CHAPTER 1 - The Encounter I


Grr.... grr...


I groaned and slammed the off button of my alarm clock, I was fustrated because I was having this wonderful dream, I saw my little me ,when I mean little, I meant the baby me being rock by a woman sitting on a chair and humming this very beautiful song,

I turned to glare at the alarm clock again 'Why would you betray me you punk', I signed and sat up on the bed.

My bad let me give you a brief description about me and some relevant things involving me.

My name is Kosarin Morgan, I have two step sisters, Phoebe and Meghan Collins, whom I've never met and I don't think they even knew about me, but from the little information I have been getting from their social media accounts, I would tell you that they are really wild, filled with freedom unlike me,

They always brag about doing whatever you wanna do, cause no one is going to question you so far it's legal now in America,

Phoebe tells how happy she is being a gay, showcasing her beautiful girlfriend,

While Meghan talks about the group she and her friends formed at school, that's gonna help you find your soulmate, so pathetic but I was marvelled though, 'cause am almost 20 but I know nothing about this.

My Dad has warned me never to make connections with them, I was sad and I had to ask "Why" so many times but he always says "you won't understand now but I'll tell you when the time is right", sometimes I'll think his tryna be cold but he'll soon Pat my hair and kiss my forehead, leaving me with mixed feelings, not knowing what to believe anymore.

"Kosarin, sweetheart are you up, you're going to be late for school"   my dad yelled from the kitchen snapping me back to reality.

"Yes Dad I'll be down in five minutes" I replied standing up and walking into the bathroom.

Few minutes later, I stand in front of a mirror checking my appearance for the day before skipping down the stairs with my school bag on my left shoulder, getting to the dinning room.

"Good morning Dad" I kissed his cheek and sat down beside him, dropping my bag on the next to me.

"Good morning baby, how was your night?" He asked

"It was peaceful and I hoped you slept well" I asked smiling at my dad like a kindergarten.

"Yes sweetie, I'd slept well" he answered standing up to get something from the kitchen counter, I was too engaged in finishing my breakfast and rushing to school to study for our upcoming exams, that I didn't notice what he was holding,

"Happy birthday cupcake" he placed the package in front of me,

"And many more years, you've grown so fast more like your Mom" I smiled, I know my Dad has restricted me from meeting with them or making connections, he has never stopped saying good things about her and I love it, 'cause that means she was responsible and the reason she left my dad was more than serious,

Looking from my features you can say I have her light blue eyes, always sparkles whenever I open my eyes,

"Thanks Dad ,let me see what you got for me" I smiled again unwrapping the gift, I saw a bracelet with different shapes with each letter of my name craved in them

"Aww thanks Daddy I love it" I replied hugging my daddy from the side my dad helped me put it on,

"I Know you were gonna like it" he said smiling

"Like it ??, I love it, whoever made this, is creative." I complimented staring down at my wrist which the beautiful bracelet was dwelling on,

"Actually,it was your mom's idea " I looked up at him quite surprised, my mom??, well I've never met but I still love her, no grudges held.

"She had that idea when you were still in her womb, she had to draw precisely this and gave it to her friend who owns a jewelry store to make that for you, saying she would give to you when you're already grown up as an encouragement on strength to do anything you believe in but I guess circumstances wouldn't let that happen,she gave it to me the day I was leaving with you so I had to give it to you today" he said bitterness present in his voice, I stood up and hugged him again breathing in his scent to stop me from crying, I really miss her, and I know my Dad does too.

"But that's not all " my father said breaking our hug,

"you'll go out without me trailing behind and have some fun" my dad said smiling,

while his face was bright his eyes was dull, yeah that wasn't he's usual smile but I shrugged, waving it off, today is the best day of my life, going out alone to have fun that was not my dad but I intend to have this 'giving some freedom dad' staring at me right now I pecked his cheek again and he raised his hand handling me an envelope which I opened immediately to have my eyes turn big that was a debit card with my name on it ,I turned to look at him

"And this I had a friend of mine opened it few days after your birth" I smiled again, wondering what he meant by a friend of his, today's conversation is kinda throwing me off balance

"Everything there contains your database and about 250 thousand dollars is in there" he added, I was so shocked that I couldn't blink, $250,000 what can a girl like me do with such huge of money, "For me? But why ? " I muttered when I figured I had my voice back.

" You're an adult now so am  making you one and also my cupcake has to feel free "he said, I didn't know I was crying until my dad reached in and wiped the lone tear dropping from my left eye.

"It's going to be fine, come on let me drive you to school before you get late" he said standing up.

"Okay Daddy," said putting my school back on left shoulder, walking out of the front door into my dad's car while he locks the door and heading straight to where I was, getting into the car,he put on his seat belt and ignited the car to drive out of the car park and straight for the road,

Our ride to my school was silent but not unpleasant because I kept staring at my wrist admiring the bracelet while my dad kept on smiling whenever he steal a glance from me finding what I was doing amusing.

When we got to school, parked outside the school

"Here you go sweetie" I glanced up noticing that I have already reached my destination I pecked my dad's cheek , climbing out

"Bye dad " I said putting on my school bag

"Bye cupcake be careful" dad said always protective,I smiled

"I will" I turned and went into the school, today's school is going to be boring because my mind was at the shopping and have fun stuff I was gonna do


After school hours, I didn't stay back to study at the library, I went home to prepare for my outing, I got home to find out my dad hasn't gotten home,it was weird but who cares because today was a free day for me and he should have fun also,

I took my bath in a swift,pit on my clothes,just a simple yellow top and a black flare skirt and a black canvas, I packed my hair in a ponytail and took my yellow I headed out to the shopping mall