Nyx's poV

I hissed as the silver laced whip camedown against my back. Ifelt my skin slash openwith a new wound as the whip came down againleaving an injury worse than the last."Should we do twenty two?" His laugh wassinister as always, ""Or twenty two multiplied bytwo?" He brought the whip down again and thistime I yelled in pain as I couldn't keep it in anylonger.The tears I had been fighting to hold back rolleddown my eyes and they stung harshly.We are suppose to be mates! I bit back my words,why are you doing this?And I couldn't ask this either fearing for whatwould come next, we have a child together forgoodness sake! I didn't have enough courage tosay this t00."I wonder what the moon goddess was thinkingwhen she made us mates!" He gritted as he bentto where [ was hunched over on the floor.He grabbed my head and made me face him, myown pained green eyes meeting his of grey thatglinted with hate for me, "Weak mutt!" He spat."You should have just let me accept yourrejection!" I gritted and instantly regretted myaction as a harsh blow landed on my face."You dare talk back at your Alpha?!" His voicewas filled with rage, "Seems you have forgottenwhat put you in this position in the first place."He reminded me, "And why would I have letyou accept my rejection?"" His question wassomewhat rhetorical, "I want you to feel everypain anytime I have sex with another person.""I am sorry." I muttered weakly as I rememberedwhat had put me in this state.He had asked earlier this morning to prepare anomelette and I had refused stating that I wasn'this maid and he had gotten angry as usual andvowed to punish me.So, here I was observing my punishment, I hadnever had it this bad and I wondered what therest of the day had In store for me and what mylife had in store for me."You know I would have been nicer if youweren't some ugly, weak, cursed bitch!" Hegrabbed a hold of my hair and pulled my headback with so much force I felt the strain in myscalp, "And that stupid wretched father of yours,you know why he gambled you away at such ayoung age?""I kept mute as his horrid words cut through melike an actual knife."It's because you are nothing! A waste! Useless!A curse! You are worthless and I am hell bent ongiving you so much pain to remind you of howmuch of a letdown you are! You deserve onlypain."I whimpered at his words as more tears fell frommy eyes. "And that stupid child of yours..."She's our child, I so badly wanted to tell him, whyare you this cruel?"She's a waste just like you! Cursed and useless!"He said, "And you even have the guts to say thatshe's mine?" His grip on my hair tightened, "Howdo I know the little bitch is mine? Every unmatedmale has been between those useless legs ofyours! Whore!"I cringed at his words, same words I heard eversince [ birthed her."She's yours and you know it!" I spat at him, "Iam no whore!"His grip left my hair and travelled to my necksqueezing hard restricting my airflow, my eyesbulged as I struggled to breathe."You can use that mouth of yours right?" Hegrowled at me and I felt claws coming outpiercing my skin as the grip tightened. His wolfwas out and [ felt raw fear wash over me."I will show you how to use that fucking mouthHe stood up releasing his hold and I slumpedto the floor gasping for air. I wasn't even givena moment to catch my breath. He bent swiftly,picked me up harshly and with long strides hereached the bed.He threw me on it with a growl and I howled inpain as my head met with the head board, tearsclouded my vision.I looked up at him and his shirt was gone, hishands laid on his belt unbuckling it and he hadhis usual signature smirk on his face anytime hewanted to take advantage of me.I closed my eyes as his last piece of clothingcame off and soon I felt his weight on me and Ilaid there stilling in silence as I bore it all withtears flowing down my cheeks.I WOke up to a sOft hand caressing mycheek, opening my eyes I saw Amara in frontof me, her green eyes looked sad as she peereddowm at me.She was holding her teddy 'fluffy' and her dresswas stained with mud, her face was dirty to0."Mummy..." She called, "Blood." I knew shewas talking about my wounds as I saw tearsglistening in her eyes t00.I tried to sit up and was rewarded with pain as Idid so."Where am l!"" 1 groaned tryng tO declpher mysurroundings while I looked around only todiscover that I was in the alley as expected. Healways ordered warriors to drop me here whenhe was done as I always passed out."Sorry mummy." She sniffed as she droppedfluffy and flung her arms around me notminding that the blood on me would mess upher hands and clothes.I drew her closer and hugged her back holdingtight to my daughter, the only reason for me stillbeing alive and fighting. I had to be alive to takecare of her and give her a better life."Have you eaten baby?" I asked her."No." She shook her head and looked up at me, "Iwas waiting for you...""Okay." I gently pushed her off me and stood up.I picked her up once I was on my feet and mademy way back into the pack house.'Whore!"'Slut!""Abomination!""Itried not to pay attention to the words.Ihadgotten used to them over time.They were all I heard as I passed by themembers of the pack making way to my roomor should I say cubicle. Each time I heard thesewords I was pained, hearing them over and overagain pushed me to tears but I couldn't retaliateor defend myself as I would get punished."Look at her..." I heard one of the ladies sneer,"Imagine she was our luna." Her wicked laughfollowed, "I bet she's even fake mates with theAlpha, she's such a slut, no wonder she gotrejected."Others joined her in mocking and laughing at mebut I paid no attention to them, still huggingAmara close and trying to shield her ears from hearing such derogatory words but I knew it wouldn't work, she could hear them and often times try to ask me what they meant.