.

"Welcome back too the land of the living Eddie, although it won't be long, and sure as shit won't be pleasant." A grim smile spread across Alexs face as he picked up the pipe and blow torch.

Turning on the blow torch, Alex began to heat the pipe, however he suddenly stopped, handing it to Meyers.

"Keep that flame on the pipe, want it red hot for the grand finale." After Meyers took the items Alex turned and stripped the large dead burly man naked, taking of his shit and piss covered underwear.

Taking the soiled underwear, Alex walked back over to Eddie who suddenly went pale at a realization.

"Please I'm beggi—-grrruugmmmph" Eddie never got to finish as Alex shoved the soiled underwear into Eddie's mouth, duct tape appeared in his hands as he taped Eddie's mouth, stopping him from spitting out the impromptu gag.

Picking up the hammer and Ripper, Alex turned too ask Asia if she wanted to leave for what was about to happen would scar even the bravest men.

Yet to Alex's surprise, Asia was now holding the blow torch and pipe, a venomous look in her eyes and for the first time in months, a smile on her pretty face.

"I'll be down stairs, can't watch this as much as the bastard deserves it, pardon me." Surprisingly it was Meyers who left.

Meyers left the room, leaving Alex and Asia standing in front of the bound and gagged Eddie, Asia's cute voice was the first one to speak out.

"Can't wait to show you were I'm going to put this you fucking cock sucker!" Asia kept the blow torch on the now red hot pipe in her hand.

Looking over Alex felt a sudden thump in his chest seeing her standing there…

'The fuck was that?!?!'






(Author's thoughts)

Well then, yeah I don't condone any of the acts in this story, it's a complete work of fiction based on fictitious characters!

So don't over react, other then that it was pretty brutal and took me awhile to write it do to my mentality not wanting to write certain stuff, but it was needed to further the story and explain a new character that will have a major role from here on.

Also, I'm putting my original on hold for a couple weeks, so that means the time I usually spend writing that, I'll be using to writing more for this story!

Speaking of the original… a friend asked me if I could post a few chapters to show people why I don't update the current stories more, of course I said no!

My plan is to get so far ahead in the new book that I can release everyday without worry, and yes it will be completely free! I will never lock my work behind a paywall, enough authors do that already, severely limiting their fan bases and leaving quite a few readers unable to finish the book.

You guys deserve a break from that shit in my opinion.

I get it if this is a full time job, but still. Not everyone's got hundreds of dollars laying around to unlock all the available chapters, and then privileged chapters after that.

So yeah, never going to accept dividing my fans, I have a job and it pays the bills, while writing soothes my soul!

So enjoy!
