Picos secrets

"Right yeah so...about last month at school, when I did what I did...I wanted to apologize and Felt bad about my actions but you never showed up since then" She spoke in a nervous, humble tone like a lost child looking for their mom...

Javi couldn't care about what she has to say, he simply remained motionless, "How about you shut the fuck up and apologize already, I don't have all day, I've got things to do and bitches to fuck" he spoke confidently with no hint of shame in his words, Felicia was taken back by the new javi...a more arrogant and confident one, his ego was through the roof right now, she knew javi was rich but never behaved like this, He was becoming a bad boy in perspective, she eagerly seeked javi's attention now, Back than she criticized Javi and falsely accused him of acts of violence because of a rumor about his connection to the most violent gang in the city, oddly enough non of the teachers or principles acknowledged this, like they didn't care or where silenced by the gangs, this could indicate threats or bribery not mention to anyone he attended Prestige high, "Boss, we gotta move" a guard spoke breaking the unintended silence between both parties, Javi and his man walked past her giving her a small wink in the process...Felicia was in a daze, she couldn't think properly for a second, her mother very much knew about Javi and his situation, that's why she advised Felicia to befriend Javi and milk information out of him, but Felicia didn't like that idea as of yet, on the other hand she didn't want to be involved with someone who is closely connected to criminals....Leaving the mall Javi entered the car with one of his guards packing the shopping bags in the trunk, pulling out his phone that kept ringing, he dialed a number and pressed call

Javi [Javier speaking, who's this]

Unknown [$15 million...we know who killed your uncle, and we can get the person]

Javi [....Meet me at my penthouse at the Olympus club, Midnight...bring no one else]

Unknown [Ohk, done...]


Hearing this agitated Javi as he would sometimes remember the days when he and his uncle actually had a fun time before he found out he was a criminal...with an angered face visible he scoffed and the cars toke off...

Back in Colombia Rodrigo sat in a luxurious room in a large jacuzzi with Pico and a bunch of other men, "Rodrigo, tell me something...how is the new boss like, Javier" Pico spoke as he held a bottle of champagne, Rodrigo chuckled "He's a kid, very young but a serious, mature and 'take no shit' one, at his position he doesn't understand the amount of work that awaits him" pouring a full glass of champagne he toke a massive gulp and burped, "What you mean by that, isn't he already working his ass of managing the cartel" Pico questioned, "No...he said work can wait and for now he just wants to settle in and spend some fuckin money...but eventually I will have to make him work you know" Rodrigo replied seemingly drunk, suddenly a guard rushed in the room and whispered in Picos ear...it didn't seem like good news as Picos face was visibly agitated and distressed...He whispered something back and stepped out of the hot, "Where the fuck are you going" Rodrigo asked interested in picos hasty movements as he wiped himself with a white cloth,

"Just taking care of something important, don't worry" he simply spoke leaving the massive sauna, Pico entered the main living room where he could spot a Hispanic looking lady that wore a white button shirt, black skirt, a grey oversized coat with black high heels..she held a smile file by her hips, she looked like a typical secretary but that wasn't the case here, "Pico...I see you have been ignoring my calls lately" She said,

Pico ignored her and poured a glass of vodka, taking a soft sip he sat comfortably on a luxurious chair and relaxed his legs on the small wooden table, "What the fuck do you want here moncada" he said non caringly

"You are well aware about being behind on taxes, you are 3 months short of payments and owe us $5 million on top of that...are we having problems" Moncada questioned seemingly invested in the situation..."Rodrigo is here...He will be monitoring the problems down here for awhile, rendering it impossible to send Javis money towards you without drawing suspicion, I can't pay you anymore as of yet" Pico said eating a grape...

"Javi...I've never heard of this person...what do you mean by his money" Moncada inquired

"Javi...the new boss, Omar is dead...it might seem like he's just a kid, young niave but kid isn't messing around"

"A kid...Your telling me that a child toke over the cartel and your not exploiting that...somehow you're afraid" Moncada was somehow baffled at the situation, clearly underestimating Javier...

Rodrigo intending to evasive drop on the conversion upon hearing Javier name being mentioned, "Pico, is there something of interest that I should know off...who's this" Rodrigo asked inspecting Moncada

"It's...my personal assistant, she's here on business terms"

"Come on Pico...Javier made it fuckin clear no one is to enter this place until he arrives...you bringing in people I don't know without telling me is concerning, Come on man...(Whispers) what if she's an informant for the other pendagos" Rodrigo was quite vigilant, ensuring everything goes as planned with Javier coming to Colombia with his safety guaranteed

"Relax Rodrigo...she with us I trust her"

"I don't fuckin care man...come on get her the fuck out of here, your pissing me off right now" Rodrigo said frustrated, intentionally eyeing the women that's supposedly a personal assistant...she said nothing and slowly walked out pausing by the door "We'll speak further soon" she simply said without looking back....
